
What do you do when you are driving alone and baby is crying in the car seat?

What do you do when you are driving alone and baby is crying in the car seat in the back? My baby is 3.5 months. He always cries even it's a five minute drive. He will stop crying, the moment I take him out of car seat. I wonder if I need to do something. I don't want him associate car ride=bad experience and has some psycholigical impact.

Re: What do you do when you are driving alone and baby is crying in the car seat?

  • That was my life for my daughters first 4 months.

    I just had to deal with it. We couldn't not drive. I had a pacifier in there for her, a toy, I brought the car seat in the house so she could sit in it and not always associate it with the car... Everything. You have my sympathies- it sucks.

    But then it just stopped and now she's awesome in the car. No explanation.
    BFP #1 - Mango - 6/11/12, EDD 2/22/12 Natural MC 7/15/12
    BFP #2 - Nacho - 10/14/12, EDD 6/20/13, MMC 8 weeks, D&C 11/16/12
    All testing shows both H and I are perfectly normal. Baby Nacho had triploidy. 
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    BFP #3 - Froggy - 1/15/13, EDD 9/27/13 TEAM GREEN
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  • Mine did that too. I sang or rocked his seat if I wasn't driving or just turn up the radio. He got over it though! At least for shorter rides.

    Harry Styles = Life Ruiner


    There’s a lightning in your eyes I can't deny
    Then there’s me inside a sinking boat running out of time
    Without you I'll never make it out alive
    But I know, yes, I know we’ll be alright
    J. 1.14.13 my reason for breathing 
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  • White noise, loud radio, keep the window open a little.  Is he in an infant seat?  You might consider trying him in a convertible.  Sometimes the change in angle helps.  It sucks.
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

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  • I am a lurker but I wanted to say that my DS was the same at that age. From 3 to 4 months he hated the car and cried the whole time, even for short drives. He would be sort of okay if somebody was sitting back there with him but that wasn't always possible. Our families live 45 minutes to an hour away and making that drive was torture. I tried to limit taking him on long trips as much as possible.

    I would always make sure he had a fresh diaper and was fed right before we left. I would take extra care that his clothes weren't bunched up uncomfortably in the seat and I made sure the car was cooled off before I put him in. Then I would just try to talk or sing to him to let him know I will still there even though he couldn't see me. A lot of times he would scream for most of the 50 miles we had to drive and I would sing at the top of my lungs. Sometimes while I was singing I would cry too!

    He grew out of it when he was about 4 months and he's pretty good in the car now. Hopefully this phase will pass for you soon!
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  • Also, you have all my sympathies. There is little worse than listening to your brand new baby cry for you and not be able to do anything about it :( 


  • ready-or-notready-or-not member
    edited June 2014
    Besides what everyone else has suggested, i think i once told my DD to get over herself bc we are a family on the go.....that didn't work either lol

    ETA words
  • Turn up the music and breathe. Sorry, that is the worst.
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  • MrsT0514MrsT0514 member
    edited June 2014

    Definitely don't do what my friend did. She told me she took the baby out of the seat, laid her down on the passenger seat and rubbed her belly while driving "slow".

    Mfing what??? That is insane.

    Eta...and just plain stupid.
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  • cedentoncedenton member
    edited June 2014
    elmoali said:
    White noise, loud radio, keep the window open a little.  Is he in an infant seat?  You might consider trying him in a convertible.  Sometimes the change in angle helps.  It sucks.
    Ditto all this. download a white noise app and put your phone in the carseat and make it LOUD. If that doesn't work go for the convertible car seat.
  • Turn the radio up.  
    Sing really loudly at the top of my lugs some terrible song they love.
    Talk to them.

    Sometimes they just have to cry, and I never made my boys CIO, but car rides are non negotiable.  I have car seat screamers, if I stopped every time they cried I never would have gone anywhere.  Literally.

    Also, the crying got much better when we stopped using the bucket seat for both boys.  They HATED the infant seat with a passion.  I'm not sure if it was the lack of padding or the deep seat, but they got overheated and screamed from the second I laid them in there.
    To my boys:  I will love you for you Not for what you have done or what you will become I will love you for you I will give you the love The love that you never knew
  • piffle42 said:
    DD really liked pink noise. It's a little softer than white noise. Sometimes I would cry too.
    Yeah, there's an app with all kinds of "white" noise options. Pink, black, rain and shower sounds and many more.
  • JGYJGY member

    I would cry with him, but also I would sweat profusely.  Does that happen to anyone else?  Every time I hear my baby cry I sweat.  It's disgusting.

    Anyway, my kid has gone through lots of phases of hating and then tolerating the car.  Try different types of music until you find something that he likes (mine would only stop screaming for classical music).  If it's the right time, the move to a convertible seat also helped us.  But basically I think it's just a stage that they go through and then grow out of.  And then regress into again and grow out of again.  Unfortunately it seems like forever when they're in the bad phases.

    Good luck!

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    Ultrasound at 6w4d shows a single, fluttering heartbeat.  Say hello to Sticky Ricki!



  • We had a lullaby CD that worked pretty well, but mostly I cried, too.

    I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. So not fun.
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  • That was my DS for the first two years of his life.  I just turned up the music really loud and sang at the top of my lungs.  It magically stopped one day out of the blue.  DS is four now and is amazing in the car for any length of time.  You have all my sympathy!


  • Radio static worked for us.  Or turning it off and me singing to him.  I started singing three specific songs to him even before he was born, and even now (at almost 2 years old) those songs can calm him down.  It does stop eventually, so take heart.  :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Started TTC "2.0": 6/13, First round of Clomid: 3/14, BFP: 4/14, EDD: 12/23/14, C-Section: 12/18/14
    Nathan and Nicholas are going to have so much fun together!

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • The only thing that would stop DS when he was <1 was one song on a Fernando Ortega cd.
  • We switched from a travel system seat to a Graco nonconvertible seat (not sure the name of it off the top of my head). She is still fussy sometimes but it definitely made a difference. She has more room and it's easier for her to look around. I also put on Disney Pandora and sing along with the songs. LOUD. But....then again sometimes nothing helps. There's not much you can do in that situation. I hate it too! 
  • my kid cried every damn ride for 6 months until we randomly decided to switch her to a convertible.  she immediately stopped.  maybe try switching kiddo?  rf, of course :)

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