High-Risk Pregnancy

Cystic hygroma success story

My wife gave birth on July 2, 2014 at 35weeks 1day to a perfectly healthy baby boy. It was a long journey getting to that day and we swore early on if everything turned out ok with our baby we would share our story for others to draw hope just like we did when we were going through the unthinkable.

My wife and I found ourselves in the ER for heavy bleeding around 8 weeks pregnant (2 days before Christmas). U/S confirmed the baby was fine but they were unsure of the cause of the bleed. 1 week later (2 days before New Years) we had the same thing happen but worse and assumed the worse. This time the ER doc said baby was fine but my wife had a large sub chorionic hemerage (sch) that is fairly common and should resolve on its own. Released we were told to have regular follow ups at our OB office. At 10 weeks my wife was told that the sch was smaller however there was a bigger problem. Our baby had a NT measurement of 4.9 mm which they said was a cystic hygroma and we had a 60% chance of a major chromasonal abnormality, a 30% chance of a heat defect, and a 10% chance of a health baby with no issues. Devastated we scheduled a CVS test and filled the time waiting for the results by researching statistics and reading success stories.

We went to a fetal specialists for the CVS the next week who confirmed the finding but measured the hygroma at 3.7 mm. We cried with releaf when we got normal results back on the CVS but still had other potential defects to worry about. Amazingly at our 12 week U/S during our actually scheduled NT scan the hygroma was totall resolved and the NT was measuring 1.7mm which is well within the normal range. Doctor said it was likely a delay in the lymphatic system and if we weren't being seen for the sch we would never have know about the hygroma.

We saw the fetal specialists every 4 weeks from 11 weeks to 34 weeks with all perfect development. Our son was born at 35 weeks with absolutely no complications and is doing great. Please understand that we know we are blessed and that most cases are not like ours however if you find yourself in the same situation know that there is hope and others have been where you are and come out of it with a healthy miracle.
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