High-Risk Pregnancy

Placental bleed

I've seen a few older posts about this, but a nervous mom-to-be was wondering if you all could give some more up to date encouragement. I'm just over 12 weeks pregnant and had my first ultrasound last week. My midwife told me they found a small (1.7cm) bleed near the edge of the placenta. Considering the size of the little one at this stage that seems huge to me, but she wasn't overly concerned. She has told me to refrain from sex, and lifting anything as well as some other basic job-related precautions. I havent had any bleeding that I've noticed, and the baby has a strong heartbeat. The cervix also looked great. I had a miscarriage a few years ago about this same time, so I'm super nervous! Although things in general look better this time it still is on my mind all day long. Going back in 3 weeks for a recheck and I'm hoping for the all clear...but in the meantime any thoughts/encouragement are much appreciated!!! Thanks :)

Re: Placental bleed

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    I have placenta previa and bled for the first time at 11 weeks. There was a larger bleed at 14. They initially thought it was a subchorionic hemorage but it turned out just to be part of the previa. I'm now at 17 weeks. Through it all, the baby has been fine so far. They will give you lots of ultrasounds to follow up on it. With any luck, your bleed will just resolve itself. They will probably check your placenta position and cervix for length and dialation. Try not to worry too much. Bleeding in pregnancy is apparently more common than one would think.
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