June 2014 Moms

Used Lysol....now I'm panicking

our dog has had diarrhea for the last few days and I've tried to keep her contained to our kitchen with our hardwood floors but she escaped and got all over our couch and carpet (not poop, just her running around). I know she's probably stepped in it so of course with my almost one month old I panicked about the germs that were spread. I made husband take her back into our room and sprayed our couch with Lysol (can says it will sanitize porous surfaces if damp for 30 seconds). Now while trying to find something to do about the carpet this morning in seeing all this horrible stuff about using Lysol! What should I do? Clean the couch with something different to remove the residue? She was away with the door shut and I had the window open and fan on so I'm not concerned about inhalation, just residue on the couch. I'm definitely finding something more green for future use but it was all I had on hand and didn't know it was bad. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Re: Used Lysol....now I'm panicking

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  • Relax! A little Lysol is not the big a deal.
    There are plenty of green cleaning options available though, so do a little reasech to ease your stress in the future. I use a lot of vinegar and baking soda to clean.

    For real though, this is a very minor thing to be frazzled about.

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  • snuff9861 said:

    flerlgirl said:

    Did you spray it in LO's mouth? If not, I think you're good. If so...that's F'ed up.

    You mean you're not supposed to do that? Shit i'll have to rethink his nighttime mouth cleaning routine.
    Try Borax instead

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

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  • I love you guyzzzzzzz =))
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hahahha this cranky still pregnant chick needed a good laugh. Thanks for the saltiness you hoes.
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  • I lysoled the shit out of my new kitchen. I'll report back and let you all know if Max has any crazy side effects :P
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  • My first daughter ATE dog poop at about 5 months old. Lysol would be the least of my concerns.
  • I know this is an old post. But I to just didn’t this and was freaking out! First time Mom worries!! Ugh.
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