Baby Names

Is this name "mashup" idea tacky?

My parents names are Joseph (goes by Joe) and Kathleen. If we have a girl next I'm thinking of using Jolene as the middle name to honor them. Would you think this is tacky? I'm not even sure if Jolene is a real name or if it's made up. I only know it from the Dolly Parton song.
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Re: Is this name "mashup" idea tacky?

  • I think it's a cool idea. And yes, Jolene is a name!
  • Cute! Not tacky at all, since it's not a made up name.

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  • I went to college with a girl named Jolene and she was a sweetheart.
  • If it weren't a real name, it'd be tacky, but Jolene is a legitimate name.
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  • Since Jolene is an actual name it works very well. It was honestly the first thing I thought of when you mentioned your parents' names. Very clever. :)




  • My standards aren't that strict. I guess I just wanted to see if most people think of it as a real name.

    Also I forgot to ask, does it seem like an obvious honor to both of them? Like if you knew me and knew my parents names would you think I named after both my dad and mom? Or would you think it's just a feminization of Joe honoring my dad? Maybe I'm overthinking this...
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  • Joy2611 said:
    I don't think Jolene honors either Kathleen or Joe, but that's me.  I want the honor to be plain as day by using one person's exact name.
    Yes, this is what I was wondering about too. I do like both of their names individually, but I thought it would be a way of honoring both in one name since I'm not sure how many more kids we'll be having.
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  • Joy2611 said:

    I don't think Jolene honors either Kathleen or Joe, but that's me.  I want the honor to be plain as day by using one person's exact name.

    Yes, this is what I was wondering about too. I do like both of their names individually, but I thought it would be a way of honoring both in one name since I'm not sure how many more kids we'll be having.

    Would you consider Jolene Katherine? The "Jo" for Joseph and "Kath" for Kathleen.

  • I like Jolene.  But I don't really think it clearly honors your parents.  If I received a baby announcement from you and knew your parents and saw "Jane Jolene" I would say oh I love Jolene.  But I would never think that it was after your parents.  Versus if I saw "Jane Kathleen".  

    But I do like Jolene.  
  • I'm not a fan of the mashup name because I don't think it really honours anyone either. But at least Jolene is a real name, so I don't think it's tacky.

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  • Joy2611 said:
    I don't think Jolene honors either Kathleen or Joe, but that's me.  I want the honor to be plain as day by using one person's exact name.
    Yes, this is what I was wondering about too. I do like both of their names individually, but I thought it would be a way of honoring both in one name since I'm not sure how many more kids we'll be having.
    Would you consider Jolene Katherine? The "Jo" for Joseph and "Kath" for Kathleen.
    I don't like Jolene enough to use for a first name if that makes sense. I have a ton of first names on my girl list as it is. I like it well enough, but only as a middle name. Katherine is okay, but again I have so many other names I would rather use as a FN.

    Honestly honoring people in names is not really done in my family so it is not a must-do situation for me, although I'm considering it. DS's MN was switched out at the last second for a family name on my DH's side, so that's why I'm considering honoring my side next time.
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  • Ladymouse said:

    If it weren't a real name, it'd be tacky, but Jolene is a legitimate name.

    This. Jolene is also my favorite song of all time.

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  • nmrdnmrd member
    Like others I think it's a beautiful, legitimate name. I also agree that it might not be obvious to outsiders that Jolene is a tribute to your parents, but if the main point is to honor your parents then it will probably matter most that you, your parents, and your DD know, yes?

    Admittedly I'm a bit biased because DH and I are considering a similar move if we have a girl--Rosemary as a MN as tribute to our moms, Roxanne and Mary, and grandmothers, Marlene and Mary. In our situation I was thinking about talking to our moms to get their opinion but it's also possible they wouldn't feel comfortable saying, yeah, that's nothing like my name so it doesn't really count. Is this something you would want to talk to your parents about, esp your mom since the connection between Jolene and Kathleen might be less immediate? I would think though that they would both be honored to know how you chose the middle name even if it doesn't match up completely, but that's just a guess.

    Good luck, and I'm curious to hear what others think as well.
  • nmrd said:
    Like others I think it's a beautiful, legitimate name. I also agree that it might not be obvious to outsiders that Jolene is a tribute to your parents, but if the main point is to honor your parents then it will probably matter most that you, your parents, and your DD know, yes?
    This. It wouldn't matter to me if other people made the connection for whom she is named or not. You, your daughter, and your parents will know ~ that's enough, in my opinion.
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  • Its very pretty and a real name.
  • what about spelling it like their names joleen? or is that too crazy of spelling?
    i don't know anyone by jolene,  but it is pretty!


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  • I've heard that name, but wouldn't think it was a combination of Joe and Kathleen.  I personally don't care for the name, but it's not a weird one.  I also wouldn't clue into Jolene being a mashup name, unless you used it as a first name and said "This is my dad Joe, my mother Kathleen and my daughter Jolene", then I might put two and two together.
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  • Also I forgot to ask, does it seem like an obvious honor to both of them? Like if you knew me and knew my parents names would you think I named after both my dad and mom? Or would you think it's just a feminization of Joe honoring my dad? Maybe I'm overthinking this...
    I don't think it would be obvious. But does that matter? I knew someone with a "mash-up" middle name and while it wasn't an obvious family tribute to most of the world, she and her family knew the meaning and that's all that mattered. It was also a neat "behind the name" story if anyone ever asked.

    If you want it to be more obvious, though, I would go with something else.

  • I love, love this idea. I love the name Jolene and I think that it is super cute mashup tribute to your parents. They will get it and that's all that matters right? Even besides that, anyone that you want to make it obvious to, just tell them once and then they will know. I say go for it for sure.

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  • Jolene is fine, but I don't follow the mashup from Joe and Kathleen to Jolene. And I just keep thinking of the song about essentially The Other Woman.

  • Jolene is a perfectly legitimate name so even though it's a mashup name to you it wouldn't be for anyone else hearing it. It's totally fine and it's cool there's a name that works to honor your Mom and Dad.

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  • This is one mashup that actually works, IMO. Especially since you don't know how many more children you'll have, it would be nice to honor them both with Jolene. As long as the name honors your family for you, go for it. Jolene is a pretty name.
  • I think it works in this case bc Jolene is not a made up name, and it's actually pretty.

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  • It's fine! Middle names are perfect for honoring people!

  • Behind the Name says it's a 20th century creation, so it is "made up" depending on how strict your standards are.  On the other hand, it's been around for a few generations, and I tend to think anything goes for middle names.  I say use it!
    This exactly. Go for it.


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  • Use it! Pretty name and your parents will know you are honoring them both.
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