We just got a call and my husbands Dad passed away in a motorcycle accident today. They have not spoken since December. They got in a fight about smoking around our daughter. I posted about it then. We said we wouldn't come to there smoky house with our daughter but they were welcome to come to our house for christmas. They swore and hung up the phone.
I just don't know what to do for him. He keeps repeating "what have I done". My heart is broken for him. Does anyone have any advice?
His step mom fully blames him from the short phone call he made to her for the fight. she is a drinker and I see this going all sorts of bad places.
Re: T&PS for my husband
DS born 6/2013
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
His step mom ended up calling last night and apologizing for her original behaviour on the phone. We went over today and it went well enough. We still have no answers about what caused the accident though.
He is hoping to be able to see his dad in an open casket. I don't know anything about funeral arrangements but I'm worried his step mom will take along time to arrange any sort of funeral and maybe it will have been too long.. That's just her personality to begin with. She has never made a decision. I'm not sure what condition he's in to begin with though but I really do think it would help him because he can't remember the last time he saw him.