June 2013 Moms

What do you wear to bed when not home?

itsStackieitsStackie member
edited June 2014 in June 2013 Moms
After conversation with family last night... When not at home, out of your element, do you wear underwear to bed? Bra?
1st born June 2013

What do you wear to bed when not home? 104 votes

I wear all the underwear under pjs
23% 24 votes
I wear a bra, no underwear
8% 9 votes
I wear underwear, no bra under pjs
46% 48 votes
I leave it all off under my pajamas
20% 21 votes
no clothes period.
0% 0 votes
1% 2 votes

Re: What do you wear to bed when not home?

  • I always wear a bra to bed. Home or away.
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  • I voted wrong. I wear underwear but no bra both at home and away. I wear pj tanks with built in bras though.
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  • I never wear underwear to bed, always where a sports bra to bed unless I'm wearing a nursing tank. Depending what pjs I'm wearing, I may put on underwear and/or a real bra in the am before I go out and see anyone.
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  • BC&LMBC&LM member
    Other than when I was pumping early on and had to wear a nursing bra so I didn't leak, I never ever wear a bra to bed. That thing comes off as soon as I get home. Bras are torture devices!

    I used to wear underwear all the time when I went to bed, but then when I was pregnant I stopped wearing it to bed because I got uncomfortable. I haven't started wearing it under my nightgown since.
  • I wear a sleep bra no underwear. I wonder if I'll get used to no bra again after I wean?






  • I don't wear a bra or underwear even when away from home. I would never come out of the room like that I always put on a bra unless its just me and DH.
  • jefkjefk member

    Due to (TMI alert) recurrent yeast infections, I never wear underwear to bed unless it's that time of the month.  I got used to wearing a sleep bra to bed when I was pregnant and now I can't sleep without one (I wear a soft, seamless microfiber racerback style that I picked up in bulk on clearance at Marshalls... sexy). 

    Weirdo that I am, I wore an actual bra to bed when I was a teenager, hoping it would somehow make my boobs smaller...

  • I cannot imagine wearing a bra to bed, I am amazed at how many of you do it. I get it while breastfeeding, but all the rest of the time...that's torture in my opinion. I am also verrrryyyy small chested so maybe I am just missing something here. I wear a bra all the time when I am around people but bedtime is free time. 
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  • I avoid sleeping at other peoples houses because I can't sleep unless I'm in panties only. I've tried and 9 times out of 10 I take my clothes off in my sleep. It was rough having a roommate in college >_>
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  • I always wear underwear to bed regardless of where I am and nursing bra now but used to sleep no bra. Can't get bra off fast enough when coming home from work or weekend out chanting, "they're free"!
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