Trouble TTC

***IUI Check-In 6/24***

This is the place to update us on your IUI or break.

***Please note, if I don't see an update in 3 weeks, I will remove you from the list (you will see **4** before your name the week before I remove you)***

QOTW: What do you like about the way your parents raised you? What would you want to do differently? 

If you would like to be added please answer the following:

1. Where are you at in the IUI process? (2WW, meds, break, etc.)

2. Which IUI are you on?

3. Test/Beta day?

Currently in an IUI cycle:

rainbowbridge14 (IUI # 3)

twentyknicks (IUI #2)

Je11yBean85 (IUI #1)

BlueJell0 (IUI #2)

*SnowFlake84 (IUI #1) 

*TLooney17 (IUI #1)

KristenG2011 (IUI#3)

***CrystalKevin8476 (IUI #1)

***NotElsie (IUI#1.1) 

Waterlily234 (IUI #3)

Yayafamily (IUI #2)

mrskovarik (IUI #3)

Kcheese (IUI #2)

BananaPancakes02 (IUI #2)

Buttmonkey34 (IUI #3)

drstef (IUI #2)

viola27 (IUI #2)

jaci20634 (IUI #2)

Kam10 (IUI#4)


Babymilos (IUI #4)

wishiwaspreggo (IUI #5)

EastBayBride (IUI #2)

Kcmomz3 (IUI #2)

sewfie (IUI #1&2)

lilbean20 (IUI #1)

mikaela33 (IUI #2)

GinnyJones82 (IUI#3)

ky29 (IUI #4)

amylev80 (IUI #2)

BunnyBerry (IUI #1)

Belou52579 (IUI #1)

RNcrystal (IUI #3) 

Emmuffy (IUI #6)

Viola27 (IUI #2)

*MrsM429 (IUI #5)

Tiko99 (IUI #2)

**kaynix21 (IUI #2)

*bringthescience (IUI #3)

*TTCBabyJ (IUI #1)

jkremp (IUI #3)

ddvj79 (IUI #4) 

DharmaChick (IUI #4.1)

wcasar (IUI # 4)

katydid2014 (IUI #3)

*LRsnowflake (IUI #3)

***keziah23 (IUI #1)

**4**wbird (IUI #1) 

**4**princesskatie22 (IUI #1)

Temporarily Benched: 

lebradford (IUI #3)

**Rachaeleigh (IUI #2)

**4**kallygirlie (IUI #2)

On Break:

*Packerfan4life (IUI #2)

**sugar4bri (IUI#3)

*margevz101 (IUI #1)

*.Mrs.Matt. (IUI #3)

*MissEm15 (IUI #3.1) 


June 2014

Pmpknbride (IUI #5)

Mommalawyer (IUI #2)

May 2014

Calindi (IUI #3) 

April 2014

jdionne (IUI #2)

Jenkellen (IUI#3)

Nbgordon (IUI #2)

CandaceC1020 (IUI #1)

Jconno (IUI#3)

March 2014

Siona1976 (IUI #2)

Tippytoes06 (IUI #4)

**siggy warning**  **everyone welcome**

DS- 11.07.02
DSS- 6.26.04
Married- 6.29.13
TTC Again- Sept. 2013
Test Results/Diagnosis- HSG & SA totally normal
DX: 3/2014 Prolactinoma/Hyperprolactinemia- Started cabergoline 2/2014
5/2014 Possible mild PCOS in addition to hyperprolactinemia??
7/2014 Adding probable tubal factor to the diagnosis list
9/2014 And now adding hypothyroid to the list- Started synthroid 9/2014
Cycles 1-4 - Sept.-March- All Anovulatory 
IUI #1 March/April-  Clomid 50mg + Clomid 100mg +Trigger + IUI #1 = BFN
 IUI #2 April/May-Clomid 100mg + Clomid 150mg + Trigger + IUI #2 + Endometrin=BFN
IUI #3- June- Follistim 75iu + Trigger + IUI #3  Benched due to a 40 mm cyst. :-(
IUI #3- July- Follistim 75iu + Trigger + IUI #3 + Endometrin = BFP! on 7/25/14
Slowly rising betas - Ectopic suspected on 8/8/14 & confirmed on 8/11/14
Methotrexate on 8/12/14 -HCG negative on 9/2/14
IVF #1- November- Antagonist protocol: 11/1: start stims, 200iu of Follistim; 11/12 ER 17R/14M/14F; 11/17 5 day transfer of two blasts, 2 blasts and 2 expanding morulas frozen; 11/22 BFP!! (On FRER at 5dp5dt)
Betas: 9dp5dt 205, 11dp5dt 497, 14dp5dt 1,709
u/s at 5w0d- 1 sac; u/s at 6w0d 1 baby with heartbeat, another sac without a heartbeat

Re: ***IUI Check-In 6/24***

  • 3 BCPs left for me! As soon as I get my period, I can schedule a baseline appointment, and if my cyst is gone, then I start IUI #3, my first injects cycle. 

    QOTW: My parents were very open to discussing things with me, and I always felt like I could go to them with things. They have always supported me unconditionally. Things I would do differently with my own kids would be to make them do more for themselves (laundry, cooking, etc.) and take them more places. 
    **siggy warning**  **everyone welcome**

    DS- 11.07.02
    DSS- 6.26.04
    Married- 6.29.13
    TTC Again- Sept. 2013
    Test Results/Diagnosis- HSG & SA totally normal
    DX: 3/2014 Prolactinoma/Hyperprolactinemia- Started cabergoline 2/2014
    5/2014 Possible mild PCOS in addition to hyperprolactinemia??
    7/2014 Adding probable tubal factor to the diagnosis list
    9/2014 And now adding hypothyroid to the list- Started synthroid 9/2014
    Cycles 1-4 - Sept.-March- All Anovulatory 
    IUI #1 March/April-  Clomid 50mg + Clomid 100mg +Trigger + IUI #1 = BFN
     IUI #2 April/May-Clomid 100mg + Clomid 150mg + Trigger + IUI #2 + Endometrin=BFN
    IUI #3- June- Follistim 75iu + Trigger + IUI #3  Benched due to a 40 mm cyst. :-(
    IUI #3- July- Follistim 75iu + Trigger + IUI #3 + Endometrin = BFP! on 7/25/14
    Slowly rising betas - Ectopic suspected on 8/8/14 & confirmed on 8/11/14
    Methotrexate on 8/12/14 -HCG negative on 9/2/14
    IVF #1- November- Antagonist protocol: 11/1: start stims, 200iu of Follistim; 11/12 ER 17R/14M/14F; 11/17 5 day transfer of two blasts, 2 blasts and 2 expanding morulas frozen; 11/22 BFP!! (On FRER at 5dp5dt)
    Betas: 9dp5dt 205, 11dp5dt 497, 14dp5dt 1,709
    u/s at 5w0d- 1 sac; u/s at 6w0d 1 baby with heartbeat, another sac without a heartbeat

  • Hi all, jumping back in., Had IUI #2 today.  Motility was very low so chances are quite poor this cycle.  I'm on HCG and Endometrium this cycle for leuetal phase defect

    QOTD: I was raised by a single mom after my dad passed away when I was 5.  She did an amazing job as far as I'm concerned. 
    Me 39, DH 40
    Male Factor (severe oligospermia) 
    IVF#1-December 2013: Conversion Protocol @ SIRM, Canceled on day 10 of stims due to poor response
    IVF#2- February 2014:  Estrogen Priming Conversion Protocol @ SIRM (ER 2/22: (9R, 7M, 4F, All arrested, nothing to trasnfer)
    IUI#1-May 28, 2014- 100mg clomid, HCG Trigger, 100mg progesterone oral--BFN
    IUI#2-June 24, 2014- non medicated, HCG 2,500mg x 4 doses (over a week), Endometrium- BFN
    Suprise BFP- September 1, 2014- miscarriage at 5 weeks. 

  • Loading the player...
  • SewfieSewfie member
    1. Almost halfway through the 2ww!
    2. Numero uno
    3. July 2nd. I'll probably start testing at home this Saturday, now that my trigger shot is out of my system.

    QOTW: That's a really good question. My parents could have done better (with regards to general hygeine, nutrition, etc), but I do appreciate that they raised me to be really open-minded. For example, I don't remember a time that I didn't know that some people are homosexual (my parents are hetero), I feel like I've always just known, and it's no big deal. I was also exposed, via my parents and grandparents, to a wide range of socio-economic groups (we were damn poor, but my grandparents were middle class), and I think that helps me so much today. And my dad has always believed that I can handle myself as well as any man (my mom used to let my brother do anything, but wanted to keep me in eyesight all the time specifically because I'm a girl; my dad was always on my side to give me freedom). Despite that, most gender roles weren't that important. I never had any doubt that I could do just as well as any boy in any subject or sport.
    I would seriously change the basic care stuff (like, making sure they eat good food, not cake for breakfast, brush their teeth, etc).  And I would take time to actually enjoy them (my mom didn't play with us or anything. My dad did though, so that's something).

    ****Loss in Sig****
    3T Sig Challenge: New Year's Resolutions

    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."

    Marie Curie

    Married 2010, together since 2006. TTC for #1 since March 2012, actively charting since November 2013
    March 2014 - HSG left tube blocked, right tube partially blocked bilaterial partial obstruction; onward to the RE in April
    May 1, 2014 - Lap surgery and chromopertubation; Dr removed a bit of endo, but everything looks healthy & tubes are clear!
    May 2014- First medicated cycle, 2.5mg femara+TI; BFN
    June 2014- 2.5mg femara + hCG + IUI
    on 6/18= BFP on 6/28!; C/P on 7/3
    July 2014- 2.5mg femara + IUI #2 on 7/18. Starting progesterone 7/23, bfn
    August 2014- 2.5mg femara + hCG + IUI # 3 on 8/15. BFN
    Tx break
    IVF #1 -
    12/1 - TOT & SIS- RE found a polyp
    12/15 - Hysterscopic surgery to remove the polyp; additional polyps found and removed

    12/29- Good baseline u/s, 12 antral follies
    12/30- Started stimming
    1/10 - ER: 17 retrieved, 14 fertilized!
      My Ovulation Chart - No data,  just meds
  • 1. meds this time: cd5-9 Letrozole (beginning of cycle was kind of screwy), cd10-? Bravelle
    2. IUI#2
    3. somewhere around third week of July?

    QOTW: I think my parents did a pretty good job. In particular, my parents ensured that my brother and I learned to earn most of our treats and privileges. I see that missing a lot today. The only thing I might change is schooling. Public school was adequate for the most part, but I would like something better for my kids' education. My husband and I are considering homeschooling. (My parents would not have been able to manage anything except public school, so I certainly can't criticize them for that choice.)

    Buttmonkey34: Don't worry. Injectables are totally manageable. Bravelle shots burned as I injected them, but I barely felt the needle.

    ***siggy warning***

    Me: 29; DH: 53
    TTC since February 2013 --- mild thin PCOS (or not, depending on which RE you ask), MFI

    TI#1: BFN (April 2014; Clomid 50mg x5 days, Estrace x5 days, Clomid 50 mg x4 days)
    IUI#1: c/p (May 2014; Letrozole 2.5 mg x5 days, Estrace x5 days, Bravelle 75 IU x10 days)
    IUI#2: abandoned... O'd early & DH hormone issues (June 2014; Letrozole 2.5 mg x5 days, Bravelle 75 IU x2 days)
    IUI#2.1: BFN (July 2014; Letrozole 2.5 mg x5 days, Bravelle 75 IU x4 days)

    Moving on to IVF. (Why we're moving on to IVF)

    IVF#1 (w/ICSI): BCP 9/9-9/23. Gonal-F, Ganirelix, Low-dose HCG (antagonist protocol). 41R/35M/32F... 2 transferred on 10/14, 14 frosties! On cabergoline to help avoid OHSS. BFN, possibly because of 90% drop in estrogen and progesterone a few days after ET.
    FET#1: Transferring 2 on January 8. BFP! beta#1 (1/17): 408, beta#2 (1/20): 1310, first u/s scheduled 2/5

     image    image
  • ky29ky29 member
    edited June 2014
    10dpiui. I was bad and started testing. My trigger was pretty much gone yesterday.. And I was proud when I didn't test this morning. Hopefully waiting til Friday. But I'm already feeling defeated. We started to go through all our ivf stuff again last night. It looks like we will discuss it more seriously this weekend.

    QOTW: I think they did a great job with me. They taught me great money values, which I'm really appreciating now. I was not spoiled, and learned to appreciate what I was given. And just taught great values in general. I hope I can do the same with my children.

    TTC since March 2012
    DX: MFI (4% motility)

    Cycle 13: Natural cycle w/ HSG test = BFP
    Identical twins! 
    Lost my angel boys at 10.5 weeks

    Cycle 14-16: Natural Cycles = BFN
    Cycle 17: Follistim + Trigger + IUI = BFN
    Cycle 18: Natural Cycle = BFN
    Cycle 19: Follistim + Trigger +IUI#2
    Polyp found: SIS 11/11 - hysteroscopy 11/14
    Cycle 20: Follistim + IUI#2 = BFFN
    Cycle 21: Follistim (adj. dosage) + IUI#3 TI  = BFN
    IUI cancelled due to weather
    Cycle 22: Follistim + IUI#3.1 = BFN

    Cycle 23: treatment break, IVF consult
    Cycle 24 - 26: natural cycle w/ acupuncture + Chinese herbs = BFN
    Cycle 27: Follistim + IUI#4 = BFFN
    Natural Cycles until IVF
    Cycle 30: IVF#1 - Starting with Menopur + Follistim + Ganirelix
    17 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 5dt w/ 2 blasts, 5 frosties

    Betas:  #1-156(9dp5dt), #2-1200(13dp5) #3-6112(17dp5)
    Ultrasound #1 10/6: 1 bean!

    My Chart

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm on cd9. I go in friday for my mid cycle and IUI #3 is planned for Saturday or Monday. QOTW: I liked how my parents trusted me enough to give me the freedom to do what I wanted for the most part, but I never felt comfortable going to them for anything even half serious. I definatly want my kids to feel welcome to come to me for any questions or help.
  • ky29ky29 member
    @katydid2014 - sounds like we are both in the same place in treatments.  Hope you temp stays up!  FX! 

    For whatever reason I decided to temp this morning, just to see where it was at compared to other cycles.. and it's about average.  I may temp the next couple days to see if it drops, in which case I'll be more prepared for the bfn.

    TTC since March 2012
    DX: MFI (4% motility)

    Cycle 13: Natural cycle w/ HSG test = BFP
    Identical twins! 
    Lost my angel boys at 10.5 weeks

    Cycle 14-16: Natural Cycles = BFN
    Cycle 17: Follistim + Trigger + IUI = BFN
    Cycle 18: Natural Cycle = BFN
    Cycle 19: Follistim + Trigger +IUI#2
    Polyp found: SIS 11/11 - hysteroscopy 11/14
    Cycle 20: Follistim + IUI#2 = BFFN
    Cycle 21: Follistim (adj. dosage) + IUI#3 TI  = BFN
    IUI cancelled due to weather
    Cycle 22: Follistim + IUI#3.1 = BFN

    Cycle 23: treatment break, IVF consult
    Cycle 24 - 26: natural cycle w/ acupuncture + Chinese herbs = BFN
    Cycle 27: Follistim + IUI#4 = BFFN
    Natural Cycles until IVF
    Cycle 30: IVF#1 - Starting with Menopur + Follistim + Ganirelix
    17 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 5dt w/ 2 blasts, 5 frosties

    Betas:  #1-156(9dp5dt), #2-1200(13dp5) #3-6112(17dp5)
    Ultrasound #1 10/6: 1 bean!

    My Chart

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • 6 dpiui#3 - no major symptoms- a little crampy today but nothing exciting. I'll be testing July 2- my 3 year wedding anniversary so I'm hoping to give the hubby a nice gift of a positive hpt! If I get a bfn then I will be drinking all 4th
    Of July weekend when we head to the cape! Best of luck everyone !
    Married July 2 2011
    Not trying Not preventing since 2011
    Me: Ovulate on my own (but poorly) DH: Low count and poor motility
    Oct 2013 Uterine polyp removed
    Feb 2014 First round Ferama, trigger and IUI...BFN
    March 2014 Second round Ferama, trigger and iui
    Trying to Conceive Ticker
  • wcasarwcasar member
    Starting round #5. Halfway through my clomid with IUI sometime over July 4th weekend. Considering I plan events that's my busiest day of the year it will be hard to keep my stress level to a minimum. Luckily I may be triggered that am or on Saturday so at least the IUI will be after I work.

    Also called to set up our initial consult for IVF on July 17th so here's to hoping I get a BFP with this last go around we save money.

    My parents were great and raised me well. I hope my husband and I will be able to do the same when and if we have an opportunity.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    Married: 09-08-2012 

    Me: 34 | DH: 38
    TTC Since September 2012 
    DX: DH - Low Counts 

    Clomid, 5 IUIs, 2 rounds of IVF and several FETs
    Baby Girl is estimated to arrive around February 27, 2016! 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Kam10Kam10 member

    I'm on CD12 and go in for my 2nd mid-cycle ultrasound tomorrow morning. First scan on Monday showed one promising on the right, and two on the left. Lining was at a 6 which is a huge improvement over any previous cycle I've had. Hopefully things will look good and IUI#4 will be on Friday.

    *****Siggy Warning*****

    Toby        image

    Me:28 DH:28
    TTC #1 since Nov '12
    DX: Non-IR PCOS & Hypothyroidism 
    BFP: 11/7/13 EDD: 7/18/14 Ectopic Tubal Surgery 12/18 
    2/5 HSG all clear!
    Femara 5mg + Trigger + IUI #1- 5 = BFN
    IVF #1 - 17R 15M 11F - Transferred 1 beautiful hatching blast on 9/26    4 Frosties
    Beta (10dp5dt) = 166  Beta #2 (12dp5dt) = 284  Beta #3 (14dp5dt) = 471  Beta #4 (18dp5dt) = 2032
    EDD: 6/14/15
    ~All are welcome~

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • Tiko99Tiko99 member
    Yesterday and today I had B2B IUI so I am officially in the TWW and will start my progesterone suppositories tonight (yuck). My follicles were still hanging around when I had the first IUI yesterday, but I was happy to see the three on my left side ovulated so I hope we caught the eggs in time with the second IUI. The one on my right side did not ovulate with the trigger so it may ovulate on its own or shrivel back. My DH stats were amazing....90 million with 90% motility for the first IUI and 40 million with 70% motility for the second. I sat their for 15 minutes after each IUI and just thought about the sperm meeting the egg....sperm meet egg...sperm meet egg. 

    I was adopted at 6 weeks and I'm at a point in my life were I can give props to my birth parents for continuing with the pregnancy and giving me to a family that could better provide for me. With that being said my parents waited 7 years for me and 10 for my brother and I think since they wanted children so incredibly bad that once we came around they were in spoil/protection mode. I didn't have any set chores, I never worried about money because my parents bought us both new cars and paid for our college educations, contributed to our IRA's, etc. Looking back I completely appreciate what they did for us, but I think I missed out on a lot of opportunities to learn that failing and having to work for what you get are good things and lead to more personal strength and confidence. With that being said, my parents were great people, still are and I know will make amazing grandparents one day. 

    Me: 33, DH: 32

    TTC: 2 years
    Fertility blood tests all normal
    Tilted uterus
    3 day ultrasound 17 follicles
    HSG: 11/13/13- tubes open
    DH SA: SUPER sperm (145 million, 84% motility, 22% morphology)
    All infection disease and immunity blood tests NORMAL

    FIRST IUI May 2014: 100 mg Clomid days 5-9, third ultrasound CD 13 revealed four follicles 27, 24 and 20 and 13mm. Trigger shot May 28 with IUI May 29 and 30 (fingers crossed) - BFN started spotting 11DPO :(

    IUI #2 B2B 6/23 and 6/24, three mature eggs and 130 million sperm! FX this is the month!  BFN 7/8

    3rd cycle benched due to cysts - TI with OPK tests -  BFN

    3rd mediated cycle: Clomid+Trigger+TI  (three follies left side, one on right as usual....what the hell right ovary get it together and produce some damn follicles!) 7DPO progesterone level 43 with NO suppositories YAY for a natural strong ovulation. Beta canceled started spotting 13DPO - Third time is not a CHARM! 14 day cycle WTF! Everything looks normal - RE wants to start injectables next cycle so this cycle I'm benched

    Officially benched until March....but still plan on trying the baking soda douche due to my excessive and thick CM

    JANUARY SIGGY CHALLENGE...This is so me!


    Love this man....he was so before his time in his thoughts and ideas about the world....been obsessed about him lately bringing it back to the early 90s.


    Never thought I would like long hair....


  • drstefdrstef member
    Hi Ladies!

    Update: We are currently in the process of IUI#2. I am on CD7 and have been taking Letrozole (10mg) since CD3. I go in 6/27 for a u/s check-in so hopefully things will go well. The IUI looks like it will take place some time before the 4th of July.

    Good luck to all of you ladies!

    QOTW: I would not change one thing in regards to how my parents raised me. I would definitely not be the person I am today if it were not for them. There are plenty of things I disagreed with while growing up, however, the older I get the more I respect them. I spent 6 years away from the them when I got married, but now, they are my neighbors!!! I couldn't love them more!
    Me: 31 PCOS
    DH: 30 SA-Low motility
    Married: July 27, 2007   NTNP: 2008-2013   Actively TTC: Since October 2013
    IUI #1: 10mg letrozole (3-7), trigger shot (5/31/14), procedure 6/2/2014 SA - 5mill post-wash  BFN

    IUI #2: 10mg letrozole (3-7), trigger shot (7/1/14), procedure 7/2/2014 SA - 23 mill post-wash BFN
    IUI #3: 10mg letrozole (5-9), trigger shot (7/30/14), procedure 8/1/14 SA - 28 mill post-wash BFMFN
    3T August Siggy Challenge: Worst Day Than Yours

    funny gifs
  • @mommalawyer Congrats!

    1. I am currently on day 2 of clomid

    2. IUI # 2

    3. If I ovulate the same time I did last month around July 18th

    I love the fact that my parents, especially my mom, always told me she loved me and showed me so much affection. They would punish if you did something wrong but then still praise you for what you did right in the situation.

    I kind of felt like I was treated different than my brother. It seemed like the females in the family were held to a higher standard than the males.  



    Me: +35 DH: +35
    TTC: Since January 2013 
    DX: PCOS. Severe Endometriosis, Unicornuate Uterus w/only left tube and left ovary, Pedunculated fibroid (on the outside of uterus) and Anovulation. All conditions diagnosed 8/13
    TX: Metformin
    DH DX: MFI - low morphology, low motility
    Ultrasound shows both kidneys in spite of UU. 
    HSG showed clear tube on the left side. 
    Lap Surgery performed 1/9/14 to remove fibroid and endo (Stage 3)
    • IUI# 1 June 2014 started 100 mg of Clomid - 7dpiui Progesterone: 13: BFN
    • IUI#2  July 2014 started 100 mg of Clomid - 7dpiui Progesterone: 5.75: BFN
    • Natural Cycle - so shocked to be in 2WW - 7dpo Progesterone: 15.5: BFN
    • Working with new RE starting injectables in late August.
    • IUI #3 August 2014  w/ Menopur: BFN
    • Finally ovulating on my own!!
    Waiting to start IVF hopefully
    **********All Are Welcome**************
    3T January Siggy Challenge: New Year's Resolution

  • Hey-
    I'm 4 dpiui #1 and I've been cramping since I had it. 

    I wasn't told about having a beta done-just told to call in if I didn't get my period in 16 days...I will just test on my own until I get a positive or a period and call them either way.

    My parent's instilled a sense of independence on me and also the importance of education. I knew from a very young age that I was going to go to college and my dad was going to help me financially through it. I was lucky that he paid the tab and that my work study money went towards my living expenses. One thing that I would change was that they were not very affectionate people...I had to learn that on my own and I still struggle with it today.  
  • It's awesome to read about so many with great timing, good linings - hooray for 3T IUIs!

    I'm still sore (emotionally) about getting stuck with ICI this month. It just wasn't on my radar of things that could go wrong. I will try to prepare better emotionally for the unforeseen next time.

    I'm on 9DPO and not interested in testing until 12 or 13DPO (Fri or Sat). If my temp drops or I start spotting/AF I may wait until Mon morning (beta day) to do an HPT.

    QOTW: I love that my parents raised me to take my faith seriously as the most important part of my life and who I am. They were also the best example of generosity.

    A whole laundry list came to mind, though, but I will leave it at this...I hope I can listen, not criticize, and have a more nurturing and open relationship with my kids.
    January 3T Siggy Challenge - New Year's Resolutions

    Me (29), DH (30) TTC actively 54 55+ cycles | All BFNs
    MFI (low everything) | Endo Stage 1 & Stenotic Cervix (treated) | PCO
    Married - July 2008 | Started TTC - Jan 2009RE Visit #1 - Mar 2014 
    IUI #1 ICI #1 - June | IUI #1.1 Laparoscopy - Aug
    IUIs #1.2, 2, 3 - Sept, Oct, Nov (Letrozole) - BFNs 
    IUI #4 - Dec (Bravelle) | IUI #5 - Dec/Jan (Bravelle) - 5 follies + TI - BFNs
    IUI #5.1 - Jan (Bravelle) Cancelled 
    Planning to start IVF in March!
    ***All Welcome***
  • I'm off break and back in the IUI saddle again.

    This is IUI #3. I start Clomid tomorrow and I will do Ovidrel to trigger.

    I go in for a follie check on 7/3
    10/2013 - Initial consult. Started levothyroxine - tsh 2.92
    HSG- showed graying in one spot/Saline Sono- showed 5mm polyp
    DH SA -  abnormal -  36%motility on both SA's (count and morph ok on SA1, a little off SA2)
    1/10/14 - Hysteroscopy to remove 5mm polyp
    1/12/14- Medicated Cycle 1: 50mg Clomid + Ovidrel + TI = BFN
    2/15/14 - Medicated Cycle 2: 100mg Clomid + Ovidrel + TI = BFN
    3/18/14 - IUI Cycle 1: 150mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI = BFN
    Upped Levothyroxine to 50mg - tested at 2.62
    4/17/14 - IUI Cycle 2: 150mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI = BFN
    6/21/14: IUI Cycle 3: 150mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI

    *All are welcome*

  • Hugs to all who need them, good luck to those in a cycle, and congrats to the BFPs!

    I am at 9dpiui for IUI#4.1.
    I had very light spotting this morning and cramping Sunday and today. I would like to be optimistic and believe that this is implantation, but I really doubt it.

    Beta is next Monday, June 30. I have been going "beta or bust" but I think that this time I may test at home on Sunday (14dpiui) so that I can give myself time to emotionally process the results at home.

    QOTW: For the most part, I wouldn't change how I was raised. I like that my parents emphasized important values, but still encouraged me to be open minded.
    ME: 34, Atypical PCOS (lean, no O without meds) + unexplained; DH: 33, mildly low motility
    09/2012: Start TTC after stopping NuvaRing.  No cycles seemed to occur.
    01/2013 - 05/2013: Tried Provera to "jumpstart" cycles. No luck.
    01/2014: Clomid 50mg - no big follies, stepped to 100mg; One mature follie, Ovidrel (HCG trigger), IUI #1 completed - BFN
    02/2014: Clomid 100mg;
    One mature follie, Ovidrel trigger, IUI #2 completed, Crinone - BFN
    03/2014: Clomid 100mg -
    no big follies on 1st round, 2nd round prescribed; One mature follie, Ovidrel, IUI #3 completed, Crinone - BFN
    04/2014-05/2014: Letrozole 5mg + Ovidrel HG to prep for IUI #4 switched to TI, Crinone - BFN
    05/2014-06/2014: Letrozole 5mg; one mature follie,
    Ovidrel, IUI #4.1 completed, Crinone - BFN
    07/2014-08/2014: Letrozole 5mg; one mature follie,
    Ovidrel, IUI #5 completed, Crinone - BFN
    09/2014-10/2014: IVF Prep - Insurance requires IUI #6;
    Letrozole 5mg - no big follies 1st round, 2nd round prescribed; IUI #6, Crinone - BFN
    11/2014: "Break" - Letrozole 5mg to cycle before prepping for IVF - successfully O'ed, but BFN
    12/2014: Extending 'break' one more Letrozole-only TI cycle for mental health break - BFN
    02/2015: Prep for IVF - BCP then Gonal-F, Ganirelex, Novarel trigger;  ER scheduled 2/11!
    PAIF/SAIF Welcome.
    December 3T Siggy Challenge: Favorite Holiday Movie
  • Hi all ! I am new to this board. Congrats to every with BFPs! Good luck to everyone

    I am currently on my second IUI... The first one didn't work because my ovulation is so off. This next one we will be doing Letrozole, HCG trigger shot and then the IUI. I am very optimistic and hope this one works. Trying not to get my hopes up.

    I had a tough childhood but if it weren't for my mom I don't know how I would have turned out. I cant wait to be a mother and teach my kids what my mom taught me.

  • I'm just starting iui #3 cycle, I'm currently on cd2. I'm going to start femara tomorrow for 5 days, then my follicle check is July 2nd. This is our final round of just femara and iui; we will move to injects next cycle if we have to get there. Praying for all you ladies and hope you get your bfp soon!

    Qotw: I like that my parents allowed us to try out many hobbies and activities to find out our interests. They supported all of us and wanted us to do things we enjoyed. Also, my parents worked so hard to provide a good life for our family and they taught us to work hard.
  • hello to all! Id love to join!
    1. Day 3 here. Starting 100mg Clomid tonight.
    2. IUI #1
    3. Tba

    I love that my parents raised us to be very reliable. If we rsvp'd for a party and then didn't want to go... Too bad. If we played soccer and wanted to quit two weeks later.... Too bad. It pays off when getting job promotions and in relationships. One thing I will do differently is talking to my kid(s) about sex, periods, and personal stuff. My parents didn't talk about this with us.
    Me: 26 (IC/PCOS-2000mg of Metformin daily)

    June 2014- HSG=clear

    DH: 27 (SA results were great minus the slightly low morphology)
    Started dating DH in 2002 at 14 years old
    Married on 03.01.2014
    Officially TTC since April 2014 
    January 2013- Surprise BFP, m/c at 6 weeks, D&C 2 Weeks later
    April 2014- First RE appointment
    July 2014- IUI#1-Canx due to scar tissue and polyps. TI with the help of Ovidrel. BFN

    August 2014- Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue and polyp

    September 2014- IUI #1.1-100mg Clomid, Ovideral, 11.5 million swimmers=BFP

    EDD-6/3/15- Our sweet baby Ryan was born on 1/6/15 and is in the arms of an Angel

    Dx with IC on 1/6/15

  • Luckily, AF came today (after my husbands suggestion that BD will bring it on, guess he was right!).  So, just waiting on a call back from the nurse so I can schedule my baseline U/S to get started on IUI #2.

    QOTW: There are a lot of things that I hope to improve upon when/if I have children of my own.  I think my parents did the best that they could, but I don't want to repeat their mistakes.

    Me: 30, PCOS-non IR, Annovulatory; DH: 31, SA normal :)
    Testing Completed! HSG Clear, Ovarian Reserve score 17, Elevated Testosterone, everything else normal so far
     Clomid 150mg + HCG + IUI #1 May/June 2014 (BFN)
    Clomid 150 mg + HCG + IUI #2 July 2014 (BFN)
    Femara 2.5mg + Estrace + HCG + IUI #3 Cancelled d/t no response
    Moving on to IVF with ICSI after break to lose weight.

    My Ovulation Chart
  • At the RE, waiting for bloodwork next. Just had an u/s and follies are moving along so slowly despite being on tx day 8 (CD10) with injectables. Struggling not to get discouraged but not feeling very optimistic about this one lately. Could really use a good call from the nurses this afternoon!

    Me: 29  DH: 31

    Married: 3 years

    TTC: 2 years

    05/2012 through 09/2013 – TTC

    05/2013 – first appt with OB about IF

    10/2013 – 50 mg Clomid #1 + TI

    11/2013 – 50 mg Clomid #2 + TI

    12/2013 – 50 mg Clomid #3 + Ovidrel + TI

    Consider IUI with OB or move to RE

    03/2014 – first appt with RE, hysterosalpingogram good

    04/2014 – Letrozole; Novarel + IUI CANCELLED, follies resorbing

    05/2014 – Menopur + Novarel + IUI#1

    06/2014 – Menopur + Novarel + IUI#2

    07/2014 - Break for traveling

    08/2014 - Break for moving

  • @YayaFamily: My last cycle required 5 days of letrozole, 5 days of estrogen, and 10 days of injectables. Don't lose hope early!

    ***siggy warning***

    Me: 29; DH: 53
    TTC since February 2013 --- mild thin PCOS (or not, depending on which RE you ask), MFI

    TI#1: BFN (April 2014; Clomid 50mg x5 days, Estrace x5 days, Clomid 50 mg x4 days)
    IUI#1: c/p (May 2014; Letrozole 2.5 mg x5 days, Estrace x5 days, Bravelle 75 IU x10 days)
    IUI#2: abandoned... O'd early & DH hormone issues (June 2014; Letrozole 2.5 mg x5 days, Bravelle 75 IU x2 days)
    IUI#2.1: BFN (July 2014; Letrozole 2.5 mg x5 days, Bravelle 75 IU x4 days)

    Moving on to IVF. (Why we're moving on to IVF)

    IVF#1 (w/ICSI): BCP 9/9-9/23. Gonal-F, Ganirelix, Low-dose HCG (antagonist protocol). 41R/35M/32F... 2 transferred on 10/14, 14 frosties! On cabergoline to help avoid OHSS. BFN, possibly because of 90% drop in estrogen and progesterone a few days after ET.
    FET#1: Transferring 2 on January 8. BFP! beta#1 (1/17): 408, beta#2 (1/20): 1310, first u/s scheduled 2/5

     image    image
  • I just had my baseline U/S, no cysts!!  I had a fear that I would have some just because of what I have read here.  But, I'm good to go on cycle #2!

    And damn, my ultrasound hurt today.  the probe pressed on my cervix or something, and I screamed.  It was fine after she stopped for a minute, but man, I wasn't expecting that!

    Me: 30, PCOS-non IR, Annovulatory; DH: 31, SA normal :)
    Testing Completed! HSG Clear, Ovarian Reserve score 17, Elevated Testosterone, everything else normal so far
     Clomid 150mg + HCG + IUI #1 May/June 2014 (BFN)
    Clomid 150 mg + HCG + IUI #2 July 2014 (BFN)
    Femara 2.5mg + Estrace + HCG + IUI #3 Cancelled d/t no response
    Moving on to IVF with ICSI after break to lose weight.

    My Ovulation Chart
  • I am CD 10 of iui #1. I had my mid-cycle scan today (I have a short cycle). I will trigger tomorrow morning and the iui is set for Saturday morning. Beta July 12th I guess?

    My parents did an awesome job raising me. They gave me guidance and boundaries, but they let me make my own choices. They always supported me, and they gave me a lot of opportunities. At the time, I though they were over protective but looking back I understand why they did the things they did.


    TTC #1 January 2009
    January 2010 SA results: Count 16 million, Motility 40%, Morphology 2%
    January 2010- Surprise BFP! DS born 10/1/2010 :)
    January 2013 TTC #2
    September 2013 Repeat SA: Count= 1.7 million, Motility= 24%, Morphology= 2%
    November 6th 1st Appointment with RE: diagnosed with severe MFI
    Testing to try to determine a cause & possible treatment for MFI
    CD 3 blood work for me. RE does not want to repeat my HSG/lap at this point,
    but may want to before moving forward with any fertility treatments.
    After seeing the uro, DH is currently taking lots of supplements and clomid to try to boost his count. We will have a repeat SA in February to see if it works.
    Follow up SA numbers are: Count= 4 million, Motility= 40%, Morphology= 1%
    Uro wants us to have another follow up SA 5/9 to see if we see further improvement than we are back to the RE to make a game plan.

    SA 5/9/2014 Count: 12 Million, Motility: 60%, and Morphology 2%. We will be doing iui #1 in late June

    IUI #1 6/28 clomid + ovidrel, post wash count 3 million total sperm= BFN

    IUI # 2 7/21 clomid+ ovidrel. post wash count 900,000 total sperm= BFN

    IVF planned for early November- cancelled due to cyst

    December IVF #1- 22 eggs, 20 mature,16 fertilized

    12/9 Transferred 1 4AA Blast, 6 frosties

    *****Everyone is welcome******

  • Thanks @tweetyknicks‌. Nurse just called and said they are keeping it "low and slow" ...not changing the dose and keeping it going for the next 4 days (total of 11 days on injectables this cycle instead of 4 days last month), check again on Monday morning.

    Me: 29  DH: 31

    Married: 3 years

    TTC: 2 years

    05/2012 through 09/2013 – TTC

    05/2013 – first appt with OB about IF

    10/2013 – 50 mg Clomid #1 + TI

    11/2013 – 50 mg Clomid #2 + TI

    12/2013 – 50 mg Clomid #3 + Ovidrel + TI

    Consider IUI with OB or move to RE

    03/2014 – first appt with RE, hysterosalpingogram good

    04/2014 – Letrozole; Novarel + IUI CANCELLED, follies resorbing

    05/2014 – Menopur + Novarel + IUI#1

    06/2014 – Menopur + Novarel + IUI#2

    07/2014 - Break for traveling

    08/2014 - Break for moving

  • Thanks @tweetyknicks‌. Nurse just called and said they are keeping it "low and slow" ...not changing the dose and keeping it going for the next 4 days (total of 11 days on injectables this cycle instead of 4 days last month), check again on Monday morning.

    Me: 29  DH: 31

    Married: 3 years

    TTC: 2 years

    05/2012 through 09/2013 – TTC

    05/2013 – first appt with OB about IF

    10/2013 – 50 mg Clomid #1 + TI

    11/2013 – 50 mg Clomid #2 + TI

    12/2013 – 50 mg Clomid #3 + Ovidrel + TI

    Consider IUI with OB or move to RE

    03/2014 – first appt with RE, hysterosalpingogram good

    04/2014 – Letrozole; Novarel + IUI CANCELLED, follies resorbing

    05/2014 – Menopur + Novarel + IUI#1

    06/2014 – Menopur + Novarel + IUI#2

    07/2014 - Break for traveling

    08/2014 - Break for moving

  • Congratulations to all the BFPs and wishing everyone the best of luck!!

    I just had my 3rd IUI now I'm in the 2ww. This time we did back to back IUI's which we didn't do the last 2 cycles.  Feeling a bit bloated today and having lower back aches..hopefully this is a good sign. :)  My test date is July 9th.

    QOTW: I love the way my parents have always been there for me no matter what.  I can talk to them about anything and even if we disagree on something there is never any big issue about it we just move forward.  I wouldn't change a thing...they are truly my best friends and am so blessed to have such amazing parents.

  • Hi, 

    Just wanted to let you all know that I said a little prayer for each of you.  

    I'm on a break cycle still, because of work travel, but to be honest I am really enjoying the off time and I may consider going ahead with one month on and one month off - just don't feel like I will be able to sustain going for treatment on a month to month basis (emotionally & financially!)

    FX to all in the 2WW.  Cheers!
  • Cd1 of IUI 7, officially the last cycle before my IVF. Fx

    Official diagnosis: Unexplained IF. I am 32. I have low ovarian reserve (low AMH), and poor egg quality. I've also been diagnosed with mild glandular developmental arrest (lining problems, detected with EFT).

    We are using open ID donor sperm. IUIs #1-7=BFN. IVF September 2014 antagonist protocol, 8R,5M,3F, 5 day transfer of 1 morula = BFN. IVF#2 planned for January 2015 (antagonist protocol + HGH).

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic image

  • ddvj79ddvj79 member

    I am 13dpIUI today & IUI#4 is probably a bust too, unless a huge miracle I get a BFP tomorrow :P

    QOTW - I LOVE that my parents made me independent, ethical, let me make my own mistakes and also let me figure out how to deal with things while still being my safety net. What I would change is maybe letting my kids be kids at least until they are 10 :-)

    DH :  36, has Chronic Kidney Disease, on dialysis & is waiting on the transplant list (average wait for B+ is 5 years)

    Me:   36, Hypothyroidism, PCOS, BMI 32, need to be done with "child bearing" ASAP so that I can be a Kidney donor (was fun realizing we didn't as much time as we thought :-/ )

    We're TTC#1

    IUI #1 : 5mcg Letrozole (CD 3-7) + Ovidrel Trigger + Had the one follicle = BFN  (March 2014)

    IUI #2 : 5mcg Letrozole (CD 3-7) + 150 iu Bravelle on CD9 (after much begging!) + Had the one follicle = BFN (April 2014)

    7th May 2014 - changed REs, this one seems to care (we think....)

    IUI #3 : 7mcg Letrozole (CD 3- 7) + 75 iu Bravelle (CD 8-12) + CD12 Scan 5/16 + Had 3 follicles (2 under 15mm) = BFN(May 2014)

    IUI #4 : 7mcg Letrozole (CD 3- 7) + 75 iu Bravelle (CD 8-12) + CD12 Scan 5/16 + Had 1 follicle + DH gave best sample so far = BFN(June 2014)

    IVF#1 -  ER Only Cycle Sept-Oct 2014, 17  eggs Retrieved, 14 mature, 10 fertilized, 6 made it to Blast & post PGS  5 were not viable due to chromosomal abnormalities
    Not sure where we go from here...

    We're parents to two very adorable, bratty, affectionate & goofy Bernese Mountain Dog pups who would very much like a 2 legged baby brother or sister of their own!

  • drstefdrstef member
    Hi everyone!!

    Update on my status: I went in on Friday (6/27) for my mid-cycle u/s and things did not look so good. I believe I had 1 follie on the left and the remaining cyst on the right. In addition, things are not progressing/maturing as to be expected. I go in tomorrow (7/1) for another u/s to see how things are. We are hoping that we have the opportunity to this cycle to do the IUI but we are running out of days considering vacation for me begins 7/5. I have very mixed feelings about this cycle, and all in all, it has me bummed out.

    @rainbowbridge14 and @Buttmonkey34 How are things progressing with you two?
    Me: 31 PCOS
    DH: 30 SA-Low motility
    Married: July 27, 2007   NTNP: 2008-2013   Actively TTC: Since October 2013
    IUI #1: 10mg letrozole (3-7), trigger shot (5/31/14), procedure 6/2/2014 SA - 5mill post-wash  BFN

    IUI #2: 10mg letrozole (3-7), trigger shot (7/1/14), procedure 7/2/2014 SA - 23 mill post-wash BFN
    IUI #3: 10mg letrozole (5-9), trigger shot (7/30/14), procedure 8/1/14 SA - 28 mill post-wash BFMFN
    3T August Siggy Challenge: Worst Day Than Yours

    funny gifs
  • drstefdrstef member
    @Buttmonkey34 I'm sorry your IUI got cancelled. Maybe there is someone who has the happy medium between your ovaries and my ovaries. I swear, sometimes it sucks being a woman.
    Me: 31 PCOS
    DH: 30 SA-Low motility
    Married: July 27, 2007   NTNP: 2008-2013   Actively TTC: Since October 2013
    IUI #1: 10mg letrozole (3-7), trigger shot (5/31/14), procedure 6/2/2014 SA - 5mill post-wash  BFN

    IUI #2: 10mg letrozole (3-7), trigger shot (7/1/14), procedure 7/2/2014 SA - 23 mill post-wash BFN
    IUI #3: 10mg letrozole (5-9), trigger shot (7/30/14), procedure 8/1/14 SA - 28 mill post-wash BFMFN
    3T August Siggy Challenge: Worst Day Than Yours

    funny gifs
  • drstefdrstef member
    @rainbowbridge14 I can completely understand the bipolar ovaries! I hope that is no indication of how we will be in the future, but after doing all of this, I think being bipolar would be acceptable!

    I went in today for another u/s. My slow ovaries decided to catch up over the weekend. I have one follie on the left around 22mm and possibly a second one (don't know the size). The Drs. are finding it difficult to discern between the good mature follicles or the remaining cysts. They feel confident that there is at least one mature follicle. I triggered as soon as I got back to work and we will be having the procedure tomorrow!

    I really do hope it works this time. We shall see!
    Me: 31 PCOS
    DH: 30 SA-Low motility
    Married: July 27, 2007   NTNP: 2008-2013   Actively TTC: Since October 2013
    IUI #1: 10mg letrozole (3-7), trigger shot (5/31/14), procedure 6/2/2014 SA - 5mill post-wash  BFN

    IUI #2: 10mg letrozole (3-7), trigger shot (7/1/14), procedure 7/2/2014 SA - 23 mill post-wash BFN
    IUI #3: 10mg letrozole (5-9), trigger shot (7/30/14), procedure 8/1/14 SA - 28 mill post-wash BFMFN
    3T August Siggy Challenge: Worst Day Than Yours

    funny gifs
  • I'm on IUI #3, just started Clomid last night. No idea when beta is yet since my follies are still developing.

    QOTW - I really appreciate that my parents sacrificed a lot for me. To send me to college. And they helped me buy my 1st house. What I would do differently? Well the flipside of their sacrifice and generosity was that it came with a heavy side of guilt if I didn't live my life the way they thought I should. Because I'm a 1st generation American born (my parents immigrated here from India), I try to understand that it's a cultural dynamic. I intend to make the same sacrifices/investment my parents made for me but man, I never want to tell my child that I will disown them if they don't break up with their boyfriend (which my mom did when I was with my ex).
    **Formerly EastBayBride508**

    Me 34   Him 33

    Me - Left salpingo-oophorectomy at 19 due to large cyst/torsion  and 2 large uterine fibroids found at age 30
    Him - Borderline low sperm count (correcting through Fertility Blend supplement)

    Married 8/20/2011
    TTC #1 since Jan 2013
    First appointment with RE 10/2013.  
    April 2014 - Clomid 100mg CD3-7.  HCG shot CD10 IUI #1 done on 4/12/14 (CD12) ....BFN
    May 2014 - Break cycle to repeat saline sonogram and re-group.  Travel to Kauai 5/7-5/12 (Yay!!)
    June 2014 - Clomid 150mg CD4-8.  HCG shot CD14.  IUI#2 done on 6/9 and 6/10 (CD15-16) w/ Prometrium suppositories during TWW .... BFN
    July 2014 - Clomid 150mg CD3-7.  Ultrasound CD12 - 4 mature follies! HCG trigger shot CD12 AM.  IUI#3 on CD13 w/ Prometrium suppositories during TWW ....BFN
    July 2014 - Repeat ultrasound done to measure size of fibroid - 8x9cm (the size of a grapefruit!) Surgery referral made.
    August 2014 - MRI done which revealed 2 fibroids: a 13x15cm fibroid as well as an 8x7cm one.  Super freak out mode over surgery plan.  OB-GYN/surgeon said surgery would most likely have to be a laparotomy (open abdominal surgery)
    August 2014 - After a 2nd opinion, plan to take Lupron x 2 months to shrink fibroids then laparoscopic/robotic myomectomy.  Surgery date is set for Nov 21st!  
    November 2014 - Robotic myomectomy done (2 large fibroids removed, mild endo found).  Benched x 3 months

    PAIF/SAIF welcome
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