It's going alright. The baby must have a growth spurt or something, she doesn't sleep too well and eats all the time.
We hosted a big pool party yesterday, so we are tired and just relaxing today. Same tomorrow, I think. Maybe get some small projects taken care of, we'll see. :-)
We got back from a 7 day cruise last Monday, so I feel like I'm still trying to catch up. Laundry, groceries, catching up on missed time with my son, housework, etc. Not to mention that this pregnancy is NOTHING like my son. I feel so sick and tired most of the time, so I try to stay active and busy so I won't think about it. I'll be 11 weeks on Thursday, so I hope that I start to feel better soon.
We had a sick child for the 4th and I went to my niece's 1st birthday. Very low key around here.
We have been working on potty training and it's going decent. I think he's ready but I know it's going to take a while for him to be completely trained.
On top of that I'm 36 weeks pg in his HOT florida heat. I'm hoping the next month passes by quickly.
We went swimming with my sisters and hung around the house. We ended up not doing fireworks since it's so late and don't know that DS would've gotten much out of it. Planning on doing something really fun next year tho, I miss fireworks!
Re: Hows everyones week?
How about you?
On top of that I'm 36 weeks pg in his HOT florida heat. I'm hoping the next month passes by quickly.
Our 4th was quiet- just fireworks and swimming.