June 2014 Moms

Reglan for breastfeeding?

I was a July mom but became a June mom instead. I feel I am
Not making enough milk. I am never engorged and don't feel full ever. I talked to my OB about it today and he prescribed Reglan. Does anyone have any experience with it? Thanks in advance!!!
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Re: Reglan for breastfeeding?

  • Hi! Welcome to the most awesome-est BMB ever.

    I would personally try other options before Reglan. It has some nasty side effects including depression and anxiety.

    I had success on Fenugreek supplements. Downside is that you smell like delicious maple syrup though. I also ate oatmeal (real oats) with flax seed in the mornings and made lactation cookies with brewer's yeast.

    Thanks for the response! Where can I buy fenugreek?
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  • MNOpeaMNOpea member
    I agree that the way your breasts feel doesn't really indicate how much milk you're making. I would go to a lactation consultant and do some weighed feedings before taking any medication. Does baby appear to not be getting enough?
  • I thought my supply was low and DH brought up reglan (he is a doc) but then looked at the side effects and we decided to up the pumping after feedings to increase supply instead. I have the baby blues pretty bad and I think he was afraid I would go full blown ppd if we started the medication. Good news though, supply appears to have increased a bit so that is good.
  • Thank you everyone! DS pediatrician is a little concerned because he hasn't gained any weight in the last week.
    I just remember with DD that I would get engorged and my breasts would get hard when it was getting close to me having to pump. I EP with her and now I'm trying the EBF with DS.
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  • @j&m0610 I bought it at Sprouts health food store. I'd check there if you have it, or Whole Foods or vitamin shops!

  • jlripljlripl member
    GNC sells fenugreek too. My lactation consultant said 3 pills 3 times a day. I take it with food because if not it upsets my stomach. If you're diabetic you should check with your Dr first. She also said pump every two hours. I'm EP though. LO won't latch.
  • Oh wow! Thank you @AmyG*‌ !

    DS is 12 days old now. He was born on 6/27 at 8lbs 2 oz and on 6/30 we had his first pedi appt and he was 7lb 3oz. We just went back for a weigh in yesterday and he is still 7lb 3oz. I know it took a few days for my milk to come in but I have been EBF since birth. The pedi is not worried yet and we have another appt next week to see if he has gained anything. If he hasn't gained anything she mention she may want me to supplement with some formula just to get his weight up. One thing that the pedi and now I think is there may have been a mistake with the birth weight. We are not sure but it is a possibility. I had an emergency csection so there was a lot going on in a short amount of time.
    I'm thinking I want to try fenugreek. I went to the gnc website and there are 3 different kinds of pills. Which one should I be taking?
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  • @AmyG*‌ Definitely hear sucking and swallowing when feeding. He feds about every 3 hours and is on both breast at least 20min each. Seems like he is getting enough and doesn't show any hunger signs when he is done feeding. Diaper changes are good...pooping and peeing like a champ!
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  • Domperidone is safer. You can order it from Canada.
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