
I swear there was something outside last night

I'm going to sound delusional, I'm not.
Last night DD woke up at 245 crying because her nightlight animal thingy had it's batteries die. I got her to sleep and took the animal downstairs using my phones flashlight. I didn't turn any lights on because then I would be too awake. I changed the batteries in the kitchen and turned to go back upstairs. I glanced at the back door and no joke, I saw two glowing red eyes. I promise. I've seen enough horror movies and read enough books to not investigate. I ran upstairs. Then I stood in the hallway listening. I heard a few thumps from that area of the house, so I woke DH and told him I heard a noise. I made him go look. He did and found nothing out of the ordinary.

There are no red/orange lights or items that would reflect.

WTAF? Now I'm going to be paranoid to look out windows. I also might need to lay off the horror and paranormal books.

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Re: I swear there was something outside last night

  • Nope. It leads to the back deck. There is seriously nothing that could have caused it. I went out this morning and looked everywhere trying to rationalize it.

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  • Could of been a rat too. I'm going with some sort of animal.
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  • Probably raccoon. Or a hare. Or maybe a creepy paranormal visitor. Whichever.




  • *looks for salt

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  • This is honest to god one of my biggest fears - that I'll walk into the kitchen one night and see someone or something staring back at me. Rationally though it was probably just some kind of animal.

    One of my fears too, but only because I'd most likely be naked at the time lol.

    Actually, thinking about it, the creeper would be more scared than me seeing that lol.

    I had on panties and a tank top. It was a rare night, usually there's no top.

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  • Once I left Ds and Dh at home and went out for a girl's weekend. Dh forgot to close the garage, so he went out at around midnight to close it. He said as soon as he got out there, he felt uneasy. His gut was telling him something wasn't right. He said he went to the edge of the garage to check down the street when all of a sudden a huge buck (deer with antlers) came out from the side of our house and trotted past him, across the street, and into the neighbor's yard. He said he about shit himself! It's almost unbelievable bc we live in a highly populated suburban area. So, I'd go with animal that was creeping you for sure :)
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  • fintinfintin member
    Fuck a whole bunch of that!!! Im already paranoid about doors or windows at night haha. I would have flipped shit haha.
  • My childhood dog had one brown eye and one blue eye. When her pupils reflected, like in a flash photo, the brown eye glowed green and the blue eye glowed red.


  • It was probably an animal.

    But, it could have been the Mothman. Have you seen that movie? I researched the true story/legend behind it after seeing it with my mom in college and I had trouble sleeping for awhile. It didn't help that my dorm room looked out over the city of Madison and there was construction going on with big cranes with flashing red lights on them.
  • I'll be honest, I'm not convinced it was an animal...

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  • Sasquatch.
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