Baby Names

Narrow our girl list!

I want to shrink our girl list and cannot. We have 2 boy possibilities--Nicholas (Nico) and Finnegan (Finn), mn for both is Robert. Our girl names are:

Annabelle (Annie)
Lillian (possibly Lily)

Mn would be Joan. Anyone want to rank the list? Our almost 3 year old is Cora Frances, and I'm trying to think about how they sound together as well.


BFP#1 2/10/11 EDD 10/21/11, Cora born 10/31/11

BFP #2 10/23/13 EDD 7/1/14, MC 11/18/13

BFP#3 4/14/14 EDD 12/26/14

Re: Narrow our girl list!

  • Agree completely with pp.

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  • Scarlett and Stella! Love the boy names. 
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  • Stella or Lillian, no nn, are my faves. Scarlett is ok too.



  • I like them all, but in order of preference I like Annabelle, Lillian, Scarlett, Stella

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  • My DS is Finn so I love that name but I also Nicholas/Nico.

    If we have another Annabel is on my short list for girls.  (Joan is also our girl MN.)  I like Stella second and Scarlett third.  Lillian isn't my favorite name and I know plenty of Lilys.  
  • BeevolBeevol member
    I love your boy names and I really dig Stella because it fits with Cora/Finn/Nico so well! 

    I love the name Lillian but I know 3 Lilys under the age of 3, that's only a problem if you think it's a problem though. I like Anna/Annie a lot but am less enthusiastic about Annabelle and Scarlet is a lovely name. 
  • I would drop Annabelle and Lillian. I really love Stella and Scarlett would be my second choice
    "I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass." Maya Angelou
    ~ Auntie to L: 2013 and Peanut: EDD 11/2014 ~

  • Stella or Lillian!

    I don't get the appeal of Scarlett AT ALL. It's not pretty, IMO.

  • I like Annabelle spelled Annabel best! I really love Stella as well.

    I am over Scarlett and Lillian.
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  • neverblushedneverblushed member
    edited July 2014
    I think Scarlett and Stella are pretty similar, so I would look to first cut the list down to 3 by eliminating one of these two.

    Although Stella and Cora are a little matchy, I think Stella Joan sounds better than Scarlett Joan.  Personally, I also prefer Stella to Scarlett.  

    I also think you should drop Lillian (Lily) for a few reasons.  When you wrote your list, it was the bottom name, and that's probably not an accident.  I suspect you'd rank it 4th out of the 4 if push came to shove.  Also, Lillian and Lily are approaching mega-popularity, so I would be cautious about this name.

    This leaves Annabelle and Stella -- both great names.  But I think Annabelle takes the lead for two reasons.  It's a great, underused classic with tons of awesome nn potential.  Also, it makes a better sibset with Cora.

    So, I would ultimately rank them:
    1. Annabelle
    2. Stella
    3. Lillian
    4. Scarlett 
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  • KTZ17KTZ17 member
    Idani said:

    I like both your boy names just wanted to throw that out there.

    Stella would be my favorite and I like it best with Cora.

    I would drop Lillian and Annabelle. Fine names but I don't love them with Cora and they are just a little eh to me.

    Scarlett would be my second choice.

    Exactly this!!

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  • Idani said:

    I like both your boy names just wanted to throw that out there.

    Stella would be my favorite and I like it best with Cora.

    I would drop Lillian and Annabelle. Fine names but I don't love them with Cora and they are just a little eh to me.

    Scarlett would be my second choice.

    Yes! This!
  • Nicholas and Annabelle
  • Thanks everyone!

    Nicholas nn Nico is pretty much our first choice for a boy (I love Finnegan nn Finn, but my H just thinks it's ok).

    Lillian is my last choice, as a pp guessed, but it's my husband's favorite on the list and coincidentally his grandmother's name. Joan is also a grandma name, and Robert is a grandfather. I like middles for honoring and firsts for us to choose something we like. I'm personally rooting for Stella or Annabelle, so I'm thinking we might take off Scarlett. This definitely helped! :)

    I also LOVE Mabel and Olive, but of course he vetoed those right away!


    BFP#1 2/10/11 EDD 10/21/11, Cora born 10/31/11

    BFP #2 10/23/13 EDD 7/1/14, MC 11/18/13

    BFP#3 4/14/14 EDD 12/26/14

  • Scarlett- love this, and it sounds good with your DD name
    Stella- ^^^ same
    Annabelle (Annie)- not a fan
    Lillian (possibly Lily)- ^^^ same

    I like Scarlett the best!
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  • WymasaWymasa member
    Stella and Scarlett are my faves as well. I can see why some don't like scarlett, logically, just from 'scar' but overall it just sounds feminine and pretty. Can't go wrong with either, imo.
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  • Stella and Lillian. (Stella is the winner for me) Too me Annabelle is a bit clunky and I just don't like Scarlett very much, sorry. Good luck in your decision!
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  • M3L333M3L333 member
    I like all except for Stella.
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