Potty Training

Need potty training advice/encouragement

I posted this on my BMB Oct 14 and someone mentioned coming here.

For awhile now DD has occasionally said "potty" and Id sit her on it and she had only gone once in about a month. I wasnt really working with her because I was going to wait until our summer trips were over-one is next week and the other the first weekend of August.

Yesterday, she said "potty" so I put her on and she went. She ended up going three times. After her nap, it went down hill and had 3 accidents in her "big girl panties" so I gave up for the day and started fresh today. She went on the potty first thing this morning and so I put her in underwear again. Shes had 3 or 4 accidents already.

I ask her every 10-15 min if she needs to go and she will say no, but then have an accident soon after.

Do you think shes just not ready yet? Or do I keep trying today? I put her back in a pull-up for now. Any advice? Im at my whits end already and the day has barely started.

ETA: she is 22 months.

Re: Need potty training advice/encouragement

  • LC122LC122 member
    Well, have you talked to her about it? I can't tell the extent of her verbal skills, but do you think she has an understanding of what you're doing, your expectations, and goals?

    If so, I would keep going. I would discuss trying at regular times - first thing in the morning, before &/or after meals & naps, before bed, etc. And I would drop the asking every 15 minutes. That would annoy anybody. Every hour or two, fine.

    If you are really ready to commit, stop using diapers or pull-ups and don't look back.

    And I'm guessing if your BMB is O14, you're feeling pressure to potty train before your new baby arrives. Take that pressure off yourself and your child. It will make the process less stressful for all. If it happens, great; if not, it's not the end of the world. You won't be the first or last with 2 in diapers and you will manage. Some kids regress, some don't.

    Keep it positive. Successes are awesome. Accidents are opportunities to get it right next time. Try using the term "Practice" to get her to try, whether she has to go or not. This works best if you "Practice" at the predictable times mentioned above. Give her 5 minutes max to "practice" and if she goes, awesome; if not, good practice.

    Good Luck @Raesofsunshine1‌
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