3rd Trimester

Maternity Leave Walmart/Sedgwick..

So if any of you are a walmart employee have you already filed your maternity leave and had it processed and approved?

Im getting overly stressed with it all. I applied through Sedgwicks online website portal thing. And so far have hear nothing. My status of the claim just says OPEN.

Thinking I'm going to have to call because they're email system for questions seems terrible too.

Any like tips on it or how the process was for you. How long it took. Would be greatly appreciated. Or even if you're just as frustrated so I know I'm not alone.


Re: Maternity Leave Walmart/Sedgwick..

  • My company goes through Sedgwick too, but there was a number I called. They emailed me a packet right away to have my doctor fill out. They will be handling any state disability payments that I'll receive, as well as my employer's contributions and my sick/vacation time.
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  • I finally got it all figured out I believe. Paper work lately has been very stressful. Bleh Thanks for the responses. :)
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  • I work at walmart but we do the paper work right with or humane resource person. I'm also in canada if that makes a difference
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