Our tv isn't turning on all the time lately. I mentioned this to MIL and said I was thinking about just leaving it on 24/7, but on a blank screen at night.
She advised me to unplug it instead of using the power button. She is under the impression that it stays on that way.
I corrected her and she gave me a blank look.
Re: Advice from MIL
My MIL thinks air fresheners cause sinus infections. Irritation sure, but unless we're accidentally using Glade Bacteria and Virus plug ins, I think we're safe.
It hasn't turned on all day, it's about 6 years old. It would usually be fine and we could just go get a new one, but we just used the credit card for medical crap that our new crappy ins doesn't cover. So, no money. :-??
I might forgo our weekend trip and use the money on a tv though. My inlaws said they have good deals at Sams club. I'm not sure about buying tv from them though. We usually do best buy or abc warehouse.
That worked on me. I used to bite everyone. When I was 4 my aunt bit me back. I ran crying to my grandma and she laughed. I stopped after that.
Eta.. I wouldn't do it now to my kids.
I think because divorce, mom and drugs, ADHD or ADD back then, and I was naughty.