
Advice from MIL

Our tv isn't turning on all the time lately. I mentioned this to MIL and said I was thinking about just leaving it on 24/7, but on a blank screen at night.
She advised me to unplug it instead of using the power button. She is under the impression that it stays on that way.
I corrected her and she gave me a blank look.

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Re: Advice from MIL

  • She's right to a degree - there is still a small power draw in most modern electronics when plugged in but powered off. It's not the reason your TV won't always turn on - that's a failing component that will eventually just need to be replaced.
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  • Which is unfathomably ridiculous, so I refuse to consider that she could possibly be thinking that. 'Cause no one is that dumb, right? Please?
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  • Yes, she thought what Hilarity said.

    It hasn't turned on all day, it's about 6 years old. It would usually be fine and we could just go get a new one, but we just used the credit card for medical crap that our new crappy ins doesn't cover. So, no money. :-??

    I might forgo our weekend trip and use the money on a tv though. My inlaws said they have good deals at Sams club. I'm not sure about buying tv from them though. We usually do best buy or abc warehouse.

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  • Andronika said:

    May I suggest Costco?  Costco is to retail as windex is to cleaning.  In other words, it's the shit.  

    The warranty is great, and the prices are as well.
    There's one about 30 min from us and I know my dad and stepmom have a membership. I may have to bug them.

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  • minervacullenminervacullen member
    edited July 2014

    MIL told me if I bite Ella back she'll never bite me again. 

    Why do all the grandparents want me to abuse my kid?

    That worked on me. I used to bite everyone. When I was 4 my aunt bit me back. I ran crying to my grandma and she laughed. I stopped after that.

    Eta.. I wouldn't do it now to my kids.

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  • Our larger tvs are from the club stores. We always shop around, but the best deals have been from those places IME. 
  • MIL told me if I bite Ella back she'll never bite me again. 

    Why do all the grandparents want me to abuse my kid?

    That worked on me. I used to bite everyone. When I was 4 my aunt bit me back. I ran crying to my grandma and she laughed. I stopped after that.

    Eta.. I wouldn't do it now to my kids.
    Why the heck were you biting people at four years old?! Yowza, miniminerva!
    I had issues ;)
    I think because divorce, mom and drugs, ADHD or ADD back then, and I was naughty.

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  • But I can't have gluten! :((

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