Health & Exercise

Prenatal Vitamins

Please recommend your Prenatal Vitamin! Thanks!

Re: Prenatal Vitamins

  • I liked the CVS gummies. They never made me nauseous.

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    TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
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  • I liked the CVS gummies. They never made me nauseous.
    Same! I was using VitaFusion gummies which are very similar, but then CVS ran a BOGO so I switched!
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  • CVS gummies are yummy and no problem from my finicky stomach. Only iron. Make sure you're still getting that--either by supplement or food intake. There is another brand I was using from Target (not gummies) called Rainbow Light. They were not gross, they were not constipating, and even had a probiotic in them. They made me sick a few times if I didn't at least have some food on my stomach though.
    Married since *7/13/2012* to my soulmate!

    Surprise! BFP 3/7/2013, Missed MC, D&C @ 7w5d
    BFP 12/10/2013, Natural MC @ 5w1d

    BFP 2/15/2014...Katia Elizabeth is due 10/23/2014!
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  • Back when I was pregnant/breastfeeding I used Women's One-A-Day
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