June 2013 Moms

Update on my son's friend

Just in case anyone was curious :)  The surgery went well, she's home and they found that the cancer is only stage 1!  Best possible news.  She'll go for once a week treatments for 18 weeks and the drugs are supposedly pretty mild (compared to what some kids have to deal with).  We hung out with them this week and you'd never even know she just had major surgery and she was excited to show off her scar :)
Formerly known as elmoali :)


Re: Update on my son's friend

  • Great news! 
    image image
    Bennett Andrew- 6/4/13      Nora Elizabeth - 10/3/14
  • That's great news!
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  • Good news!
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  • What a brave little girl. So glad it was stage 1. Wishing her a speedy recovery
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                                                                       Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
  • edited June 2014
    That's great to hear! My best friend's little boy just turned two and they were given the news last week that he is 9 months cancer free. He was diagnosed at 6 months old with stage 4 neuroblastoma throughout pretty much his whole body. It did not look good at all, but he was a real trooper and beat the odds. I have been thinking about this little girl ever since your post that she was sick, so glad to hear she is doing well, and to hear that she has stage one and they caught it early makes it all the better news.  Eta just retread this and realized I had written stage 4 instead of one, was thinking about my friends little boy
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  • Yay!! That's such fantastic news! Kids are so amazing with how quickly they bounce back.
  • @weddinginthecove that's amazing news!  I can't imagine dealing with that :-/  @mcbush I understand totally!  When her mom messaged me with the news I literally started to cry.  But the little girl visited daycare the other day and before her mom could stop her, pulled her dress up around her neck to show off the scar lol  I love the innocence of little kids :)
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • BC&LMBC&LM member
    Great news! Prayers sent for a speedy recovery.
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