Anyone have anything fun planned?
My sister is traveling in with her family, and she'll get to meet LO for the first time, and my other sister is hosting a lobster boil (yum!)
I'm thinking of getting a little lobster outfit for LO... We always laugh about the line in Love Actually ("I'm the second lobstah!")
Re: Fourth of July Plans?
Already counting the days!! Happy 4th everyone :-)
We're just going to a small, church friends party. We'll probably leave before the fire works start, but we'll just see :-)
With the possible exception of the equator, everything begins somewhere. - C.S.Lewis
We'll go to a family friend's cookout and pool party. DD1 turns 3 on Wednesday and we're going to a Please Touch museam.
My mom bought LO an adorable outfit and I cannot wait for her to wear it.
Probably a parade and fireworks for us, and of course sparklers for my DD!
It's a 12-14 hour road trip though, and DS hates his car seat. We might be insane for trying this! Any advice from those who have done long car trips with LO?