
2nd round iui

Hello I am new to this site and am just looking for some feed back and to hear other related stories. I got pg on my 1st iui then miscarried at 8 weeks now I am preparing to do my 2nd iui next week I just started my clomid yesterday and will be doing a trigger shot as well just like last time. I guess what I'm looking for is others success stories in this similar situation I'm a little nervous this go round! Thanks

Re: 2nd round iui

  • Most (all?) of the women who post on IF are still trying for their first. There are loads of success stories on PAIF and SAIF. If you are looking for a community where most of the other members are undergoing IUIs, check out Trouble Trying to Conceive. Good luck!
    Me: 34 | He: 40
    TTC since 08/2012
    DX: DOR

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