Just wanted to get a general consensus of how far you went past your EDD with first babies (because from what I hear first babies are usually later, correct me if I'm wrong). My OB told me yesterday my practice will typically induce at 41 weeks. She said depending on circumstances, sometimes they will "allow you" to go into the 41st week. (I know they can't force me to be induced, but I'm hoping not to be fighting battles that late in the game).
She made a really ill-advised joke about "Crazy people waiting to go into labor naturally and their babies coming out at 42 weeks already talking"... I did not laugh, I don't think letting your body go into labor naturally is funny... I just kind of stared at her when she said that and made it awkward, haha.
I am hoping for a natural, non-intervention birth so I'm hoping that I don't go past 41 weeks, but things happen...Just curious about everyone's experience.
ETA: words
Re: When did you go in to labor with Baby #1?
I'm glad you don't plan to let them induce at 41 (assuming no health issues). I believe 41 is average for a ftm so that means as many go past to 42 weeks as deliver at 40.
Good for you for being informed and keep on standing up for yourself!
Engaged 10/2/1202
BFP (a lil quicker than expected) 12/7/2012
Married to my best friend 12/24/2012
Beautiful baby girl arrived 8/15/2013
BFP #2 3/13/2016
My second I went into labor on my EDD and he was born the same day.
agree with PPs that if there are no medical problems with you or the baby, there is no reason to induce.
Like others, I don't think your doctor's 'joke' was very funny. It's actually a red flag, IMO. I know you said you liked her, but she may not be much of an advocate of med-free birth or the natural progression of labor and delivery. If your goal is a med-free, low-intervention birth you may find a more supportive environment in a different practice. It is worth researching if you are at all concerned.
DD was born 40w6d. If she would have stayed in longer I would have had a NST at 41w3d and been induced a day shy of 42w.
TTC 10/2010; Dx: Unexplained Infertility 12/2012
IUI#1=BFP 4/3/13; EDD 12/13/13
@Aurora_Borealis I hear you. I've been down the "should I switch providers?" road. I have a variety of reasons for staying in the practice where I'm at, and few to no good alternatives with my current insurance situation. I have a fantastic doula who has experience with the practice so that helps me wrap my head around it.
Now with the twins, she started out saying she doesn't see them go past 38 weeks. But when we talked about a friend who almost made it to 40 weeks with her twins, she thought that was awesome.
I always feel comfortable asking her why things are done, alternatives, etc.
I know my provider doesn't bat an eye until after 41 weeks. After that is when she'll order some tests and watch even more closely to see if continuing the pregnancy is healthy for both mother and child. She did tell me once she did have a mother go and deliver a healthy baby at close to 43 weeks (which was the longest any of her patients was pregnant).
So happy you have a doula!!
B born 7/15/13, C born 3/2/15, #3 on the way May '17
I’m a modern man, a man for the millennium. Digital and smoke free. A diversified multi-cultural, post-modern deconstruction that is anatomically and ecologically incorrect. I’ve been up linked and downloaded, I’ve been inputted and outsourced, I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading. I’m a high-tech low-life. A cutting edge, state-of-the-art bi-coastal multi-tasker and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond! I’m new wave, but I’m old school and my inner child is outward bound. I’m a hot-wired, heat seeking, warm-hearted cool customer, voice activated and bio-degradable. I interface with my database, my database is in cyberspace, so I’m interactive, I’m hyperactive and from time to time I’m radioactive.
B born 7/15/13, C born 3/2/15, #3 on the way May '17
I’m a modern man, a man for the millennium. Digital and smoke free. A diversified multi-cultural, post-modern deconstruction that is anatomically and ecologically incorrect. I’ve been up linked and downloaded, I’ve been inputted and outsourced, I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading. I’m a high-tech low-life. A cutting edge, state-of-the-art bi-coastal multi-tasker and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond! I’m new wave, but I’m old school and my inner child is outward bound. I’m a hot-wired, heat seeking, warm-hearted cool customer, voice activated and bio-degradable. I interface with my database, my database is in cyberspace, so I’m interactive, I’m hyperactive and from time to time I’m radioactive.
Chiming in late here...
With my first, I spontaneously went into labour at 41 weeks.
With my second, even though I'm in Canada and under the care of a midwife, I was induced at 41w3d. Even the midwives' association here doesn't like for you to go much longer than that.
Although, even with the induction, I had a "med-free" (in quotations because I guess technically the induction hormones are meds
) birth, and the baby arrived in about 4 hours. 
It really seems to vary widely. I think that some people are short gestators and some are long. I am obviously (unfortunately) a long gestator.
They can do a number of tests to make sure everything is going well. I had an ultrasound at 41 weeks to make sure the placenta and umbilical chord were functioning properly, and an NST a few days later.
Monster Truck (It's a GIRL!) is due 19/02/2015!
DS1: 35w3d
DD: 39w1d
DS2: 38w2d - this little guy looked extremely post date, no vernix and he peeled like he had the worst sunburn. Very sure on his dates though.
#2 3/2015
#3 3/2017
#4 10/2019