Single Parents

a is driving me crazy!

So a(bentleys sm for the newbs) and bd are in court now for custody/child support/divorce.

Bd was awarded 50/50 joint and legal for their kids. I was shocked when she told me that because of his domestic violence and arson charges. But the judge ruled hes not a threat to the kids. Since then a has been blowing up my phone and facebook.

The latest drama is that bd got their oldest boys hair cut without permision.

Now shes whining about sharing parenting time with him. I cant help but feeling rubbed the wrong way by this. Bd is a jerk and a loose cannon but. Im still mad for bentley that bd wont even try to have a relationship with bentley.

Then i remember why bentley is better off not having that relationship with bd and i let it go.

Im mostly venting that i dont want the dirty details about what goes on between them because of the divorce and i dont like that her go to for why hes a shitty parent is that he doesnt care for bentley or be involves with bentley. I made thw choice hed be uninvolved by packing up and noving to minnesota and refusing to be in a relationship with him

Re: a is driving me crazy!

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    All I've got is:
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    Hold on, let me say something else... Seriously? She's pissed that he took their kids for a haircut? That sounds really petty next to "he doesn't recognize my son as his".
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    Why is she even talking about this with you? I mean, everyone wants someone to commiserate with and, even more so, someone who also knows the douchebaggery of the situation intimately. But, for real? I just don't think she understands the absurdity and inappropriateness that goes along with her discussing her divorce deets with you.
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    Sorry. I had a couple beers in celebration that I had beer in the house.
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    And she just texted me that hes got a new stripper girlfriend.


    Twisted irony though. His new stripper is the same one that my xh cheated on me with. Well one of the strippers xh cheated on me with.

    And yes @20thirteen i was kinda like really? Your pissed he got him a haircut? He hasnt bought a whipe to clean the shit off bentleys ass so forgive me for not feeling bad your kids ugly ass mohawk got cut off.
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    edited July 2014
    Honestly @20thirteen i dont know. I have a couple great friends i talk to you besidea you guys about this shit. I dont want to know this shit. I dont care. And all it does is get me pissed off... more pissed off.

    My best friend just got out of rehab and shes already drinking again(with a) and when i confronted a about giving our mutual friend(an addict) booze she refused to see anything wrong with it because rehab cured her
    And because my friends drinking again her parents kicked her out ao now she is livinf with a and as new bf. I need a beer... or a bottle of vodka.
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    Rehab isn't a short stint in a hospital. You don't cure addiction. WTF is wrong with her? I have friends who are AA members and I *NEVER* think "you know who would like a drink right now? You! You're done with AA, right? Lets go drinking!"
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    I wish I could help you with the beer thing. I have a ton here... But I'm quite a long drive from where you are...
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    This is annoying and I wouldn't have these conversations with a. I would not want to hear about all that he does for her kids and not yours. And shame on her for not considering this.
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    @20Thirteen Ill probably drink with bf on the fourth so ill live. But a and her level of stupid mever ceases to piss me off. My favorite is when she told me lucky bentley wont know he has a dad

    Bentley has a dad. Meet bentleys daddy, tony. He loves him very much and doesnt need to share dna with him to be his daddy. And bentley will know bd exists and who he is in the same way he knows who santa is and that santa isnt real.
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    @Freeatlast2014 i finally just told her im sorry ahea going through it but i dont think i can keep being her sounding board because of his connection to my son
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    @Freeatlast2014 i finally just told her im sorry ahea going through it but i dont think i can keep being her sounding board because of his connection to my son
    ...or lack thereof.
    Glad you spoke up!
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    @Freeatlast2014 i finally just told her im sorry ahea going through it but i dont think i can keep being her sounding board because of his connection to my son

    ...or lack thereof.
    Glad you spoke up!

    @Jellybean529 me too. Shes pissed but im feeling better. Hearing her complain about being involved with their kids was harder on myself then i would like to admit. Bentley doesnt know the difference and right now i dont want to broach the topic of why do him and his siblings have different moms and why doesnt bd want him. I still dont know how to address these things with ds so im going to play it by ear as he gets older
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    I'm glad you stood up for yourself!
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    Me too. I also unfollowed her on facebook so i dont have to see her bitching about bd spending time with their kids.
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