Hi! I was hoping for a vbac, but after 2 appointments in a row with low fluid my OB has scheduled a RCS for tomorrow. With DS I found out he was breech after I was in labor at the hospital and I had no issues with my supply or milk coming in. I assume that because this is scheduled and not my body telling us it's time for baby that my milk won't come in as quickly, but was hoping to hear if other women did or didn't experience that. I know one person's experience means nothing to me, I'm just looking for what I may need to expect.
Re: Delayed milk after c-section?
Married 11/27/09 and TTC right away
Dx: Complete septate uterus with cervical duplication, endometrial polyps, PCOS, endometriosis, hypo thyroid, luteal phase defect
4 uterus surgeries to correct my complete septum and to remove polyps and 2 years of seeing the RE, medicated cycles and IUIs
Baby 1 and 2: BFP 3/3/11 with 2 babies EDD 11/1/11, M/C 4/6/11
Baby #3: 8/11 pregnant EDD 4/27/11 and m/c:(
Baby #4: 10/12/11 BFP! EDD 6/16/12m/c 10/26/11
Baby #5: 3/13/12 BFP! EDD 11/25/12 ANOTHER m/c
Baby #6: 2/14/13- BFP! EDD 10/24/13, CP 2/19/13
Baby #7: 3/15/13- BFP! EDD 11/27/13, another CP
Baby #8. BFP 5/19/13 EDD 1/22/14. 8 was not our lucky number
4th septum resection on 5/31/13.
Baby #9: 6/29/13 BFP. C section scheduled for March 5th!
My miracle baby was born March 5 at 9:33am. He was 8 lbs 12.5 oz and 21.25 inches long!
But then it came in and it was like a waterfall >.>