High-Risk Pregnancy

1st Baby, Previa, bed rest...

This is my first pregnancy and I have had complete previa since week 14. The darn thing wont move. I am now almost 28 weeks and after a lovely hospital stay due to bleeding and contractions I am on bed rest... I feel scared and discouraged but trying to stay positive. There will be a c-section at 37 weeks, praying its not sooner. On the bright side she's a big baby so far! and I think I could use more ultrasound pics for her book (gotta stay positive). If you have any help, advice words of wisdom pls contribute - Thanks

Re: 1st Baby, Previa, bed rest...

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    umbcptumbcpt member
    I had it with my second daughter. I bled many times, but baby came on her own will at 37 weeks. I had seven hospitalizations, and thought she would come early on more than one of those trips. Emergency c section, she came, but she was ok, and so was I! I had bedrest from 27 weeks, but I was at home, which to be was better than the hospital. My work friends set up a meal schedule and helped entertain my son on the weekends, which was a great blessing. It seems like forever, but I watched a lot of tv series, read a lot of books, and made friends here on the bump that I am still close to to this day! Let me know of you need any support! I am early in my pregnancy, and am hoping for no complications for this third and final time.

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