I feel all disoriented since people changed their SNs.
It's like being drunk, but without the nasty hangover.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
I think my kid is having nightmares... he's been waking early at minimum 1-2 hours early the past few mornings yelling frantically for me and terrified for me to leave his side....wont go to bed by himself anymore (I have to sing to him until he's completely asleep). Also has not been napping more than maybe 40 min without waking and freaking out (usually naps 2-3 hours). I think it all started when he got a bad fever over night last Thursday night/Fri morning and now it's a reoccurring thing .... what the hell??
I'm tired. Sofa king tired. How do I make it stop???? Is this our new reality?
I mean... logically I know it's nothing compared for what I'm in for come January...might as well appreciate it's only this bad for now because I'll soon be in newborn hell again
But dammit, those couple of hours make a HUGE damn difference.
I want an old fashioned, but no bitters. And my husband won't answer my texts to see if he is going to the store or not. I need to know if I should give up on the idea and get into something else or what.
I'm here with iced tea. I still have lots of work to do. I thought I'd be done by now but nope. I don't really mind. The people that work below me are awesome. They make my job so much easier so I don't mind putting in extra hours when they need something.
I was sitting here, and the TV randomly turned on which really freaked me out, until I realized Logan did it using the app on my phone (the fact that he figured that out kind of baffles me, though).
And then 1D started playing through the TV. I don't even know how he did that.
And now he is telling me to turn Harry off.
If you're so smart, do it yourself! Turning Harry off is not a thing I do.
Has anyone followed Dave Ramsey's budgeting/paying off debt methods?These fucking credit cards really need to DIAMFF bc we're broke from overspending/lack of budgeting.
I'm wondering if the book Total Money Makeover is worth the buy. Ive heard awesome things about Dave Ramsey's methods, but never really looked into it too much until now. I'd preferably like to have our shit together before this baby is born in January.
I'm here nursing ds. My first day back to work went okay. Our lactation rooms have a hospital grade pump so i was told to just bring my own parts. Yeah I didn't know that the Symphony has a membrane needed that the PISA doesn't have. I had to drive all the way home to pump then come back to work. I guess I'll be bringing my own pump every day.
DS did okay at daycare but only had three minute naps. He I is a cranky mess right now.
Has anyone followed Dave Ramsey's budgeting/paying off debt methods?These fucking credit cards really need to DIAMFF bc we're broke from overspending/lack of budgeting.
I'm wondering if the book Total Money Makeover is worth the buy. Ive heard awesome things about Dave Ramsey's methods, but never really looked into it too much until now. I'd preferably like to have our shit together before this baby is born in January.
Did anyone ever watch the Outsiders tv show? Circa 1990, 91 maybe? I distinctly remember crying like someone killed my dog when it got cancelled. I was such a weird kid.
DS is 1DAF
"I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
I started to get worried I was crazy and made up this show, so I looked it up. The Outsiders television show ran from March 1990 to July 1990, haha. I guess I was the show's only viewer, which explains why it didn't last very long.
DS is 1DAF
"I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
Day 1 of MH being off all week & home with the kids & he has already involved the grandparents for help.
He manged to get the kitchen & living room/family rooms picked up 1st & apparently thinks he deserves some sort of prize for this. Dude, its not hard to keep it clean when you ship them off to grandmas for half the day!!
I'm with @aditigirl. (You feeling ok btw?) Pain meds so no drinking. Every time I move or breathe really, it feels like I'm being stabbed in the ribs. Fun times.
Has anyone followed Dave Ramsey's budgeting/paying off debt methods?These fucking credit cards really need to DIAMFF bc we're broke from overspending/lack of budgeting.
I'm wondering if the book Total Money Makeover is worth the buy. Ive heard awesome things about Dave Ramsey's methods, but never really looked into it too much until now. I'd preferably like to have our shit together before this baby is born in January.
When we first got together (which was a lifetime ago it seems) DH was doing the envelope method, I think it was Ramsey? He was legit & headstrong & serious about it & it worked great for him. After a while i did a little more laid back version of it until i got my debt under control. Then I got rid of all CCs except 1, & it has a really low limit. I use now to help build my credit back up bc i made some really stupid financial choices back in the day.
Re: Lose your resolve Monday (drinking thread)
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
@pobrecita @guiltypleasures
I'm on meds where I can't have alcohol for a week
I feel like I should probably re read that book as an adult.
Me too. And watch the movie
It's like I'm a completely different person. I didn't realize it was so bad.
There has been zero yelling and I've just been in a better mood/more patient, etc.
Hope it's not a fluke.
Thank you Lunesta.
I'm wondering if the book Total Money Makeover is worth the buy. Ive heard awesome things about Dave Ramsey's methods, but never really looked into it too much until now. I'd preferably like to have our shit together before this baby is born in January.
DS did okay at daycare but only had three minute naps. He I is a cranky mess right now.
He manged to get the kitchen & living room/family rooms picked up 1st & apparently thinks he deserves some sort of prize for this. Dude, its not hard to keep it clean when you ship them off to grandmas for half the day!!
DD is whining.
Is it too early to say I'm done with this week?