Cloth Diapering

CD Experts I need your opinion please!

CD Mommas, I need help! I'd like to buy a set if CD's for my 2yo as a potty training aid & transition to underwear. He's been telling me poop for a few weeks. Sometimes it's really a fart or hes working up a poop-but hes recognizing the feelings and verbalizing it. Recently hes started saying potty too and will sit on the toilet a few minutes but ultimately does nothing. I feel like if I invest in a set of inexpensive but quality CD's it will help him learn the feel of cloth underwear and I won't waste a zillion disposable diapers getting on and and off the toilet...

so! What inexpensive quality set of CD's do you recommend?

my CD experience is limited! I have window shopped on Amazon, does that count? Are the ones with all those snaps one size fits all?

He won't be 2 until August and by no means am I forcing him to the potty. I didn't even plan to discuss the toilet with him until at least 2 1/2 but since he's beginning to show interest I'd like to start easing into it.

Thanks in advance momma's!!
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Re: CD Experts I need your opinion please!

  • For your purposes, I would suggest either kawaii or alva pockets. They are both one size diapers, which usually means they fit from about 10-30 lbs or so, with the adjustable rise snaps. They are made in china cheap diapers, but good quality and popular. 

    They are both available from multiple sites, but I would start at Reasonable shipping, and great customer service.
    basic kawaii pocket-$7.50
    Basic Alva pocket-$4.99

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  • For your purposes, I would suggest either kawaii or alva pockets. They are both one size diapers, which usually means they fit from about 10-30 lbs or so, with the adjustable rise snaps. They are made in china cheap diapers, but good quality and popular. 

    They are both available from multiple sites, but I would start at Reasonable shipping, and great customer service.
    basic kawaii pocket-$7.50
    Basic Alva pocket-$4.99

    Pockets have the stay dry layer tho, so he wouldn't feel the wetness as well as natural fibers tho...
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  • Thanks ladies!! Can these brands have just a liner? Like doesn't the wash cloth looking liner go in the pocket. Doesn't the pocket mean when it gets wet the diaper in its entirety is ready to be washed? Is there a kind that has essentially a pad that the outer diaper can be used all day and you just replace the liners? Do liners slide around and fall down?
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Anniversary

  • Thanks ladies!! Can these brands have just a liner? Like doesn't the wash cloth looking liner go in the pocket. Doesn't the pocket mean when it gets wet the diaper in its entirety is ready to be washed? Is there a kind that has essentially a pad that the outer diaper can be used all day and you just replace the liners? Do liners slide around and fall down?
    A pocket diaper is changed completely each change.  The Microfiber inserts that come with most pockets can not be placed directly against the skin.

    What you are describing is an All-In-Two diaper or  more simply a diaper cover. 

    A diaper cover is just the waterproof layer.  You can lay your choice of natural fiber inserts,  (or stay-dry topped MF inserts but that would not be the best choice for potty training) or folded prefolds/flats in the cover and just change that when wet and re-use the cover (many people prefer to alternate between 2 covers throughout the day rather than put the old one right back on to allow the cover to dry/air out).  The insert/prefold/flat may bunch up a little but its usually not a problem.  Some covers (like Flips) have a flap of material at the front and back to help hold whatever absorbent layer you use in place.

    All-In-Two diapers take that idea a little further and have snaps in the waterproof shell so that you can snap on the insert.  BestBottoms is one of the more popular All-In-Two systems.  You'd probably want to go with the Hemp inserts rather than the Stay-Dry so that your LO feels the wetness.

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