Cloth Diapering

S/O Potty training/learning

How can you tell when they're ready?  DS is obsessed with his little potty, but is satisfied to sit on it with his pants and everything on, lol. He often says he has to go to the bathroom but I think the whole ordeal of getting his diaper and pants off makes him clam up. He's only peed in the bathroom once and that was with his dad at a urinal. Another time he asked to pee in the potty, then changed his mind, asked to get off and peed on the floor.  He definitely didn't do it defiantly, though.  He looked shocked when it came out onto his feet, haha. Should I just try putting him in underwear and see what happens?  Is it too early?  I don't want to scar him for life.

Also, what about nighttime?  He pees a ridiculous amount during the night.  And he can be a light sleeper.  I don't want his sleep to go to hell if he feels like he needs to get up to use the bathroom.  Is that a thing?

Re: S/O Potty training/learning

  • When Asher started showing interest like that, I just went gung ho and kept him naked in the house for 4 days.  We stayed in the kitched (easy to clean floor) and watched movies on his little dvd player, played games and did arts and crafts.  Everytime he started to pee I picked him up and ran to the potty.  Most of the pee was on the floor, but it helped him understand when to go.  By the end of the first day, he had two successes.  By the end of the second day he had only one accident.  By the end of the third day, no accidents, fourth day no accidents.  Then he went commando under shorts for a week, one accident.  I didn't pull the car over fast enough.  Then after that undies and no accidents ever until I had Lola and he had a regression of sorts. 

    Night training was never an issue for us.  He did it himself.  He went to bed with a cloth trainer and kept waking up dry.  One night I forgot to put one on, he was dry in the morning and we've never looked back. 

    Asher Benjamin and Lola Aisling

    PCOS, Progesterone Deficiency Disorder, Multiple Miscarriage
    Clomid, Metformin, Ovadril, PIO, P17 Iron/Platlet Tranfusion

    My Spring Babies! 
    <3 Angel Baby   Elisabeth Adelle  April 2008 <3
    Asher Benjamin  April 2010
    Lola Aisling  May 2014
  • Yeah, we've been doing that, too, @stringy813.  He's super pumped to sit on the potty, but he hasn't actually gone in it yet.
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  • We're struggling with this too. Raegan has been sitting on the potty for over 6 months so she's very aware of what it's for, and if we ask her and it's convenient for her (i.e. - she's not concentrating on something), she'll go and sit and pee on the potty. She even knows to wipe, dump the pee into the big toilet, and flush. and loves washing her hands.

    We thought she was doing really well, so we let her wear undies. She loved them and we told her she could only wear them if she used the potty. Some days were better than others. Unfortunately, she didn't seem bothered by the fact that she had to change them and her clothes whenever she peed or pooped in them. 

    We've since gone back to diapers only b/c we've had too many incidences  (like pooping on the floor 5 min after she had peed in the potty) and we were tired of all the cleaning/changing.

    She seems to have no desire to poop in the potty and would rather go in her diaper or undies.  Maybe she's just not ready?   I think we'll try again in a few weeks. It would be nice to have her in undies full time when I go back to work and the girls are at grandma's during the day.
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