
Nighttime bedwetting regression?

For about a month, my 3.5 year-old was doing well with overnights.  We would wake him up when we went to bed to go potty, and for the most part he'd be dry in the morning (just an occasional accident).  But for the past week he is waking up soaked every morning, if not during the night (sometimes even twice during the night).  He has had a cold but no other symptoms that I can tell.  Leaning toward thinking this is just a regression and time to go back to the pull-ups for a while, but hoping I'm not missing something.  Thoughts?

Re: Nighttime bedwetting regression?

  • Does he poop on a regular basis? DS1 has struggled with this since he was 3. If he's constipated it makes him have bladder spasms and he pees the bed a lot.
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  • MeesheMeeshe member
    edited July 2014
    No problems there @ILoveBoys
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  • MeesheMeeshe member
    LOL that you thought a month meant you were in the clear and it wouldn't happen again. 

    I didn't think it would never happen, I didn't necessarily expect it to happen every night, multiple times a night. 
  • DD had this happen recently after being dry for 3 or 4 months. Posters here let me know that they go through growth spurts still, sometimes the bladder doesn't keep up. Sure enough, it only happened a few times one week, and now she is waking dry again. I would hold out a little and see if it improves quickly. Good luck!
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  • rin89rin89 member
    Regression is a completely normal part of development. You'll probably notice it happening in other areas too. Childhood development isn't a smooth line nor is it distinct steps. It's an ebb and flow of cognitive and physiological growth.

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