High-Risk Pregnancy

17p mamas

My water broke with ds1 at 35 weeks. I was on 17p with ds2 and he was born at 39 weeks. Has anyone decided not to do 17 p the third time? If so, why?

I guess it worked for me, but my gut tells me that I wouldn't have delivered early with ds2 anyways. I'm going to talk to my mfm about it. Just curious of personal experiences.
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Re: 17p mamas

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    Wally3Wally3 member
    I have only had 2 and not planning a 3rd. Had p17 with my 2nd. I would do p17 again if I had a 3rd. I had tons of contractions with my 2nd and was in the hospital 3 times. I credit the nurse who was giving me my p17 shot with detecting my contractions and sending me to the hospital to have them stopped. I felt the p17 helped
    My 2nd be a full term baby.


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