LGBT Parenting

AH: appointment today (long vent)

Well, I got my first in a series of green lights for IVF today. The plan continues to be starting stims on 7/4 along with diluted HCG and then adding ganirelix in at some point.

The ute measurement, mock transfer and saline could have been better. He didn't find anything, so that was good. He was having a difficult time getting a clear picture though and had to press extra hard with the transvag wand. As usual I also needed a different speculum and my cervix wasn't in the greatest position so that took some

End light but a lot of pain :(. We went shopping after and I had horrible cramping about 20-30 minutes after we left. I ended up sweating and thought I was going to pass out because it hurt so bad. I'm feeling better now, but my ute area is still sore/tender and I'm still bloated.

As a result of my sweating and pain attack, I may have bought clothes that I'm not 100% happy with because I at least semi liked them and wanted to get out of the store quickly. My plan is to try them on again when I'm feeling better and return anything necessary. Old Navy definitely benefited from my crappy day.

We haven't even gotten to stimming yet and I'm already over this whole process of TTC. I'm tired of having my body feel like crap. I'm tired of having speculums and wands shoved up my vagina and having them moved all around to get that perfect view of my cervix and ovaries and ute.

I know it will get worse before it will gets better. I know the only way out is through. I know that pregnancy and birth will bring on a whole new set of physical issues. I know it will be worth it if we get a take home baby.

I'm not giving up, just having a rough day. I look forward to a day when my ute area no longer feels like crap...which may never happen thanks to endo. At least there won't be any poking or prodding though.

On the upside, I got to meet the RE who will be doing all of my monitoring, ER and ET. I like him just as much as my RE, so that was good. I was a little sad it wouldn't be my RE, but we both feel completely comfortable with this one.

Thanks for "listening". I just needed to get it out.

Me: 30  DW (aka C): 29

Together since 2/15/11 ~ Legally married in NY on 9/29/12

***CP mentioned***

We've been working on baby #1 since July 2013 using Open ID donor sperm.  8 IUI attempts with 5 actual IUIs and one chemical pregnancy.  We have one fresh IVF cycle under our belts as well as a FET.  I have endometriosis and a uterine septum that was corrected via surgery in November 2013. 

11/14/14 -  Second HSG shows that tubes are still clear and ute is looking good. 

12/6/14 - Started BCPs in prep for IVF #2

12/22/14 - Saline u/s and endometrial scratch (All was clear and OUCH!)

1/2/15 - Began stimming for IVF #2

 ****All Welcome!****

We are Mommas to four fur babies - 3 dogs and 1 cat.


Re: AH: appointment today (long vent)

  • Boo for a crappy day and a painful appointment...but yay for a green light!  Hope you are feeling better today.
    Married my wife 8/2007 ~ TTC #1 since 7/2011
    9 IUIs = 9 BFNs
    IVF October 2012: 22 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 frozen
    ET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Blighted ovum discovered at 7w5d; D&E
    FET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Missed m/c discovered at 9w5d; D&E
    Karyotyping: normal ~ RPL Testing: normal ~ Hysteroscopy: normal
    FET #2: 1 blast transferred 10/25; BFP 10/31!
    EDD 7/13/14 ~ Induced at 37w4d due to pre-eclampsia ~ Born on 6/28/14
    *Everyone welcome*

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Ugh, that does sound like a miserable experience.  I hope you are feeling better now and the actual procedure goes better.  Do your best to take care of yourself for a few day :-)
    T & G My wife and I married 9/10/11 in Niagara Falls, NY
    HSG 12/12/12        
    #1 ICI 12/15/12              BFN on 12/29/12
    #2 ICI  1/11/13                BFN 1/28/13                       
    #3 ICI 2/11/13                 BFN
    #4 ICI August 2013,  Clomid 100mg    BFN on 8/30/13 
    #5 ICI September-Clomid 100,  mg ICI 8/15 and 8/16,  BFN on 9/3
    #6 ICI October-Clomid 150 mg for 5 days   BFN 10/27
    uterine laparoscopy on 11/14-no endo or cysts
    #7 IUI December-Clomid 150mg    BFP 12/21
    12/23 Beta 51     12/26 Beta 209!
    First ultrasound on January 8th 2014-great healthy heartbeat
    Second Ultrasound January 23 (8 weeks) we got to see and hear the heartbeat
    Third Ultrasound Feb 4th(10 weeks), then will  released to OBGYN'
    It's a GIRL!
    We welcomed Adalyn Cooper Elizabeth on 8/29/14
    She was 7lbs 11oz and 19.6 inches long

    Proud foster parents to two little girls ages 2.5 yrs old, M,  and 1 year old, K

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  • JGYJGY member
    Sending hugs! 

    Married to my amazing wife 6/12/10 
    TTC since 6/11
    Unmedicated IUI #1 - 6/28/11 - BFN
    Unmedicated IUI #2 - 7/25/11 - BFN
    Robotic Myomectomy (Fibroid Surgery) - 11/15/11
    Unmedicated IUI #3 - 4/24/12 - BFN 
    Progesterone Supported Leuteal Phase IUI #4 - 6/21/12 - BFP!!
    Baby Boy G Born 3/24/13

    On to #2, are we crazy?
    IUI #1 - 11/28/14 - BFP!  Beta #1 (11DPO) 34, Beta #2 (13DPO) 101, Beta #3 (20DPO) 3043
    Ultrasound at 6w4d shows a single, fluttering heartbeat.  Say hello to Sticky Ricki!



  • You need to treat yo'self!  Do something nice and relaxing.  That's how I self-sooth after a horrible experience.

    I feel ya on wanting your body to feel normal again.  My progesterone symptoms are absolutely awful this cycle.  Worse than usual :( I wince when I roll over in bed because of my breast pain and it wakes me up a couple times.  They're also swollen so I look obscene (at least I feel like I do) so I'm wearing loose shirts so no one notices.  My appetite has been insatiable, I'm exhausted, and my whole damned body hurts.

    You know what helps with that, though?  Getting in the pool.  My boobs float so that takes the pressure off them, and my joints don't have to flex so that feels good too.  I just need to sit in a pool for the next week or so, unless I'm by some miracle pregnant in which case I should sit in the pool for the next 8 months lol...

    Ever seen that video with the old arthritic dog and the man who holds him in the lake so he can float and sleep?  That's sort of how it feels for me, too.  Pretty sad.  I hate that this process puts us through so much.

    And I winced at the ute stabbing.  I know how that feels.  Uuuuuugh, not fun at all!  I'm glad you have the green light, though!  You're right, the only way out is through so keep on chugging along and think of the end result.  IVF works for many, many women and this very well could be the last time you have to put your body through hell. 

  • Ug! Poor you. This whole process is HARD on your body. You are well within your rights to feel tired and sick of it, at any point - because it is exhausting the whole way through. And while yes, it will be worth it, it's still ok to acknowledge the suckiness of any stage of the game.

    You are right - the only way out is through - and I will say I am so excited you are doing IVF, and I am so completely hopeful and truly hoping it works. Hang in there. One day at a time is a great approach :).
    Lil'mamaz was born on Aug 21, 2014! She's PERFECT!

    It's been a long road to here...
    Me (43) and J (45) - same sex couple. And we don't feel 40+!
    June'12 - First RE Visit
    Sept. '12 - Tubes removed
    Dec. '12 - Donor Egg/Donor Sperm IVF Cycle - 4 good embies!
    Dec. '12 - Fresh transfer, BFP! EDD 8/29/13
    Mar. '13 - Missed m/c at 16w1d, baby boy stopped growing at 15w4d
    Loss due to umbilical cord was perfect. :(
    Jul '13 - FET#1 - c/p
    Sept. '13 - FET#2 - BFN
    Dec.' 2, 2013 - FET#3 with our last chance embie - BFP!!!
    Dec' 26, 2013 - hb!!
    EDD 8/20/14 with a baby girl!
    Little S was born on 8/21/14 - 8lb, 14 oz and 20 inches long.
    We live in Seattle and used SRM for our donor egg IVF cycle


  • Thanks for all of the good thoughts. I had a little cry last night just from feeling overwhelmed and a bit traumatized from all of this. Really, from everything over the past year. It has been building up for a while.

    I very rarely use the word trauma in my own life as I have seen so much in other's lives. That is how I felt yesterday after our appointment though. When I saw the shiny metal speculum on the tray yesterday, I just thought "for real? Can we stop putting things into my vagina for a while?" It's not like I didn't know that was going to happen. I'm pretty familiar with the process by all means. Just getting tired of it is all. There are many more wandings to come though!

    My next therapy appointment is a week from today, so this will give me something to process through with him at the very least. After all, I think he should earn every dollar of those 50 minutes ;)

    Me: 30  DW (aka C): 29

    Together since 2/15/11 ~ Legally married in NY on 9/29/12

    ***CP mentioned***

    We've been working on baby #1 since July 2013 using Open ID donor sperm.  8 IUI attempts with 5 actual IUIs and one chemical pregnancy.  We have one fresh IVF cycle under our belts as well as a FET.  I have endometriosis and a uterine septum that was corrected via surgery in November 2013. 

    11/14/14 -  Second HSG shows that tubes are still clear and ute is looking good. 

    12/6/14 - Started BCPs in prep for IVF #2

    12/22/14 - Saline u/s and endometrial scratch (All was clear and OUCH!)

    1/2/15 - Began stimming for IVF #2

     ****All Welcome!****

    We are Mommas to four fur babies - 3 dogs and 1 cat.


  • Oy, Stacy, it's been a long, tough journey. You're a warrior and I just hope this means you and C are that much closer to bringing home your baby. Big hugs!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • StacyLH24 said:
    When I saw the shiny metal speculum on the tray yesterday, I just thought "for real? Can we stop putting things into my vagina for a while?" It's not like I didn't know that was going to happen. I'm pretty familiar with the process by all means. Just getting tired of it is all. There are many more wandings to come though!
    IVF no doubt holds plenty more wandings, but I will tell you that if (when!!!) you get pregnant, your vagina will actually get a break for a while.  After 2.5 years of fertility treatments, I was surprised at how little action mine has seen in the OB's office.  Once I graduated from the RE, all u/s were abdominal.  I think I had an internal exam at my first OB appointment and then nothing until cervical checks.  Something else to look forward to!
    Married my wife 8/2007 ~ TTC #1 since 7/2011
    9 IUIs = 9 BFNs
    IVF October 2012: 22 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 frozen
    ET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Blighted ovum discovered at 7w5d; D&E
    FET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Missed m/c discovered at 9w5d; D&E
    Karyotyping: normal ~ RPL Testing: normal ~ Hysteroscopy: normal
    FET #2: 1 blast transferred 10/25; BFP 10/31!
    EDD 7/13/14 ~ Induced at 37w4d due to pre-eclampsia ~ Born on 6/28/14
    *Everyone welcome*

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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