Hi ladies,
I'm looking for any insight from anyone who's been through a similar situation. In short - my first labor went like this:
Normal pregnancy with no plans for any intervention @ birth at all.
Water broke, fully dilated 12 hours later, pushed for over 2 hours with no progress. The surgeon said that the baby was stuck in my pelvic bone and that I have a very narrow birth canal.
At that time time they decided to do a c-section. Gave me a spinal which helped with the contractions but I could still feel them "down there"
And baby's heartbeat was weakening so they put me under general anesthetic and did the c-section with me asleep.
Mission accomplished, I'm healthy and baby is healthy.
Fast forward 16 months and I'm pregnant again and EXTREMELY nervous this time. I have had a LOT of pain at times in my abdomen when my little guy hits me there, running etc. I feel like there is a chance that I haven't healed properly. I would like to attempt a VBAC but am terrified of both the same situation happening again, and even worse - something going wrong during it. They said the spinal didn't work as I have light scoliosis in my spine and I'm not sure that a spinal or epidural would work either.
I'm scared. I'm looking for suggestions, thoughts, experiences....
I'm just bummed out. I went into my first labor calm, and just ready..... Now, I'm still months and months away and terrified of what will happen and what the right decision is.
Re: 2nd pregnancy after very hard emergency section....
~after 34 cycles we finally got our 2nd little bundle of joy~

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