June 2014 Moms

Induction Day for @mfilosi -- baby is here!

snowpantssnowpants member
edited June 2014 in June 2014 Moms
Hey everyone, my LB @mfilosi‌ is being induced today! Her little boy is already 9 days overdue and she is very ready to meet him! Let's wish her well. :):)

Good luck girl, you'll do great!!

Update 1: As of about 5:30 mfilosi was at a 2 and 70% effaced. Doctor was predicting he'd arrive within 12 hours. Here's hoping the doctor is right!

Update 2: About 10pm... Quote from mfilosi: "4.5 cm and my water broke!! Got the epidural my contractions were 2 min apart and doubled on each other, the epi is amazing!!!"

(FWIW I totally agree about the epi. :) )

Baby boy is here! I'll let mfilosi give the details but he's ADORABLE and they're both doing well!



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Re: Induction Day for @mfilosi -- baby is here!

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