This is my first cycle with letrozole, and I started last night. I feel nauseated and woozy, my head is splitting, and I'm so tired! It's not helping that my office's carpets were cleaned last night and the cleaners didn't let things dry out, and the whole place smells swampy as hayell.
Did anyone else have side effects with letrozole? If so, how did you cope?
Me: 38 DH: 40
TTC#1 (and likely only) since 9/13. Saw RE 5/14, SA good, AMH 2.36, FSH 7.2, estradiol 69.6 indicating good egg reserve. Using OPKs. First Letrozole cycle 6/14, a burst cyst and a BFN. Second Letrozole cycle 7/14, BFN.
Update 11/14 - had laparoscopy 10/28, good news is that my uterus and left tube look good, and they were able to drain the cyst on my left ovary. Bad news is that right tube and ovary have endo and scar tissue, so they're pretty useless.. Best news is that we finally have some answers and a path forward. Taking 7.5 mg letrozole CD 2-6 to put that good left ovary through its paces.
UPDATE 2/2015 - We switched to another fertility clinic, but fortunately we don't have to start all over. We're doing two cycles of Clomid plus IUI, if neither of those take, we'll do IVF in April, potentially with ICSI. (DH's SA has gone downhill, likely due to excessive exercise.) IUI#1 2/25/15....
Re: Letrozole side effects?
On those same boards I also read that people prefer these side effects to the ones you get from taking Clomid, apparently for most it's a lot more mild.
I guess I was so excited about actually feeling something going on I just ignored the pain and just dealt with it and it seems like it's passed now. Can you take Tylenol for the headaches?
When I had the queasiness, I munched on some organic corn tortilla chips, I think the salt helps some.
I don't know if that helps! But hope you feel better soon!
ME: 38, DH: 42, stopped BCPS 1/2013, TTC #1 2/2013, AMH 0.4, started acupuncture: 7/2013,
BFP: 10/07/2013; MC 10/15/2013 @ 7 wks (natural), focused on health issues for 7 months.
TTC again: 6/2014, 2nd round Letrozole, BFP 7/7/2014!!! --- EDD 3/18/2015!!!
I get bad migraines from the heat and it's been really hot here lately, so I've had 3 in the past 2 weeks! I feel for ya! I've been doing acupuncture too and my acupuncturist gave me peppermint essential oil to help, I applied a tiny amount to my temples and at the base of my skull/neck area under my hair and then rubbed it together in my hands and took deep breaths inhaling it and it actually worked! I reallllly hate taking meds, so this was a more natural way of relief! I need to buy some!
ME: 38, DH: 42, stopped BCPS 1/2013, TTC #1 2/2013, AMH 0.4, started acupuncture: 7/2013,
BFP: 10/07/2013; MC 10/15/2013 @ 7 wks (natural), focused on health issues for 7 months.
TTC again: 6/2014, 2nd round Letrozole, BFP 7/7/2014!!! --- EDD 3/18/2015!!!
ME: 38, DH: 42, stopped BCPS 1/2013, TTC #1 2/2013, AMH 0.4, started acupuncture: 7/2013,
BFP: 10/07/2013; MC 10/15/2013 @ 7 wks (natural), focused on health issues for 7 months.
TTC again: 6/2014, 2nd round Letrozole, BFP 7/7/2014!!! --- EDD 3/18/2015!!!
I just got back lab results from ob/gyn for round 2, this time it was a 9.74, still lower than she'd like to see (guess we're aiming for 15-20?), but much better than 2 after cycle one.
ME: 38, DH: 42, stopped BCPS 1/2013, TTC #1 2/2013, AMH 0.4, started acupuncture: 7/2013,
BFP: 10/07/2013; MC 10/15/2013 @ 7 wks (natural), focused on health issues for 7 months.
TTC again: 6/2014, 2nd round Letrozole, BFP 7/7/2014!!! --- EDD 3/18/2015!!!
ME: 38, DH: 42, stopped BCPS 1/2013, TTC #1 2/2013, AMH 0.4, started acupuncture: 7/2013,
BFP: 10/07/2013; MC 10/15/2013 @ 7 wks (natural), focused on health issues for 7 months.
TTC again: 6/2014, 2nd round Letrozole, BFP 7/7/2014!!! --- EDD 3/18/2015!!!