Hey ladies! How's it going? Last we heard...
@nilwethien and
@CharSamm -- possible induction today/tomorrow?
@jen02339 - how did the NST go yesterday?
If we don't hear from you, FX you're having your baby! : ) : )
If I missed anyone, please comment with your info!
1) How many days overdue are you?
2) Symptoms/How are you feeling?
3) Appointments?
Re: Overdue check-in 7/8!!
They decided at my regular prenatal appt to go ahead and schedule an induction for tomorrow if I haven't gone by then. Feeling good today, so it looks like tomorrow will be the day! I just can't wait to meet my lil man!
I forgot, my NST is actually today at 11 EST. I hope he looks good, I can still have another week before induction.