
Delayed milk after c-section?

Hi! I was hoping for a vbac, but after 2 appointments in a row with low fluid my OB has scheduled a RCS for tomorrow. With DS I found out he was breech after I was in labor at the hospital and I had no issues with my supply or milk coming in. I assume that because this is scheduled and not my body telling us it's time for baby that my milk won't come in as quickly, but was hoping to hear if other women did or didn't experience that. I know one person's experience means nothing to me, I'm just looking for what I may need to expect.

Re: Delayed milk after c-section?

  • My milk came right in. No issues for my scheduled c section

    Married 11/27/09 and TTC right away
    Dx: Complete septate uterus with cervical duplication, endometrial polyps, PCOS, endometriosis, hypo thyroid, luteal phase defect
    4 uterus surgeries to correct my complete septum and to remove polyps and 2 years of seeing the RE, medicated cycles and IUIs
    Baby 1 and 2: BFP 3/3/11 with 2 babies EDD 11/1/11, M/C 4/6/11
    Baby #3: 8/11 pregnant EDD 4/27/11 and m/c:(
    Baby #4: 10/12/11 BFP! EDD 6/16/12m/c 10/26/11
    Baby #5: 3/13/12 BFP! EDD 11/25/12 ANOTHER m/c :(

    Baby #6: 2/14/13- BFP! EDD 10/24/13, CP 2/19/13
    Baby #7: 3/15/13- BFP! EDD 11/27/13, another CP
    Baby #8.  BFP 5/19/13 EDD 1/22/14. 8 was not our lucky number

    4th septum resection on 5/31/13.
    Baby #9: 6/29/13 BFP. C section scheduled for March 5th!

    My miracle baby was born March 5 at 9:33am. He was 8 lbs 12.5 oz and 21.25 inches long!


  • Mine wasn't scheduled but my milk came right in with DD2 after taking a week with (vaginally delivered) DD1. I think everything happens faster the second time around! Good luck!
    DD1 - Evelyn Riley - 9/30/11
    DD2 - Charlotte Avery - 1/27/14

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  • I had a scheduled c/s, and my milk came in normally.  I think the placenta separating from the uterus is the trigger for milk production, so it shouldn't matter if you labor or not.
    DS born 8/8/09 and DD born 6/12/12.
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  • Kim22Kim22 member
    I had 2 CS where I went I to labor and 1 where I didn't but milk was in day 3 all 3 times.
  • No issues with supply here.
  • No supply issues here with RCS.
  • Thanks everyone! Csection was yesterday morning and so far no issues. No milk yet, of course, but she's latching on well so hopefully not too much longer.
  • Kim22Kim22 member

    Thanks everyone! Csection was yesterday morning and so far no issues. No milk yet, of course, but she's latching on well so hopefully not too much longer.

  • I had emergency c-sec and while my breasts leaked from month 5 of pregnancy onward and I had colostrum, my milk didn't "come in" they said right away and I had to supplement for a day with formula. Baby lost 1 pound before discharge at the hospital :(

    But then it came in and it was like a waterfall >.>
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Milk came in 3 days after C/S for me. Good luck!
  • edited August 2014
    With my first I was induced at 41 weeks and 36 hours after the induction they gave me a Csection. I can't remember exactly how long it took my milk to come in...but I stayed in the hospital for 5 days, and was at home for another couple days before it came in. I had to supplement for that first week or so with this weird contraption they made. They poured the formula into a sterile pee cup, and had a tiny tube running from the cup and the other end of the tube taped to the side of my nipple lol. So, the baby was able to drink the formula from the tube, while stimulating the nipple and coaxing the milk to come in. Good luck! :)
  • My milk came in about day 4.
  • I had major issues with my milk coming in post Csection. I had to pump constantly the first couple of weeks and finally I had enough to support baby. I did need to substitute with formula those first couple of weeks.
  • This is my second child with a cs, but this time, I delivered on a Thursday, and my milk was in by Saturday/Sunday.  I feel like it took longer the first time, though not by that much.
  • I think it comes in faster the second time. My first it took a couple days but with my second it was almost immediate. Both were csec but the first was after a failed induction. The second was scheduled.
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