So far this is what I've done.
1. Found a new use for a bottle of wine (making dog cookies)
2. Re painting crappy tables I bought for 10$ for the pool side.
What are you ladies doing/or do??
Long of the Short:
TTC since April 2013 DH 42 y/o I'm 30 Dh had vasectomy reversal Feb 2013 after 3 months developed scar tissue
First Re appt was September 2013 OOP for everything minus meds
DH's TESE surgery December 2013
First cycle was February 2014 BFN none to freeze
Second cycle was April 2014 BFP ending in Chemical Pregnancy none to freeze
Third cycle June 2014 BFN none to freez
Fourth cycle October 30th 28 retrieved, 13 mature and 12 fertilized
PICSI, assisted hatching and fresh sperm from my DH's TESE surgery used
5 FROZEN from a freeze all cycle!
FET completed on DECEMBER 9TH!!!
Beta #1 13dp5dt BFP!! 800
Beta #2 15dp5dt 2100
Beta #3 17dp5dt 3600
First Scan January 5th! Everything looks great! Heart rate of 121!
Second Scan January 20th. Baby Justone13 looks amazing. Heart rate of 175!
Baby Girl is due August 27th
Liv Annmarie born 8/25 7lbs 6oz 21 1/2 inches long
Re: TWW... What to do???
2013 summary: Diagnosed with Hypothyroid; Cervical polyp removed (benign);
2 rounds ovidrel with timed intercourse (no result): 3 rounds IUI with clomid + ovidrel (no result)
2014 summary (to date):
IVF cycle 1 - ER: 4/17 (28 follicles, 3 fertilized, 2 survived to day 3);
ET: 4/20 (3rd day, 2 embryos - 1 @ 6 cells & 1 @ 4 cells); Beta 5/1 - BFP!;
1st scan 5/13 - development behind, no heartbeat detected; D&C 6/2; WTF 6/13
IVF cycle 2 - BCP begun 7/12; stims w/ HGH begun 7/26;
ER: 8/6, 12 follicles, 7 fertilized w/ ICSI; ET: 8/11, 3 blastocysts left, 2 transferred, 3rd arrested 8/12 - none to freeze
1st beta 8/19 - BFP! 294; 2nd beta 8/26 - 4976; 1st u/s 9/2; 2nd u/s 9/9 - two little heartbeats at 140 each!!!
EDD: 29-April-2015
Other Meds: Synthroid 100 mcg/daily
2013 summary: Diagnosed with Hypothyroid; Cervical polyp removed (benign);
2 rounds ovidrel with timed intercourse (no result): 3 rounds IUI with clomid + ovidrel (no result)
2014 summary (to date):
IVF cycle 1 - ER: 4/17 (28 follicles, 3 fertilized, 2 survived to day 3);
ET: 4/20 (3rd day, 2 embryos - 1 @ 6 cells & 1 @ 4 cells); Beta 5/1 - BFP!;
1st scan 5/13 - development behind, no heartbeat detected; D&C 6/2; WTF 6/13
IVF cycle 2 - BCP begun 7/12; stims w/ HGH begun 7/26;
ER: 8/6, 12 follicles, 7 fertilized w/ ICSI; ET: 8/11, 3 blastocysts left, 2 transferred, 3rd arrested 8/12 - none to freeze
1st beta 8/19 - BFP! 294; 2nd beta 8/26 - 4976; 1st u/s 9/2; 2nd u/s 9/9 - two little heartbeats at 140 each!!!
EDD: 29-April-2015
Other Meds: Synthroid 100 mcg/daily
BFP#1 07/01/2004 ~ EDD 03/10/2005 ~ D&C 8/1/2004 @ 5w5d
2013 summary: Diagnosed with Hypothyroid; Cervical polyp removed (benign);
2 rounds ovidrel with timed intercourse (no result): 3 rounds IUI with clomid + ovidrel (no result)
2014 summary (to date):
IVF cycle 1 - ER: 4/17 (28 follicles, 3 fertilized, 2 survived to day 3);
ET: 4/20 (3rd day, 2 embryos - 1 @ 6 cells & 1 @ 4 cells); Beta 5/1 - BFP!;
1st scan 5/13 - development behind, no heartbeat detected; D&C 6/2; WTF 6/13
IVF cycle 2 - BCP begun 7/12; stims w/ HGH begun 7/26;
ER: 8/6, 12 follicles, 7 fertilized w/ ICSI; ET: 8/11, 3 blastocysts left, 2 transferred, 3rd arrested 8/12 - none to freeze
1st beta 8/19 - BFP! 294; 2nd beta 8/26 - 4976; 1st u/s 9/2; 2nd u/s 9/9 - two little heartbeats at 140 each!!!
EDD: 29-April-2015
Other Meds: Synthroid 100 mcg/daily
BFP#1 07/01/2004 ~ EDD 03/10/2005 ~ D&C 8/1/2004 @ 5w5d
TTC since 12/2012 Me: hypothyroid & egg issues
2nd treatment cycle: Clomid & TI BFN
IUI #2 (injects) IUI BFN
2/14 through 3/14 benched with a cyst
IVF#1 CD1 came before beta. BFN. No frosties.
Benched with cysts...
IVF#2 beta moved up due to heavy bleeding 6dp5dt...beta was 11. beta#2 20.4! Beta#3 28 Chemical pregnancy
Currently on BCPs with cysts, planning IVF#3 Everyone welcome!