June 2014 Moms

@jenn72178 birth story -baby Jacqueline

jenn72178jenn72178 member
edited June 2014 in June 2014 Moms
Baby Jacqueline Reece was born Friday, June 13 at 2:23pm. She weighed 8.3lbs, 19.5" she was 10 days early! True to form, my little rockstar lived up to her nighttime partying ways in utero and my water broke at 1am on Friday morning while I was peeing (go figure!) I took some time to take a nice long shower and shave (priorities ha) and then headed to L&D arrived at 2:30am and they confirmed that yes I was in labor and got me all checked in. I was 2cm, 60%effaced but no real contractions. I was started on pitocin and the contractions came on fast and strong (probably the worst part of my entire labor experience) I was gripping the rails of the bed during contractions and not breathing...not the best technique I know but it got me through those few hrs. Finally got to 4cm, 100% effaced and was able to get my epi! Epi took 4 tries since I was a bit swollen and they couldn't get a good angle (which also was not much fun with crazy contractions) but man that stuff is amazing and kicked in almost immediately. Next time the Dr. checked me (maybe an hour later) she was surprised that I was already at 9 and told me that next time we checked I would start pushing. I side labored for a bit every 20mins switching to each side to help get the baby down. That did the trick. Shortly after it was go time and with the help of my amazing L&D nurse and my awesome DH we got this baby out in just about 1 hr..I'm told that's not too shabby for a first baby! Had an episiotimy and a few stitches but nothing major so recovery has been pretty easy. Baby girl came out purple and wasn't breathing b/c she swallowed lots of fluid on the way out but was quickly suctioned out for a good 5mins and I finally heard her sweet little cry. I was able to do skin to skin and feed her while recovering. Those L&D Dr's and nurses are truly amazing and never once made me feel worried for her safety. Overall the experience was positive and I am so happy to be a mommy. Its truly the best feeling in the entire world being a mommy. And now...some pictures!!
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