June 2014 Moms

~*Saturday Ticker Change!*~

For June mamas due 6/7, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28, 7/5 - both inside and outside babies check in!!
How many weeks are you?
What fruit/vegetable?
Upcoming appointments?
How are you feeling?
GTKY: What's the best and worst piece of pregnancy/parenting advice you've gotten so far?

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Re: ~*Saturday Ticker Change!*~

  • How many weeks are you? 39
    What fruit/vegetable? Watermelon! Holy crap...
    Upcoming appointments? Weekly OB appt. on Monday
    How are you feeling? Feeling alright, just ready for this little girl to come out already. Everything is "done" so we are just anxiously waiting. I'm also super irritable, sleeping like crap and having weird bodily functions so I may as well have a squishy baby in my arms if I'm going to be dealing with all that anyway.
    Questions? Nope. Went on my hospital tour this morning so any outstanding questions were pretty much answered.
    GTKY: What's the best and worst piece of pregnancy/parenting advice you've gotten so far?
    Best - Rest, sleep as much as you can, and slow the eff down. I had no idea how much I am constantly running around until this pregnancy - learning to slow down has been hard, but my body needed it!
    Worst - all the stupid old wives tales. I never have fed into them but I get irrationally annoyed at people who try to serve them to me as legitimate medical advice.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I'm 40 weeks, starting 41. Baby is size of watermelon. (Large one haha) I have dr appt on Tuesday which i hope I don't make it to. I feel pretty good today actually, but very tired of being pregnant bc I am at the uncomfortable stage with a lot of pelvic pain that makes moving from sitting or laying down hurt. No questions. Best advice and worst advice is have sex to get baby out. I want to really badly but husband is extremely terrified my water will break and that I'm only using him to get labor started. :) kinda true and I'd like a nice orgasm before several weeks of recovery.

    Feb sig challange - Wedding day 5/9/09 :)


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  • How many weeks are you?
    What fruit/vegetable?
    Upcoming appointments?
    Monday,weekly OB
    How are you feeling?
    HUGE! And having regular mild contractions about 5 mins apart but not strong enough to go
    GTKY: What's the best and worst piece of pregnancy/parenting advice you've gotten so far?
    Best: lots of time with DS before the birth and get him excited for baby's arrival
    Worst: mother-in-laws opinions of appropriate attire for little girls
  • b48kateb48kate member
    edited June 2014
    How many weeks are you? 39 weeks

    What fruit/vegetable? Watermelon time!

    Upcoming appointments? 40 week appointment on Thursday. Some talk of induction next Friday (27th) if LO decides not to come by them. As of last Thursday I was dilated 4 cm and 80% effaced so they feel I would be very favorable if I choose to go that route. Very tempting for many reasons!

    How are you feeling? Lots of lower abdominal cramping and sore lady parts but doing pretty well. Walking about two miles a day right now so that is a nice mental and physical break.

    Questions? When is this baby coming? Any psychics in the group? :P

    GTKY: What's the best and worst piece of pregnancy/parenting advice you've gotten so far?

    Best advice was to keep as active and healthy as possible during the pregnancy. I complained about working my 12 hour shifts as a bedside nurse many times on this board...but in truth if I had been working a desk job I might have been inclined to remain too immobile (and eat all day)!

    Worst advice still belongs to MIL, who insisted that our two (much loved) cats should be "thrown away" before the baby comes. Cats are inherently dangerous to babies as far as she is concerned. It is a weird old-school cultural Korean thing...
  • How many weeks are you? My outside baby is 13 days old

    What fruit/vegetable? Currently 8lb 1oz bundle of love

    Upcoming appointments? Weight check in on the 26th

    How are you feeling? Great, minus sleep. I had a first degree tear, but recovery has been easy. I'm already down to my pre-preg weight

    Questions? How long before you die from sleep deprivation?

    GTKY: What's the best and worst piece of pregnancy/parenting advice you've gotten so far?
    Best: sleep when baby sleeps (easier said than done), don't worry about house work, take help when offered, and if all you do in a day is feed the baby, have a shower and put on clean pajamas - it's a win.
    Worst: "Let him cry it out, it develops his lungs". Oh, and "don't forget bottles, how else is he going to drink water"

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  • Hi Saturday ladies! I haven't checked in on this in a while and didn't notice the addition of outside babies!
    How many weeks are you? Bobby is 4 weeks 4d old!
    What fruit/vegetable? He's about the size of a small watermelon 
    ;0 6lbs 5oz at last weigh in about a week ago.  He's pretty small for his age but oh so cute!
    Upcoming appointments? Monday for 1 month and weigh in
    How are you feeling? More rested! My inlaws have been visiting and helping out tremendously with late night feedings.  They left today though :(
    Questions? How often should I bathe baby? 
    GTKY: What's the best and worst piece of pregnancy/parenting advice you've gotten so far?
    Best: Don't worry about statistics and guidelines, just do what works best for you and your baby.
    Worst: Start sleep training asap and get him into the crib.  No way! He is rarely a foot away from me at all times and is way too young to understand a sleep schedule.  

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @izzetoot‌ Still have an inside baby here but I have heard every 2-3 days for bathing your LO. More or less depending on their skin type and whether they get dirty enough to warrant a bath or not. Bathing them too often can dry their skin out since it loses moisture much faster than ours. HTH!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • @izzetoot‌ Still have an inside baby here but I have heard every 2-3 days for bathing your LO. More or less depending on their skin type and whether they get dirty enough to warrant a bath or not. Bathing them too often can dry their skin out since it loses moisture much faster than ours. HTH!
    Thanks! He doesn't get that dirty except for his lil butt (thats for sure!) and he always smells so good, like hot steamed milk! I keep calling him my little latte  :))  He does have quite a bit of dry skin on his back and arms and I don't want to make it worse, so ill keep it to 3 days.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @snuff9861 I'm sorry your stay was shit. We actually lucked out and got a private room on Kidd 10 as 5 was full up. Our Paeds nurses were awesome and we had a really short stay anyways (he was born Sunday at 5 am and we were d/c Monday at 9 am).

    Also, who are you seeing for LC? Is it one of the Public Health ones or Dr Whalen-Browne?

    FWIW, everything kinda falls into place once your milk comes in.

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  • How many weeks are you? baby boy is 11 days old :)

    What fruit/vegetable? he is the size of a newborn ;)

    Upcoming appointments? no appts this week.  its really weird to go from being at the doc all the time, to not going very often anymore...

    How are you feeling? feeling good about enjoying my time with baby graham.  annoyed that it is taking longer than expected to recover after delivery :(

    Questions? nope!

    GTKY: What's the best and worst piece of pregnancy/parenting advice you've gotten so far? best advice: just be the best parent you can be that day.  tomorrow is a new day!
    worst: get baby on a schedule right away.  he is only 11 days old!  

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