Yesterday, my doctor inserted three tablets of the misoprostal vaginally. It started working pretty immediately... like before I got home I was in a lot of pain. I didn't start bleeding until 5 hours afterwards though. Currently, I am almost 24 hours post application of the drug and I still have not passed any clots. I am experiencing very dark, thick blood though. Should I give it more time or go ahead and call my doctor assuming I'll need another dose?
Me: 33 DH: 31
DD: 10 (born August 2004)
Married 03/01/14
BFP: 05/17/2014 EDD: 1/25/15 MMC: 06/30/2014
BFP: 01/31/15 MMC: 02/25/15
Re: Those who took the misoprostal - a question... Might be TMI
DD: 10 (born August 2004)
Married 03/01/14
BFP: 05/17/2014 EDD: 1/25/15 MMC: 06/30/2014
W born September 2020
#3 due November 2022
BFP #1: 1/4/13, EDD 9/8/13, Missed M/C confirmed 2/8/13, Misoprostol
2013: Three CPs w/ EDDs: EDD 2/10/14, EDD 3/24/14, EDD 6/24/14
IVF/ICSI #1 (Antagonist) - Jan 2014- 19R, 14M, 11F, 3 penguins (6BB, 4BB, 6BC) PGD tested- All Normal!
IVF/ICSI #2 (Antagonist) - Feb 2014 - 23R, 11M, 10F, 1 penguin (3BB) - Another Normal!
FET #1 - March 26, BFN
FET #2- Beta #1 (9dp5dt) -332, Beta #2 (11dp5dt) -1027, EDD 1/30/2015, Missed M/C, D&C 6/19/14
IVF/ICSI #3 (Lupron Down Reg) - Oct 2014 - 38R, 28M, 27F, 20 frozen on day 5, 16 normal penguins!!
FET#3 - February 1, 2015, Prep begins 1/13
All Welcome!
DD: 10 (born August 2004)
Married 03/01/14
BFP: 05/17/2014 EDD: 1/25/15 MMC: 06/30/2014
BFP #1: 1/4/13, EDD 9/8/13, Missed M/C confirmed 2/8/13, Misoprostol
2013: Three CPs w/ EDDs: EDD 2/10/14, EDD 3/24/14, EDD 6/24/14
IVF/ICSI #1 (Antagonist) - Jan 2014- 19R, 14M, 11F, 3 penguins (6BB, 4BB, 6BC) PGD tested- All Normal!
IVF/ICSI #2 (Antagonist) - Feb 2014 - 23R, 11M, 10F, 1 penguin (3BB) - Another Normal!
FET #1 - March 26, BFN
FET #2- Beta #1 (9dp5dt) -332, Beta #2 (11dp5dt) -1027, EDD 1/30/2015, Missed M/C, D&C 6/19/14
IVF/ICSI #3 (Lupron Down Reg) - Oct 2014 - 38R, 28M, 27F, 20 frozen on day 5, 16 normal penguins!!
FET#3 - February 1, 2015, Prep begins 1/13
All Welcome!
DD: 10 (born August 2004)
Married 03/01/14
BFP: 05/17/2014 EDD: 1/25/15 MMC: 06/30/2014
DS2 born 2/22/13
MMC 5/16/14@8w2d
DD due 5/9/15 Please be our RAINBOW
I just spoke with a nurse and she told me that the thick, dark red (almost black) blood is a clot, not fresh blood. I was thinking a clot had to be, well, like a chunk (sorry if that's TMI or gross). She said that if the blood is bright red or fresh, then that's a concern because you're not passing anything. The darker it is, that's the tissue you're passing.
DD: 10 (born August 2004)
Married 03/01/14
BFP: 05/17/2014 EDD: 1/25/15 MMC: 06/30/2014
DD: 10 (born August 2004)
Married 03/01/14
BFP: 05/17/2014 EDD: 1/25/15 MMC: 06/30/2014
IUI#4 1/23/13 on 75iu x9 Follistim = BFP then chem preg m/c (Feb 2013)
IUI#5 BFN (April 2013)
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