Cloth Diapering

part-time cloth diapering?

Hello! Pretty new to the Bump. Not pregnant yet, but I'm a planner by nature, so I'm always thinking and researching.  : )   So- question for you ladies. I've always wanted to use cloth diapers, but I know I will have to go back to work after 3 months leave.  Any thoughts on part-time cloth diapering- as in disposables at daycare and cloth at home? I'm not sure of the time commitment with cloth (cleaning, etc)- am I just setting myself up for frustration in terms of fitting in a lot of extra laundry along with full time working? Worth the extra work regardless (for the $$ savings, environmental savings, etc.)?  Any thoughts you guys have would be appreciated!

Re: part-time cloth diapering?

  • TJ1979TJ1979 member
    We both work full time and still did cloth diapers for DC. It's 3 loads of laundry per week, it's really nbd.
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  • Cloth diapering does not have to be an all or nothing thing.  

    One thing to consider is that CDs should be washed EOD (every other day) or every 3 days at the most.  If you are using a small amount of diapers then you won't have very many in the wash load.  If you are going to be doing diaper laundry you might as well have a full load.  And I am not sure how doing disposables at daycare is saving you any "extra work" anyway.  Once you get started and realize how easy it is you will probably want to do it full time anyway.
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  • I was thinking more that daycare wouldn't accomodate cloth diapers, so would it be worth it to cloth diaper just at home. If they do accomodate it then I'm all about doing it full time!
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  • TJ1979TJ1979 member
    I don't know where you live, but more and more DC's are accepting cloth. Even if they haven't used it before, many of them are willing to give it a shot. Bring an AIO or a pocket along to show them how easy it is.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
    IUI#1 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP, m/c
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    beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
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    Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
    Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!
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  • edited July 2014
    We both work full time and full time CDing is nbd.
    We are terrible at regular laundry but have no issues staying on top of diaper laundry. Just run your diaper wash in the evening and dry them so they are ready in the morning. It really does become part of your routine.

    .Edited for spelling.
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  • I use sposied at daycare and cloth as soon as we get home and at night. We use cloth full time on the weekends. I still save a ton of money. My daycare that I just switched to accepts cloth so as soon as I get more diapers she'll be in cloth full time! Good luck! You can do it

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  • I've got two in cloth at daycare.

    I technically use some disposables for my older daughter.  She uses one during her naps, but that was just a solution for leaks.  

    Ask all the daycare providers if they are willing to cloth diaper.  And bring in an example to show them.  A lot of them are scared of the prefold, pins, and rubber pants.  If you show them pockets and all-in-ones they usually warm to the possibility.

    And yes, you can do it part-time, but it might be more of a hassle to clean only a handful of diapers every 3 days.  And you really don't want to wait longer than that.
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