TTC After a Loss

*~September Sapphires Check-In~* (June 26)

This is an open check-in for those with a loss of a LO and/or EDD in September of any year.

~NEW MEMBERS~ If you are new with a recent loss, welcome and (((hugs))). I’m so sorry for your loss and that you find yourself here but I hope you’ll find that this is an amazing place to give & receive love and support. Please introduce yourself and be sure to include your loss/EDD to be added to the list.

~CURRENT MEMBERS~ Happy Thursday ladies! (((hugs))) to all who need them!


~RECENT GRADUATESIf you have gotten your BFP and have graduated, congratulations and have a H&H 9 months! Please PM me the great news as it is sometimes very difficult for me to check PgAL. If you get your BFP after the check-in is posted, then I will add it to next week’s check-in. Graduates will be posted on the first Thursday of the month.



anglndsguse44         9/03/2014

QuigleyCat1               9/07/2012

megrae12                  loss 9/09/13

MyFirstRaspberry     9/09/2013

kaynix21                     9/09/2014

natsfans84                9/10/2013

oxCherryBlossomxo    9/15/2014

superwife425            9/15/2014

5099peperk               9/16/2014

uneek1323                 9/16/2012

Wintersea                 9/16/2014

beckynsean11          9/16/2014

CallaLily30                 9/18/2013

ashellypnut              9/23/2013 

AllWeHave                9/24/2014

soulbyte                    9/27/2014

jenn0021                    9/25/2011

Flowerstar1023         9/26/2014

Graceanne927          9/27/2014

MelissaL124              9/27/2014

ashlee113085           9/28/2014

eliida                         9/29/2014

LauraO11                   9/2014



If you don’t see your name below, it just means that we missed you last week. No worries, just give us an update.

@CallaLily30  -  How are you doing this week? You’ve been on my mind.

@natsfans84  -  How are you doing this week? Was going back to work tough after your fun vacation?

@megrae12  - Your RE Appt is coming up next week. GL! How are you this week?

@kaynix21  - Have you had time to think about IVF as an option?  Are you still planning to go forward with IUI#3?

@LauraO11  - How is the new BBT working for you?

@5099peperk  - How is the 2ww treating you?

@Soulbyte  - How are you doing? Any beta updates?

@ashlee113085 – I’m headed to acupuncture tomorrow for a much needed session. Have you done any more packing?

@eliida – How are you doing this week?

@beckynsean11 – How is the 2ww treating you?

@superwife425  - Any updates on your vit D levels? How are you doing this week?

@oxCherryBlossomxo – How are you doing this week?


UPDATE: Update us on appointments, cycle days, struggles, successes, non-TTCAL news and everything else in between.


QOTW: What is your favorite candy?


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TTC #1 since June 2012
Current Status:  IVF with ICSI and PGS
Genetic, RPL, SA and Fertility testing = Normal/Good
    HSG = All Clear
BFP #1 12.30.2012  ||  Blighted Ovum 02.05.2013  ||  D&C 02.11.2013
BFP #2 09.10.2013  ||  c/p 09.12.2013

BFP #3 12.1.2013  ||  mm/c  01.15.14  ||  D&C 01.21.14  chromosome abnormality
May 2014:  Residual HCG and retained tissue found
05.13.2014:  Hysteroscopy D&C to find and remove retained tissue
June 2014:  Tissue sample results indicate a partial molar pregnancy
May - Aug 2014:   TTA for monitoring and testing
08.21.2014:  Hysteroscopy to remove minor scar tissue - the result of 3 D&Cs
Sept/Oct: IUI #1  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN
Oct/Nov: IUI #2  Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
Nov/Dec: IUI #3  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN

My Ovulation Chart  || *~*~All AL Welcome~*~* ||  DIY Blog

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Re: *~September Sapphires Check-In~* (June 26)

  • edited June 2014
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all are doing well. This morning I had blood work done and this afternoon I got the results that my HCG is still negative. This is great news because I had a partial molar pregnancy and the goal is to keep your HCG negative for 4 months. I also found out that I have not ovulated this cycle (which is not a surprise), so I start provera tonight to jump start my cycle. I am still TTA but feels like I am moving forward just a smudge.

    QOTW:  Most anything covered in chocolate: Reeses or milky ways.

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    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Current Status:  IVF with ICSI and PGS
    Genetic, RPL, SA and Fertility testing = Normal/Good
        HSG = All Clear
    BFP #1 12.30.2012  ||  Blighted Ovum 02.05.2013  ||  D&C 02.11.2013
    BFP #2 09.10.2013  ||  c/p 09.12.2013

    BFP #3 12.1.2013  ||  mm/c  01.15.14  ||  D&C 01.21.14  chromosome abnormality
    May 2014:  Residual HCG and retained tissue found
    05.13.2014:  Hysteroscopy D&C to find and remove retained tissue
    June 2014:  Tissue sample results indicate a partial molar pregnancy
    May - Aug 2014:   TTA for monitoring and testing
    08.21.2014:  Hysteroscopy to remove minor scar tissue - the result of 3 D&Cs
    Sept/Oct: IUI #1  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN
    Oct/Nov: IUI #2  Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
    Nov/Dec: IUI #3  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN

    My Ovulation Chart  || *~*~All AL Welcome~*~* ||  DIY Blog

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  • Thanks for the check in @MyFirstRaspberry‌ ! The new bbt seems more reliable, although my temps seem to be a little variable again, I often seem to be waking with a hot flash that outs it up .2 or so degrees. Frustrating! I'm on CD9, and still having some odd spotting, like brown blood, very minimal (there when I wipe). Not quite sure what my body is trying to tell me on that one :(

    DD 15.07.2012

    BFP #2 01.18.2014, MMC 04.10.2014 15w5d

    BFP #3 07.18.2014, MC 07.31.2014 5w6d

    DX: RPL due to submucosal uterine fibroid. Hysteroscopy 12/16. All clear!


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  • eliidaeliida member
    edited June 2014

    Thanks for the check in @MyFirstRaspberry‌! I so glad to hear that things are moving forward. Congratulations!

    LauraO11 I'm sorry you're feeling frustrated. Hopefully this will resolve quickly.

    I'm back to CD1. <sigh>  On the plus side, my doctor is special ordering an OPK from the States so hopefully I'll gain a little insight into what's happening with my cycle without getting invasive.

    ETA: QOTW: I'm with you MyFirstRaspberry, as long it it involves chocolate, I'm happy.

  • ashlee113085ashlee113085 member
    edited June 2014
    @MyFirstRaspberry That's great news! :) 

    @LauraO11 That's so frustrating! I hope that everything goes back to normal soon!

    @eliida That's good about your doctor ordering some OPKs!

    As for me, I haven't had any time to do any packing yet. We had a friend visiting us from out of town, and I just finished my last week of school, so I was busy packing up my classroom and going through all of the junk I had accumulated since I started there. Since I don't have a job in St. Louis, I think I kept more than I should, but I guess it's better to keep it and use it when I get a job, than to start from scratch and buy everything new. DH and I are back TTC again this month which is exciting and scary at the same time. We ultimately decided we would give it our best and wait and see. I am not convinced that I O'd this cycle, though, because I don't really trust my temps. We shall see. Any chart advice is always good, so if you feel like taking a peek feel free and let me know what you think! It's kind of scary, but I figure that we will just wait and see what happens! The acupuncture and therapy have really helped me to feel better about getting back into TTC. I also have been doing some meditations on circle + bloom that have helped me to begin to process the loss and feel ready to try again. We shall see... :) I hope you ladies had a great week!
    Edited to add the QOTW! 

    QOTW: My favorite candy is Snickers bars. I cannot get enough of them! :)
  • MrsZkoMrsZko member
    Hey ladies, this is my first check in here but I have posted an intro on the board last week. I'm new to TTCAL. My EDD was September 11, and we found out on April 17, at 19 weeks that our baby had passed away. We were told to wait two full cycles before TTC again, and this brings us to now! So basically we're officially trying! Lots of mixed emotions, mainly scared and hopeful all at once. Trying to stay positive, keep doing lots of good things for myself, and trying to love my life the way it is right now. 

    QOTW: I'm trying not to eat candy but I love the dark chocolate fruit crunch from Brookside. I could not pass that up!
  • @MyFirstRaspberry I feel so strange being excited for this, but yay negative HCG!!!

    @LauraO11 I'm so sorry you're having a frustrating cycle. I hope things are back to normal soon.

    @eliida Sorry about CD1, Fx that you get some answers soon.

    @ashlee113085 Good luck packing! I peeked at your chart, that shift looks pretty good to me. Looks like you have great timing. GL this cycle. I keep meaning to look into circle+bloom, do you find it helpful?

    @MrsZko I'm so sorry for your loss. Good luck getting back to trying. Take good care of yourself.

    The 2WW is going ok. I've been cramping non-stop since Sunday. I'm going to mention that tomorrow when I go to get my progesterone checked. I'm just happy to have gotten this far with no signs of CD1, last cycle I only had a 6 day LP so that seems to be going better this time around. Hopefully that's getting back to normal. 

    Big hugs to everyone!

       Me: IR-PCOS, elevated DHEAs, low progesterone, weak ovulation  DH: low volume, low T
    SHG 5/10/13: both tubes blocked; HSG 6/28 = Left tube cleared! Right blocked.
    BFP#1 7/20/13 EDD 3/30/14, m/c 8/19/13, D&E 8/21/13, Chromosomal results = normal, female
    Lap & hysteroscopy scheduled for 10/31, right tube cleared, no endo found! ...Happy Halloween!
    Cycle 14: Clomid (50)+ IUI = BFP! EDD 9/16/14~ Rowan Elizabeth born sleeping at 17w4d on 4/12/14 due to IC.
    ~There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world~
    New RE June 2014. RPL b/w - negative. SIS looking for uterine/cervical abnormalities & Asherman's 6/10/14 - ALL CLEAR!  
    Cycle 16: Natural IUI = CP, Cycle 17: Femara (2.5) + IUI = BFN, Cycle 18 Femara (5) + IUI = BFFN, Cycle 19: Break
    Cycle 20: Clomid (50)+ IUI = BFP EDD 6/20, transvaginal cerclage 12/19, Carson Quinn born sleeping at 16w3d on 1/6/15 due to IC
    Phone consult with Dr. Haney (Univ of Chicago) for transabdominal cercalge scheduled for 2/9/15.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."
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  • @beckynsean11 I really do find circle+bloom helpful. When we were TTC the first time, I will admit, I was a hot mess. I was very stressed out and worried. But since I've been doing the meditations, I feel a lot more relaxed and with a much more optimistic outlook on everything. I definitely sense less stress regarding TTC. And yay for no signs of CD1! :) GL to you in your 2ww!

    @MrsZko I'm so sorry for your loss. Getting back into TTC is always a little scary feeling, but the support on this board is great. Also, I love those Brookside dark chocolate ANYTHING. They are so delicious. 
  • Thanks @Ashlee113085. I'm definitely going to look into it. 

       Me: IR-PCOS, elevated DHEAs, low progesterone, weak ovulation  DH: low volume, low T
    SHG 5/10/13: both tubes blocked; HSG 6/28 = Left tube cleared! Right blocked.
    BFP#1 7/20/13 EDD 3/30/14, m/c 8/19/13, D&E 8/21/13, Chromosomal results = normal, female
    Lap & hysteroscopy scheduled for 10/31, right tube cleared, no endo found! ...Happy Halloween!
    Cycle 14: Clomid (50)+ IUI = BFP! EDD 9/16/14~ Rowan Elizabeth born sleeping at 17w4d on 4/12/14 due to IC.
    ~There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world~
    New RE June 2014. RPL b/w - negative. SIS looking for uterine/cervical abnormalities & Asherman's 6/10/14 - ALL CLEAR!  
    Cycle 16: Natural IUI = CP, Cycle 17: Femara (2.5) + IUI = BFN, Cycle 18 Femara (5) + IUI = BFFN, Cycle 19: Break
    Cycle 20: Clomid (50)+ IUI = BFP EDD 6/20, transvaginal cerclage 12/19, Carson Quinn born sleeping at 16w3d on 1/6/15 due to IC
    Phone consult with Dr. Haney (Univ of Chicago) for transabdominal cercalge scheduled for 2/9/15.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."
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  • Hey ladies!  I saw the doctor yesterday for all my results, and everything was veryclose to normal.  My Vitamin D was supposed to be 30, but it was 29, so my doctor was OK with that.  She gave me the prescriptions for Femara and Ovidrel yesterday and we get to start with the Femara today!  I took Clomid the last few times, so I'm anxious to see how I respond to Femara.  I'm hoping for, at the least, less side effects.

    @MyFirstRaspberry: That is all good stuff--I hope the Provera works quickly for you!
    @MrsZko: Sorry for your loss! Glad you're back to trying!

    QOTW: Swedish Fish! I even had Swedish Fish candy canes on my Christmas tree this year! 
  • megrae12megrae12 member
    edited June 2014
    Thank you for the check in @MyFirstRaspberry. I am so happy to hear your HCG is still negative. 

    AFM: I am nervous about my appointment. I dunno why, I dont really have a reason to, but I am. I think it's because I don't have the interpretation on my bw. I want to know what my number "mean" for me and how they affect our plan. Does that make sense? Other than that, I am ok. We got our new AC yesterday and we (finally) have a blessedly cool house. I am leaving tomorrow to go to the beach with a couple of girlfriends. I need this getaway to just breathe and relax. H finally heard about his job and for now he is safe. I am waiting to hear if our grant gets renewed (it's under review now) and whether I still have a job. I swear, if it's not one thing it's another. Grr. 

    QOTW: I am not sure, I am not a huge candy fan. I love dark chocolate though. 

    @LauraO11 I am sorry for the frustrating cycle. Hopefully things "settle down" soon. 
    @eliida ((Hugs)) 
    @ashlee113085 GL packing and FX for you this cycle!
    @MrsZko I am so sorry for your loss
    @beckynsean11 GL this cycle. 

    ETA: Question of the week. 
    Multiple TTCAL 1IF 3
    DX: stage 2 Endo 2012, PCOS 7/2/14,  HSG 6/11/14, Lefty open!!
    BFP#1, EDD: 4/27/14, Missed EP confirmed: 9/23/13, R tube removal: 9/25/13 
    Clomid/TI #1=BFN, 
    Clomid/TI#2=BFN, Clomid/TI #3=CP
    BFP #2 CP, EDD 7/12/15
    On a treatment break: 2 natural cycles. Saving money, sigh*

    Goodbye my sweet babies. We miss you so much
    All Welcome

  • labgrand2012labgrand2012 member
    edited June 2014
    MyFirstRaspberry thank you for the check in! I am so glad your numbers are negative!!

    LauraO11 I am sorry temping is still frustrating even with a new BBT.

    eliida I am sorry for CD1, but I hope the OPKs are a bit help in this next cycle! 

    ashlee113085 Yay for TTC again! FX for this cycle!! Looks like you got some good timing in. PS I love Snickers!! I also love freezing them in the summer, way better than ice cream. 

    MrsZko I am so sorry for you loss. FX for this cycle. This is our first cycle TTCAL and we have so many mixed emotions as well. 

    beckynsean11 FX during the remainder of your 2ww. Hopefully the cramping is a good sign!

    superwife425 Glad to hear everything came back good. Good luck with the Ferama!

    megrae12 I hope finding out what your numbers mean to you will help ease some of your anxiety. and yay for AC!!

    AFM: I am in the last stretch of the 2ww and the crazy is in full swing. I am trying to hold off until after my period is due because last time I didn't get a positive until after my missed period. But that is proving to be very hard, I even went out last night and bought some tests. I am also not 100% I O'd this month because it was so different than my previous. So hopefully this time next week I will know either way. 

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    QOTW: My all time favorite is Snickers, I love putting them in the freezer. But you can tempt me with pretty much anything chocolate!

    Edited: for typo
    BFP #1 1/4/14  |  Diagnosed with Trisomy 13 at 12 weeks 3/6/14  |  MMC 3/21/14  |   D&C 3/24/14
    BFP #2 7/1/14  |  DS born March 2015
    BFP#3 5/22/17 | MC 6/17/17 at 7w3d
  • @LauraO11 - I hope your body gets its act together soon. Sorry about the weird spotting. Keep up with temping. I hope the temps even out soon.

    @eliida - Sorry for CD1.  I hope the fancy OPK's help with understanding your cycle.

    @ashlee113085 - Looking at your chat, I do think you have ovulated on CD14.  I am glad to hear the acupuncture and medications are helping you feel better about TTC.

    @MrsZko - Hello and welcome. I am so very sorry for you loss. I am glad you are positive about moving forward.

    @beckynsean11 - My FX for you!  I'm glad your LP is looking better this cycle.

    @superwife425 - Swedish fish candy canes?! I had no idea that was a thing. I hope femara works well for you.

    @megrae12- Yay for a cool house!  I understand your anxiety about the appt next week. I'm really glad you are getting away this weekend. Perfect time for a distraction.

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    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Current Status:  IVF with ICSI and PGS
    Genetic, RPL, SA and Fertility testing = Normal/Good
        HSG = All Clear
    BFP #1 12.30.2012  ||  Blighted Ovum 02.05.2013  ||  D&C 02.11.2013
    BFP #2 09.10.2013  ||  c/p 09.12.2013

    BFP #3 12.1.2013  ||  mm/c  01.15.14  ||  D&C 01.21.14  chromosome abnormality
    May 2014:  Residual HCG and retained tissue found
    05.13.2014:  Hysteroscopy D&C to find and remove retained tissue
    June 2014:  Tissue sample results indicate a partial molar pregnancy
    May - Aug 2014:   TTA for monitoring and testing
    08.21.2014:  Hysteroscopy to remove minor scar tissue - the result of 3 D&Cs
    Sept/Oct: IUI #1  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN
    Oct/Nov: IUI #2  Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
    Nov/Dec: IUI #3  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN

    My Ovulation Chart  || *~*~All AL Welcome~*~* ||  DIY Blog

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  • Hi, I'm doing alright this week. It's been going by really slowly but am so glad it is Friday! My husband and I's first year anniversary is coming up (July 6th) so I'm excited for that. What did you ladies do for your first year? I wanted to get away but with the new little girl were bringing in that might be hard. June 30th is her official move in date so it would be hard to find someone to watch her on such short notice. Any ideas on something that is kid friendly. I live in Ontario by the way. Thanks ladies! Hope everyone is doing good this week.

    Fav candy would be anything gummy. XD
  • @megrae12 Yay for AC! :) I hope that your trip is super relaxing!

    @5099peperk YES freezing Snickers is the best!! GL with holding off to test! Sending positive vibes your way :)

    @MyFirstRaspberry Yeah FF finally gave me some crosshairs, but I developed a cold on CD15 and am not sure I trust the temps.I also noticed that I was getting a lot of the same temps (97.3) which has never really happened for me, and seems a little strange. I wonder if I need a new thermometer. I don't know. I also wouldn't be surprised if I'm just overthinking everything with this being the first cycle of trying. 

    @superwife425 Good luck with the Femara! 
  • eliidaeliida member
    ashlee113085 Congratulations on getting off the bench. So exciting!!! Good luck with the packing. I come from a family of teachers and not not envy you packing a classroom and a house.

    MrsZko I am so sorry for your loss. ((hugs))

    beckynsean11 FX!  

    superwife425 Glad to hear your results were close to normal. Good luck with Femera!

    megrae12 I hope your appointment goes well. Yay for AC and a comfortable house!

    5099peperk FX! Hope you're able to hold off on testing. :)

    @oxcherryblossomxo I hope you have a wonderful anniversary. Don't know much about Ontario, 
    but do they ever do movies in the park near you? We got married at a greenhouse/conservatory that's a part of the local park district. For our first anniversary we went back a took a long walk around the grounds. (Ours is July 2nd.)

  • Hi Sapphires, thanks @MyFirstRaspberry for the check-in! I'm going to post and run, I've been doing homework all day and can barely stand do look at my computer any longer. 
    Updates: Going back to work wasn't too bad because I got to tell my friends at work all about my trip. Also I've been watching the World Cup at work when possible and that helps pass the time. No TTCAL-related updates.. We're NT/NP (like the NP part matters with IF) and it's just got me down lately so I've sort of failed at bumping. Sorry ladies :(
    QOTW: I'll eat literally any chocolate. I don't even have to love it (ahem Ferrero Rocher) but I'd still probably eat it because I have a problem lol. Favorite ever is probably Ritter Sport or Reese's shapes (like the heart, tree, egg, etc -- I swear they taste better than regular PB cups!) or Twix. But seriously I have an insatiable sweet tooth! 

    imageLilypie - (zxAe)

  • Hi Sapphires.  Sorry I'm so late to the party. 

    @MyFirstRaspberry - Thanks for running the check in.  I'm glad to hear it feels like you are moving forward.  I know how even the tiny milestones can help feel like you are making progress.

    @LauraO11- When I was temping, I found that my temps fluctuated a bit as well so it may be normal.

    @elida - Good luck with the new OPK!

    @ashlee113085- Good luck with the move!

    @MrsZko - I'm sorry you have to be here but welcome to the group.

    @beckynsean11- Hopefully you've gotten good news!

    @superwife425- Glad yo hear your results are normal.  Best of luck with Femara!

    @megrae12 - I hope you are enjoying the beach!

    @5099peperk - I hope you have some good news too!

    @oxCherryBlossomxo - Happy Anniversary!  I don't think we really did anything special for our one year since it was on a Monday but we did eat freezerburned cake!

    @natsfan84- I've been a fail at bumping lately too because I feel so defeated by our TTCAL journey.

    UPDATE:  As for me, my beta was 3,452 on Thursday so its going in the right direction.  It was over 165,000 one week before on the day of my D&C.  I still feel like we have a long way to go.  DH and I planned a trip for mid September to St. Lucia so we won't start back any treatments with the RE until we get back from the trip.  Based on my declining betas and the need for a repeat sonogram, I don't think we would be ready to start until early September anyway so we are only delaying a few more weeks.  Since we've been TTC for almost 2 years, a few weeks doesn't really impact anything.

    QOTD:  I love chocolate too!  Three Musketeers and plain old Hershey Kisses are my favs!






    BFP #1: 1/4/13, EDD 9/8/13, Missed M/C confirmed 2/8/13, Misoprostol

    2013: Three CPs w/ EDDs: EDD 2/10/14, EDD 3/24/14, EDD 6/24/14

    IVF/ICSI #1 (Antagonist) - Jan 2014- 19R, 14M, 11F, 3 penguins (6BB, 4BB, 6BC)  PGD tested- All Normal!

    IVF/ICSI #2 (Antagonist) - Feb 2014 - 23R, 11M, 10F, 1 penguin (3BB) - Another Normal!

    FET #1 - March 26, BFN

    FET #2- Beta #1 (9dp5dt) -332, Beta #2 (11dp5dt) -1027, EDD 1/30/2015, Missed M/C, D&C 6/19/14

    IVF/ICSI #3 (Lupron Down Reg) - Oct 2014 - 38R, 28M, 27F, 20 frozen on day 5, 16 normal penguins!!

    FET#3 - February 1, 2015, Prep begins 1/13

    All Welcome!

  • @oxcherryblossomxo I hope you have a wonderful anniversary. Don't know much about Ontario, 
    but do they ever do movies in the park near you? We got married at a greenhouse/conservatory that's a part of the local park district. For our first anniversary we went back a took a long walk around the grounds. (Ours is July 2nd.)

    Thanks! No they don't really. There are drives in though so maybe we will check that out! Thanks. Yeah where we got married you can no longer go too, we were actually the last wedding there so we can't go back to see it. 

  • @oxCherryBlossomxo - Happy Anniversary!  I don't think we really did anything special for our one year since it was on a Monday but we did eat freezerburned cake!

    Thanks!! haha yeah we have our cake not sure how good it will taste lol. Will let you know!

  • edited June 2014
    @oxCherryBlossomxo - Yay! Today is the move in date for you foster/adoptive child with needs. I hope all is going well. Sending you love and support!  Also, congrats on the upcoming anniversary.

    @natsfans84 - Hey Lady! No worries about taking a step back from TTCAL. I get it. I hope your homework is not too difficult. Join us when you can, but we still love ya if you are too busy. I swear the Reese's shapes do taste better! Maybe it is all the extra peanut butter goodness!

    @CallaLily30 - ((hugs)) my friend. I understand how frustrating and emotionally bittersweet tracking beta's can be. I am so happy that you have an amazing international vacation to look forward to. And even more ((hugs)) for nearly hitting the 2 year mark. We hit 2 years this month.

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    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Current Status:  IVF with ICSI and PGS
    Genetic, RPL, SA and Fertility testing = Normal/Good
        HSG = All Clear
    BFP #1 12.30.2012  ||  Blighted Ovum 02.05.2013  ||  D&C 02.11.2013
    BFP #2 09.10.2013  ||  c/p 09.12.2013

    BFP #3 12.1.2013  ||  mm/c  01.15.14  ||  D&C 01.21.14  chromosome abnormality
    May 2014:  Residual HCG and retained tissue found
    05.13.2014:  Hysteroscopy D&C to find and remove retained tissue
    June 2014:  Tissue sample results indicate a partial molar pregnancy
    May - Aug 2014:   TTA for monitoring and testing
    08.21.2014:  Hysteroscopy to remove minor scar tissue - the result of 3 D&Cs
    Sept/Oct: IUI #1  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN
    Oct/Nov: IUI #2  Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
    Nov/Dec: IUI #3  Femara + Bravelle + Ovidrel = BFN

    My Ovulation Chart  || *~*~All AL Welcome~*~* ||  DIY Blog

    image  image

    image image 

  • @MyFirstRaspberry Thanks for the check in.

    So we went in for the IUI scans and I ended up with one egg, we were hoping for more. So we decided to not do IUI #3 but do TI instead.

    I'm now 2 DPO.....we think we're going to exhausted 4-5 IUI attempts before we do IVF< but that's where we're headed. 

    Hope the rest of you are doing well. My computers been freaking out so I haven't been able to get online a whole lot.

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    TTC: Started May 2012
    Bloodwork - potential ovulation issue which seemed to be fixed by clomid.
    SA - Mot (36%) and count low 9.3 mil (updated) 
    HSG - Oct 16 2013 - came back clear
    Clomid #1 - Nov. 2013 - BFN
    BFP#1 =  Clomid #2, Dec. 2013 - EDD 9.9.14 Loss Jan 9
    Femara #1 + Trigger (2/21) Feb. 2014 +ruptured ovarian cyst - BFN
    SIS clear
    April 2014: 50IU Follistim CD3-CD9 + 25IU CD10-CD13+CD13 trigger 1 mature follie= BFN
    IUI #1: May 2014 50IU Follistim + trigger + IUI = BFN
    IUI #2: June 2014 50IU Follistim + IUI (3 mil sperm)=  BFN
    TI #2: June 2014 50IU Follistim  + Trigger = BFN
    BFP#2 = IUI# 3: Aug 2014 75IU Follistim+ Trigger + IUI (2 mil sperm) EDD May 15

    BabyFruit Ticker

     Love bugs unite!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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