High-Risk Pregnancy

Nosebleeds a side effect of Lovenox?

I woke up this morning and had a terrible nosebleed for like 10-15 minutes. And it was a lot of blood. I'm 33 and a half weeks pregnant and they just changed my Lovenox dose from 40mg twice a day to 100 mg twice a day because they found a small clot in my left leg. I developed one with my first pregnancy two years ago as well and that's when they started me on Lovenox. Then it went away. This past February they put me back on Lovenox just to be safe during this pregnancy. But that was 40mg....now I'm on 100mg ever since almost two weeks ago when they found he new clot. I've never had nosebleeds like this. It was a lot of blood and went on for a while. I didn't know if its a side effect of the meds....the new dose, or should I be concerned? Anyone else have this issue while on Lovenox?

Re: Nosebleeds a side effect of Lovenox?

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    My OB told me it is a side effect. I have only had one and it wasn't too severe. I am on 40mg once a day.
    Mommy to Hudson Michael-due 1/25/12-born 11/6/11 image.
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    Me too.....only one so far but it was pretty bad. I didn't think it was ever gunna stop. Luckily my husband is an EMT and showed me how to stop it quickly. I'm taking 100mg of Lovenox twice a day.... Its only recently been that high of a dose. They had to raise it because I'm 34 weeks pregnant and they found a small blood clot in my left leg a few weeks ago. I was already on 40mg twice a day and still developed a small clot so they had to raise my dose. I never had nosebleeds really.....except small ones as a kid. So its gotta be the meds! I just didn't see it as a side effect on the print out that came with my script.
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    It very well could be a side effect of the extra dosage, if the bleeding was too much, you really have to talk to your medical advisor about it. I am on innohep but never been through such a thing.
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