What in all does a realor do? I mean, I know they sell houses and all, but there's more to it, right?
How are wages determined?
How long until the job starts paying? I know it's not a get-rich-quick thing and lots of hard work is involved...
I've been thinking about taking courses to get licensed as a salesperson, but I don't know enough about it to determine whether or not it's "for me."
Re: Any realtors in the house?
After that, if you work for a larger brokerage you will probably by thrown some walk-ins, but unless you are going to network and hustle those first couple years you will be wasting your time. It's competitive because people think it's easy so there are a lot of agents...everywhere. And it's def easier after you have been doing it a couple years. But it's a job for self-starters. Be honest with yourself if that's you.
Good luck!
DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
Cooking #2