CD Mommas, I need help! I'd like to buy a set if CD's for my 2yo as a potty training aid & transition to underwear. He's been telling me poop for a few weeks. Sometimes it's really a fart or hes working up a poop-but hes recognizing the feelings and verbalizing it. Recently hes started saying potty too and will sit on the toilet a few minutes but ultimately does nothing. I feel like if I invest in a set of inexpensive but quality CD's it will help him learn the feel of cloth underwear and I won't waste a zillion disposable diapers getting on and and off the toilet...
so! What inexpensive quality set of CD's do you recommend?
my CD experience is limited! I have window shopped on Amazon, does that count? Are the ones with all those snaps one size fits all?
He won't be 2 until August and by no means am I forcing him to the potty. I didn't even plan to discuss the toilet with him until at least 2 1/2 but since he's beginning to show interest I'd like to start easing into it.
Thanks in advance momma's!!
Re: CD Experts I need your opinion please!
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
A pocket diaper is changed completely each change. The Microfiber inserts that come with most pockets can not be placed directly against the skin.
What you are describing is an All-In-Two diaper or more simply a diaper cover.
A diaper cover is just the waterproof layer. You can lay your choice of natural fiber inserts, (or stay-dry topped MF inserts but that would not be the best choice for potty training) or folded prefolds/flats in the cover and just change that when wet and re-use the cover (many people prefer to alternate between 2 covers throughout the day rather than put the old one right back on to allow the cover to dry/air out). The insert/prefold/flat may bunch up a little but its usually not a problem. Some covers (like Flips) have a flap of material at the front and back to help hold whatever absorbent layer you use in place.
All-In-Two diapers take that idea a little further and have snaps in the waterproof shell so that you can snap on the insert. BestBottoms is one of the more popular All-In-Two systems. You'd probably want to go with the Hemp inserts rather than the Stay-Dry so that your LO feels the wetness.