TTC after 35

Not this time

Took a pregnancy test and negative. Not sure if it's bc I took it when I got home from work. Coming to the conclusion now that it was just a one day period and now testing with opk to check for ovulation.
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Me:  37   DH:  39   DS:  4
TTC #2 - Experienced Miscarraige on 3/5/13, DnC on 3/11/13

Re: Not this time

  • Sorry :(
    TTCAL January Siggy Challenge: Animals in the Snow


    About Me: 

    AMA 35 :  DH 33
    BFP#1 1/26/14 (EDD: 10/7/14).  MMC 3/10/14 D&C 3/14/14
    RE Consult 11/3/14 - AMH 2.25 "great" . FSH 7.10 . Low Vitamin D
    Myomectomy 12/17/14.  Benched until March.


    My Ovulation Chart
  • CML11CML11 member
    Wouldn't you need to wait one more week to O?
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  • kris-dankris-dan member
    edited June 2014
    @CML11 --- I O'd on a one day period which I thought was implantation bleeding, took test yesterday and bfn.  So I am assuming I'm not pregnant and waiting to see if I O by doing opk's
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    Me:  37   DH:  39   DS:  4
    TTC #2 - Experienced Miscarraige on 3/5/13, DnC on 3/11/13

  • Shoot I'm sorry :(

    ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
    Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive.  Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)

    DE IVF #1 (4/26) BFN  DE FET #1 (6/4) BFP! Beta 1=339 Beta 2=852 Beta 3=9957 EDD 2/22/15!!



         image   imageimage

  • so sorry!  I got a neg this morning too
  • ::kicks dirt:: Awww...I thought this was it for you! :(  So sorry.
  • I'm sorry to hear that. Our cycles can be so confusing sometimes! I share in your frustration.
  • Sorry. I don't think it's my month either.
    Me: 38 DH: 40 TTC#1 (and likely only) since 9/13. Saw RE 5/14, SA good, AMH 2.36, FSH 7.2, estradiol 69.6 indicating good egg reserve. Using OPKs. First Letrozole cycle 6/14, a burst cyst and a BFN. Second Letrozole cycle 7/14, BFN. 

    Update 11/14 - had laparoscopy 10/28, good news is that my uterus and left tube look good, and they were able to drain the cyst on my left ovary. Bad news is that right tube and ovary have endo and scar tissue, so they're pretty useless.. Best news is that we finally have some answers and a path forward. Taking 7.5 mg letrozole CD 2-6 to put that good left ovary through its paces. 

    UPDATE 2/2015 - We switched to another fertility clinic, but fortunately we don't have to start all over. We're doing two cycles of Clomid plus IUI, if neither of those take, we'll do IVF in April, potentially with ICSI. (DH's SA has gone downhill, likely due to excessive exercise.) IUI#1 2/25/15....
  • I am going to test again with a hpt on Saturday morning.  But definitely going to continue with the opk's.  It probably was a 1-2 day period which are usually 5 for me.
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    Me:  37   DH:  39   DS:  4
    TTC #2 - Experienced Miscarraige on 3/5/13, DnC on 3/11/13

  • Thank you all!!!
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    Me:  37   DH:  39   DS:  4
    TTC #2 - Experienced Miscarraige on 3/5/13, DnC on 3/11/13

  • Awwww man, I was hoping for a BFP for you.
    I agree that you should be using OPK now. If your cycle was off last month then O could be different this month.
    I will still have my fingers crossed for Saturdays FMU test.

      Me:39, DH:40

    DD born 8/96, DS born 8/04


    NTNP since 2006, active trying 1/13

    Natural M/C 3/13 at 7 weeks

    CP 2/14

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers


    All welcome

  • At the moment I haven't started temping just opk's
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    Me:  37   DH:  39   DS:  4
    TTC #2 - Experienced Miscarraige on 3/5/13, DnC on 3/11/13

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