April 2014 Moms

Fourth of July Plans?

Anyone have anything fun planned?

My sister is traveling in with her family, and she'll get to meet LO for the first time, and my other sister is hosting a lobster boil (yum!)

I'm thinking of getting a little lobster outfit for LO... We always laugh about the line in Love Actually ("I'm the second lobstah!")

Re: Fourth of July Plans?

  • We are driving out to Newport Coast (about five hours from our home). Excited for a little mini-vacation with our new family. We are luckily able to stay at my in-laws home, even though they're in Europe, so we don't need to worry about LO in a hotel.

    Already counting the days!! Happy 4th everyone :-)
  • Going with my parents to the baseball game (DH works there). Super excited to try the baby banz I got dd for the fireworks!
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  • My dog died last year on the 4th of July. It has ruined it for me.
  • It's DH's bday....but he works. Womp.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My sister and her family are coming to stay with us. We live on the coast. We will probably have a low country boil. My sister wants to take her kids to the water park, but I'm a little concerned it will be too hot for LO. Then fireworks on the beach
  • Going to a fair/carnival with my four year old and SO and to see fireworks. Baby is going to grandmas. :)
  • It's my son's birthday, so we are having family over and having pizza and cake. He's turning 3. We will also go watch the DC fireworks from somewhere close to home as usual.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • DH, LO and I plus the dog are supposed to go up north (Fife Lake, MI) to my parents' lake house and hang with them for the holiday.  At this point that's all up in the air though and we may have to cancel if my sister has her baby in the next few days. Come on baby, you're late and your grandma and aunt really don't want to cancel vacation!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My SIL's parents always have a big 4th party - pool, volleyball, tons of food - so we'll be there eating way too much!!
    ~ Leah, Rachel and Gabriel were born on May 27, 2013 (23 weeks) ~ Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • rtv3rtv3 member
    Hugs @RedDawnsRevenge‌! That's tough :-(

    We're just going to a small, church friends party. We'll probably leave before the fire works start, but we'll just see :-)
    image    image

    With the possible exception of the equator, everything begins somewhere. - C.S.Lewis

  • We're going to the pool!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    DD on a recent trip to London. 3 yrs old.
    EDD 4/7/18
    MC 5/20/17 @8 wks
  • We are making our first long car trip (3 hours, not too terrible) and visiting my parents. LO will get to meet his great grandpa that he was named after, and my parents are hosting a BBQ for lots of friends & family. Then DH and I are going out, and I'm going to have a GREAT time and do my first pump & dump! @RedDawnsRevenge‌ That's how I feel about Easter, even though it's on a different day every year I still always think of it as the day my first dog died on, 10 years later I still hate it.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker}
  • Cookout at my labor buddy's house! We'll have to post a pic!


    CafeMom Tickers

  • ksulliksulli member
    Avoid the beach like the plague for all the crowds that appear, all you inland dwellers can have it for the holiday, I'll be back next weekend. I love being a beach dweller, even if it gives me a nasty commute.

    We'll go to a family friend's cookout and pool party. DD1 turns 3 on Wednesday and we're going to a Please Touch museam.
    *Married 10.10.08*
    TTC #1 9.09 - BFP#1:2.18.10= missed m/c, D&C 4.16
    BFP#2:10.22.10=Avelin born 7.2.11
    TTC#2: 2.13 - BFP#3: 7.25.13=Kelsey born 3.31.14
  • @LaNorte‌ that would be horrible on Easter. Unfortunately my Saint Bernard's death was indirectly related to fireworks.
  • Probably going up to Lake Tahoe. DH doesn't want to go because the traffic always sucks coming home and he's impatient, but I really love spending the fourth up there and seeing fireworks over the lake

    Photobucket imageimage

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • BBQ and fireworks with some friends and family!

    BabyFetus Ticker

  • Going to a BBQ at our neighbor's house. We can see our community's fireworks from our houses, so we will probably watch them from our yard.

    My mom bought LO an adorable outfit and I cannot wait for her to wear it.
  • DH, DD, and I are heading up north to my family's cabin on Houghton Lake. I'm excited to get out on the lake- hoping it'll be nice enough to go skiing!
  • @smushi‌ - Love that movie! A lobstah at the nativity?!

    Probably a parade and fireworks for us, and of course sparklers for my DD!
  • Heading to MT to visit relatives we haven't seen in ages!! They live on a lake and it's supposed to be in the 90's! \:D/

    It's a 12-14 hour road trip though, and DS hates his car seat. We might be insane for trying this! Any advice from those who have done long car trips with LO?
  • lzeemin said:

    Heading to MT to visit relatives we haven't seen in ages!! They live on a lake and it's supposed to be in the 90's! \:D/

    It's a 12-14 hour road trip though, and DS hates his car seat. We might be insane for trying this! Any advice from those who have done long car trips with LO?

    That's a LONG trip. Just take lots of breaks to allow LO to stretch, get fresh air, etc. We have a 15 hr trip to MI coming up that I'm not looking forward to...
  • We're go to DH's grandparents house for dinner then we may stay for fireworks.

  • So far the only plan is to dress LO up in a very cute red, white and blue plaid shirt I bought and eat steaks. 

    Probably no fireworks for us - we haven't gone to any in years. I sort of miss them, but it seems silly to start when LO is so young and the sound will be too loud for his years. 

    TTC #1 since August 2012 |  BFP August 17th, 2013  |    EDD April 25th, 2014
    Living with Vestibulodynia (Chronic pelvic pain)


  • Last Friday two days before his 42nd birthday, my DH had his tonsils and adenoids removed, deviated septum fixed and his uvula reduced....needless to say there will be no big plans at our house this year.
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