I only ask because Abby cruises super well and will walk if holding onto someone's hand but isn't taking any steps on her own or walking at all. She also cannot stand up independently. Just curious with everyone else's progress
I felt like everyone on here had LO's who were walking. Reading this thread makes me feel a little better that we still have a cruiser on our hands. He is making progress with walking holding our hands but he still does not like it. L crawls like a champ and I guess he does not want to take the extra time it takes him to get somewhere by walking.
Lily has been walking since 8.5 months old. Her new thing is to run away. She has also figured out that she can push shopping carts. I sometimes wish I would have pushed her down when she started to walk, that way she would still be able to stay in the barrier and not crawl on top of everything.
DD cruises and can walk while holding one hand. She just barely mastered crawling around 10.5/11 months and will if she needs to get somewhere. But mostly she just pulls herself up to standing on something and 'cries' (like makes the noise of crying but no tears) until we come get her.
I only ask because Abby cruises super well and will walk if holding onto someone's hand but isn't taking any steps on her own or walking at all. She also cannot stand up independently. Just curious with everyone else's progress
This is my LO exactly. He refuses to let go and walk on his own.
This last week he's really gotten the hang of walking and yesterday he figured out how to go from sitting to standing without holding onto anything. Now if he could just figure out the brakes.
I posted this on the walker thread too: LO started cruising months ago, before he could crawl. He will happily take steps between pieces of furniture or people, but he won't really venture into an open area walking unassisted. If he's holding a hand or two, he'll go anywhere! Luckily he's such a snuggle bug that he never really minds being carried either.
@42butterflies my cousin's daughter did the butt scoot thing (also started doing it around her 1st birthday I think), it was so freaking cute. I think its a common move for babies who skip crawling. Hopefully the PT referral will ease any worries.
A can't crawl but has started cruising along furniture but slowly and VERY cautiously. She can walk when holding my hands but definitely can't stand by herself or walk alone. I'm going to be carrying her into kindergarten if we keep at this pace.
Re: Who is walking?
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
"Turtle" 6/27/13
LO started cruising months ago, before he could crawl. He will happily take steps between pieces of furniture or people, but he won't really venture into an open area walking unassisted. If he's holding a hand or two, he'll go anywhere! Luckily he's such a snuggle bug that he never really minds being carried either.