June 2014 Moms

**Overdue Check-in** 7/5

Hi all --- Mease8 just had her LO!! She was posting the check-ins, thought I'd jump in to see who all still has an inside baby.

1) How many days overdue are you?
2) Symptoms/How are you feeling?
3) Appointments?
4) Doing anything to induce labor?
5) GTKY: Favorite summer treat

Re: **Overdue Check-in** 7/5

  • lest12lest12 member
    @jclester614‌ - come on baby!


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  • @CharSamm‌ --- FX for you! Glad you're holding up ok, and hope LO decides to come before induction this week!
  • Haven't posted in a while, but here it goes...

    1) How many days overdue are you? 7
    2) Symptoms/How are you feeling? Tired, sore, frustrated... Also my Inlaws have been here for a week, waiting for a baby. Kid needs to get out.
    3) Appointments? Induction Tuesday/Wednesday
    4) Doing anything to induce labor? I've mostly just given up...
    5) GTKY: Favorite summer treat
    BabyFetus Ticker}
  • jshropjshrop member
    Hey ladies! Thinking of you all!
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
    June '14 September Siggy challenge- Favorite things about fall

  • Thinking about you ladies hope your holding up ok
  • How many days overdue are you? 5 days, was due on June 30

    2) Symptoms/How are you feeling? Huge, exhausted, and defeated! Have had lots of back pain and false contractions, but it never amounts to anything.

    3) Appointments? NST scheduled for tomorrow, prenatal appt scheduled for Monday, where they will discuss induction with me.

    4) Doing anything to induce labor? Walking, exercise ball, squats, DTD, spicy food...haha nothing works!

    5) GTKY: Favorite summer treat - Watermelon has been my obsession for the past few weeks! And DQ Heath bar blizzards....Mmmmmm!

    Good luck ladies!

  • Also thinking of you ladies today. All babies, listen up...time to go!
  • Thinking of you all!

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  • Love you ladies! Hang in there!
  • Thinking of you ladies!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • @nilwethien @jen02339‌ Hope your appointments go well. Rest up these last few days! Good luck!
  • I hope you all have your babies soon <3
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    Baby GIRL born June 12
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