
Has anyone ever wanted 2 DC and then changed their mind once DC #1 became a toddler?

I am just asking because my DC is just starting to become a testy toddler and I am seeing a whole new side to her. This isn't necessarily deterring me from wanting another DC, but it certainly is making me think twice about how hard it might be.
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In my bag: Nikon D90; 35mm 1.8, 90mm 2.8 macro (my fave), Lensbaby Composer with macro extensions. BFP after 13 cycles and one ectopic. Lost left tube 5/19/10.

Re: Has anyone ever wanted 2 DC and then changed their mind once DC #1 became a toddler?

  • I hope this doesn't scare you but age 2 is CAKE compared to 3.  2 is actually "cute" compared to 3.

    I have no idea why they call it the terrible twos.  It's the pure evil 3's!!

    So go for it now before yours hits 3.  Mine is now crapping and peeing in his underwear for NO REASON..... I know they regress but SERIOUSLY?  Sometimes he'l lbe standing right next to the toilet when he does it.


  • No, but it reinforced our desire to have kids 2.5 to 3 years apart. I truly can't imagine doing two under two and give a huge pat on the back to those who do.
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  • We always knew we wanted a large family. But DS and #3 were both surprises!
  • imageElizabethD:

    I hope this doesn't scare you but age 2 is CAKE compared to 3.  2 is actually "cute" compared to 3.

    I have no idea why they call it the terrible twos.  It's the pure evil 3's!!

    So go for it now before yours hits 3.  Mine is now crapping and peeing in his underwear for NO REASON..... I know they regress but SERIOUSLY?  Sometimes he'l lbe standing right next to the toilet when he does it.


    Ditto, ditto, ditto!  To all of it!  My two have made me rethink a third. 

  • I've heard you have to be pregnant before #1 hits the "terrible twos" or you'll probably wait until #1 is at least three. I give major props to anyone with 2 under 2. I LOVE my toddler and would gladly take two of her over a toddler and a nb any day of the week. Having a nb right now would literally kill me.?

    I think a 4-year age gap sounds nice right about now :-)?

  • there are always times that test you. 


    Age 3 is not bad for every child and I certainly would never say it was pure evil. Every age and stage has times that you are put on edge and want to tie your own tubes but kids are kids.

  • For several years after our first child was born I thought that might be it for me.....well, we now have 4 children and I could be persuaded to have a 5th some time down the road :)  It gets better, I promise!
  • imageElizabethD:

    I hope this doesn't scare you but age 2 is CAKE compared to 3.  2 is actually "cute" compared to 3.

    I have no idea why they call it the terrible twos.  It's the pure evil 3's!!

    So go for it now before yours hits 3.  Mine is now crapping and peeing in his underwear for NO REASON..... I know they regress but SERIOUSLY?  Sometimes he'l lbe standing right next to the toilet when he does it.


    You know what scares me? My DD is only 1 and it is starting!!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    In my bag: Nikon D90; 35mm 1.8, 90mm 2.8 macro (my fave), Lensbaby Composer with macro extensions. BFP after 13 cycles and one ectopic. Lost left tube 5/19/10.
  • I did. My dd has been out of control lately but she had gotten sick which seemed to take her attitude from bad to worse but over the last week she's returned to her normal sweet self. I've chalked it up to her being two, but it tested my patience and it totally broke me (I cried over her behavior which I usually don't do) but now I feel like I still really do want another. Ask me tomorrow I might change my mind again.
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  • Well, I changed my mind about wanting 4 while I was pg with #3.  The whole pregnancy with a toddler thing is NOT fun at all.  There is no getting around it either unless you wait umpteen years in between (DS#1 is 8 years older than DS#2).
  • Maybe this'll make you feel better: my toughest months with my DD were 11mths to 18mths, she was a nightmare. Since then (she's now 21mths) she's been a delight. I think each child has different difficult times, my mum says I never had any toddler tantrums, my sister had tons. Maybe your DD is like mine & giving you a run for your money early? ;)

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