June 2014 Moms

The debut of Miss Aria @lindsleigh77

Hi bumpies!

Things have been crazy but awesome, been home just about 24 hours. Enjoying so many baby snuggles.

Aria Jill Romy made her debut on July 4th at 7:05 pm. 7lbs 3oz and 20.5" long.

Her two middle names are to honor both her lovely grandmas my late mother Jill and mother in law Rosemary, Romy is her nickname.

Anyways here goes...
Went in Friday for my scheduled induction at 10am.
Went through triage and already at 3-4 cm so it was planned to break my water. Getting all admitted and settled in the room took awhile. Water broken at 1:30 pm and walk the halls. From there it steadily ramped up to really painful contractions. By about 4pm I was already at 6cm. With my son who is 4 years old I got an epidural and ended up being so numb I needed a forcep delivery after pushing for over an hour...... It was awful and I was really scared of having that happen again. This time at 6cm I decided to try the gas to help with the contractions and focus my breathing. Shortly after that I got in the shower and laboured in there for about 45 mins or so. It intensified things a lot! When I got out at about 6pm I was in a lot of pain and was checked and at 8cm. This is when I started to regret not getting the epi, it was going so fast at this point. I went from 8 to 10 cm in less than an hour. I had some fentanyl which did next to nothing for my pain. Next thing I know I just needed to push, did a couple laying down then got into a squat position using the bar and pushed her out in 11 minutes total. It was nuts! I'm pretty sure I was a total madwoman hahahha. In the end it went great and it was all 100% worth it to get to meet my little treasure.

Here she is. I'm completely in love

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Re: The debut of Miss Aria @lindsleigh77

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