Cloth Diapering

NCDR: hankies

In my quest to rid our house of most single use disposable items I was looking into getting some handkerchiefs to cut down on tissue usage.  I came across the Hanky Book.  It seems like a good idea b/c you would have a clean surface for every use, it keeps things contained, and is more discreet on the go.  But there is not many reviews or opinions online about the product.  Does anyone here have one?  Or even seen one?  Let me know what you think?

Re: NCDR: hankies

  • I have never seen or heard of the hanky book. I just google it and it has to be one of the weirdest inventions I've seen in a while!

    We do hankies at home. I serged some 100% cotton sheets into 8x8 squares. (A nice old set that got a whole ripped in them.) I have more material I should really make some more!

    I also made 2 bins for them one for clean and the other for dirties. I don't like them anymore because I didn't do a great job / they don't match our decor anymore. So I've just had a pile of clean and put dirties in the various wetbags around (kitchen, nursery, bathroom).
  • I have never used one of these, but I'd be afraid it would be hard to wipe with since it seems like it might be bulky. Do you have any free time? It might be worth it to download the book on their website to try one for free.

    Another alternative is to just use the cloth wipes you most likely already have. This is what I do since now that LO is older I find myself using less wipes for diaper changes. Or talk to an older relative. I know my dad has tons of hankys. I have a bunch I was gifted by my grandmas also. They might have some sitting around not being used to give you.
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  • mrshudson618mrshudson618 member
    edited July 2014
    I use bandanas as hankies, but usually only when LO or I have a cold or during allergy season. I like the idea of getting smaller ones though, so they are single use before being washed. That sounds a lot less gross than the big hankies sitting around to be reused. 

    The hankybooks seem kinda silly, but I can see where it could be better to keep in a pocket while out than a traditional hanky.
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  • I use bandanas as hankies, but usually only when LO or I have a cold or during allergy season. I like the idea of getting smaller ones though, so they are single use before being washed. That sounds a lot less gross than the big hankies sitting around to be reused. 

    The hankybooks seem kinda silly, but I can see where it could be better to keep in a pocket while out than a traditional hanky.
    My grandmother always kept hers in the stretchy wristband on her watch or tucked in the top edge of her elastic pants waistband. No pockets necessary! ;)


  • Robi1Robi1 member
    I just use handkerchiefs or bandannas. You can fold them so that they're good for multiple uses (I do this if a have a very runny nose and I'm wiping all the time) but just for general nose-wiping situations, I just use one once or twice and toss it in the wash. I don't find it gross at all, in fact I've been doing that since long before I started doing mama cloth/cloth diapers/family cloth. I just use cloth wipes/washcloths for LO usually, but will use my handkerchiefs on her if they're nearby. 
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