June 2014 Moms

~~~June PGAL Mommas~~~

Hey mommas! I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend.

How far along? / How old is LO?

LOs name?

How are you feeling physically/emotionally?

Any appts coming up?

Baby awesomeness/milestones?

QOTW- What is your favorite thing about July 4th or your countries independence day? How did you/are you celebrating this weekend?

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our 3 Precious Angels That Left Us Too Soon
BFP #2-EDD 07/05/13 - Tater and Tot passed at 12w3d. D&C 1/17/13
BFP #3-EDD 12/19/13 - Peanut passed at 9w1d. D&C 05/31/13

Diagnosed with Hypothyroid 05/20/13 

BFP #4 - 09/22/13 - DD#2 born 05/27/14

All Alers Welcome!


Re: ~~~June PGAL Mommas~~~

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  • How old is LO?  8 days old

    LOs name?  Viviana Mae

    How are you feeling physically/emotionally?  Physically it's getting better every day.  Emotionally, I still cry at the drop of a hat, but that seems like maybe it's getting a little better too.  She has started staying awake until 2am, which isn't really helping anything!

    Any appts coming up?  Viv had a weight check last Monday and last Thursday.  She didn't lose any weight, but she didn't gain any either.  She is definitely eating more, so hopefully we are moving in the right direction.  We'll check her again on Wednesday and hopefully see a little gain by then.  

    Baby awesomeness/milestones?  She's just altogether pretty awesome :)  

    QOTW- What is your favorite thing about July 4th or your countries independence day? How did you/are you celebrating this weekend?  I love just hanging out with family and friends, bbqing.  I also really love parades!  We went to a little local parade on Friday, and then had people over to our place for the afternoon/evening for a bbq.  
    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP 3.8.16  EDD 11.20.16


  • RedMarRedMar member
    How far along? / How old is LO?
    4 weeks tomorrow!

    LOs name? Xavier

    How are you feeling physically/emotionally? Physically, not so great as I was diagnosed with mastitis on Thursday. Luckily I was put on antibiotics so it's clearing up slowly.

    Any appts coming up?
    Pp appt in 2 weeks

    Baby awesomeness/milestones?
    Lost his belly stub!! Gave him his first real bath but he did not like it :(

    QOTW- What is your favorite thing about July 4th or your countries independence day? How did you/are you celebrating this weekend?
    Food, family and friends! Warm weather of course :)
  • RedMarRedMar member
    @skamber‌ - sorry to hear this :(. I thought I was doing everything right and then all of a sudden my boob is harder than a rock :(. It was still releasing milk, but not as much as it is now. I haven't dared to pump it as it's still pretty tender. It still hurts when he's nursing it! How long did it take you to feel better??
  • How far along? / How old is LO? 3wks 4 days

    LOs name? Sawyer 

    How are you feeling physically/emotionally? Physically, I'm feeling pretty good.  I still get sore standing too long from my tear.  Emotionally, I have my moments, but I thought it would be worse.  We still have to find childcare (MAJOR stressor right now), and I'm pretty lonely.  We don't have any family or friends in the area yet.  

    Any appts coming up? Sawyer has an appointment tomorrow for the pedi to look at her frenulum.  She's not tongue tied, but the LC said that it was short.  We want to look at it and see if it is causing some of the bf'ing issues we're having.  

    Baby awesomeness/milestones?  We put her on reflux medicine last week and she's a much happier baby! 

    QOTW- What is your favorite thing about July 4th or your countries independence day? How did you/are you celebrating this weekend?  My parent's came up to visit on Friday and left yesterday.  Loved having them here and miss them now that they're gone. :( 
  • How far along? / How old is LO? 1 week 6 days

    LOs name? Zach

    How are you feeling physically/emotionally? My baby blues are starting to clear for now, I know with our moving coming up in two weeks things will get rough again but I'm starting to be able to talk to DH about everything. Physically I'm feeling pretty good. My c-section incision is healing well and I rarely have any soreness, mostly I'm just tired and having  nagging migraine for days.

    Any appts coming up? not for 2 more weeks for both baby and I

    Baby awesomeness/milestones? He is sleeping in 3 hours stretches now instead of 1.5-2 so that helps and he is awake for longer during the day. We are also figuring out BFing and I think I might be able to make it work for the long haul. I'm still pumping because my oversupply isn't getting better and LO can't latch without choking on my letdown sometimes, but no supplementing since we came home from the hospital.

    QOTW- What is your favorite thing about July 4th or your countries independence day? How did you/are you celebrating this weekend?

    We didn't do anything awesome. Yesterday we got to see some fireworks on our drive home from my parents, which is also how we spent the last 4th of July. It's not a big deal to either of our families but I do like the get togethers, cookouts and fireworks.
    BFP: July 2013 M/C August 5, 2013
    BFP: October 22, 2013 EDD: June 21, 2014
    Baby boy arrived June 23, 2014

    BFP: February 2016 EDD: October 17, 2016
  • Miss Camryn is 2w2d! ~~~~~. Physically feeling pretty close to my normal, I'm very lucky to have had an easy recovery. Emotionally feeling good when I am rested. When I let myself get over tired I get anxious, tearful and easily frustrated. I overextended myself this weekend with lots of family events. ~~~~. Camryns 2 week checkup is on Tuesday. ~~~~~. Baby awesomeness: she is actually sleeping 3-4 hours at a crack overnight so I am usually getting decent sleep. She has been more alert today so I love getting to see her eyes! :) ~~~~ QOTW: my favorite part of July 4th is the getting together with friends and family, and then my birthday is the following day, so it's like a 2 day celebration! :)
    Married my Sweetie 8/21/04
    BFP 10/8/2013
    Miss Camryn Marie arrived 6/20/2014


  • RedMarRedMar member
    @skamber - feel better! Coconut oil and lanolin are my bffs lately to ward off cracked nips- hang in there girl!
  • RedMarRedMar member
    @Fuccimama‌ - love the announcement! He is so adorable :)
  • How far along? / How old is LO?  She is 2W3D

    LOs name? Alyson Jane

    How are you feeling physically/emotionally?  Pretty good!  Still some PP bleeding but not the end of the world...

    Any appts coming up? Nothing until my 6w PP and her 1 month appt

    Baby awesomeness/milestones?  My daughter is an awesome sleeper...we're getting about a 6-7+ hours stretch in the night such that I totally feel human   Last night she went to bed earlier than expected so I actually had to wake her for a MOTN feeding because I was so engorged...

    QOTW- What is your favorite thing about July 4th or your countries independence day? How did you/are you celebrating this weekend?  All our plans fell through...which was ok...we just relaxed and tried to focus on being a family of 4
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    MC#1 - BFP early June, 2011 - first u/s showed pregnancy as non-viable - D&C 6/21/2011
    MC#2 - BFP early Nov, 2011 - first u/s showed cyst on umbilical cord at 8w2d and no heartbeat - D&C 11/22/2011 
    MC#3 - BFP April 30, 2012 - miscarriage naturally 5/2/2012 @8wk
    MC#4 - BFP Sep 2012 - u/s good at 8wks, 11 wks - no h/b and measuring 8w1d - diagnosed as Turner Syndrome
    IVF Round 1 - Retrieved 20 eggs, 8 confirmed blasts as chromosomally normal and one xfrd 9/25/2013 BFP on 10/9. EDD 6/13/2014
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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