May 2013 Moms


Hi ladies, things have been hectic (to say the least), but I wanted to come out of hiding/lurking to ask a question. At W's 9 mo appt, he still wasn't crawling and our ped was concerned. Fast forward to his 1 yr appt (bday May 14) and he's crawling like a mad man, but not standing or walking. Ped was concerned. Told me he's definitely delayed in gross motor and set us up a PT appt. I had to wait until I was done teaching, so appt is next week. Feeling kind of upset about it. W will stand at the activity table if we put him there. He will also come over to me and stand himself up against me. Still no walking. If you made it this far, you get a cookie-and a question. Any other LOs still not walking and only occasionally standing on their own? I know babies do things when they're ready. I'm just hoping my May bubs isn't the only non-stander/walker. Thanks!

Re: Non-walkers?

  • Mine isn't walking on his own yet but yes mine does stand on his own and cruise. What really helped DS was when spring hit I would take him outside and we have really scratchy nasty grass and he would gorilla crawl as I call it. He did not like it touching his knees or butt to the grass so it really motivated him to stand more and it is still my best motivator for walking on his own. Well that and food. I have finally just this past two weeks gotten him to take a few steps.

    Maybe you just need to find more motivation for him to get up and move. I heard a friend recently tell me about her twins and one didn't start standing or walking until 18 months because the other twin was walking at 9 month and would do for her sister. I think motivation is a big factor. Probably why I still have a crawler/cruiser and not a walker.

    Good luck with your appt. and keep us informed! 

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  • delinodelino member
    I know a baby born the same day as mine who isn't walking and one born a week earlier who isn't walking either.
    3 ectopic pregnancies (EDD's 1/30/12-tube removed, 6/2/12-methotrexate and 10/2/12-methotrexate)
    IVF and Natural FET resulted in BFN's and a hole in our wallets
    Natural BFP #4 on 9/7/12 gave us our miracle on 5/18/13
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  • I went through the exact same thing (no crawling at the 9 month appt and still not walking). A difference would be that W wasn't breathing when he was born, so CP was mentioned (scared the crap out of us). We saw a specialist that confirmed the gross motor delay but wasn't worried about CP. He doesn't think W will walk until 18 months.

    W has been in PT since he was 9 months old for the delay. It has been great for him and he loves his physical therapist. He's come a long way but didn't stand on his own yet (he'll pull up on furniture and people but won't just stand on his own). I'm happy he's making progress and remind myself that he'll walk when he's ready.

    Feel free to PM if you want to chat.
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  • My Ped said that on average babies walk between 9-15 months and she would not be concerned until at least 15 months.

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  • Im curious why your pedi is "concerned". I didnt think crawling was a milestone since lots of babies never crawl.

    Being concerned that he isnt walking at a year is strange to me. Unless there are other signs that point to a potential issue, i think your pedi is being a bit of an alarmist.

    DX: PCOS/Recurrent losses/MTHFR mutation (compound hetero)
    5 hysteroscopies/2 surgical
    3 Inject IUIs = 2 m/c's and 1 BFN
    IVF #1= BFP. m/c at 7w6d. Needed 2 D&C's and scar tissue removal. Mild OHSS
    IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!
  • MamaMDMamaMD member
    My LO is pulling up and cruising.  She is not standing alone without holding on to something (or someone).  She can walk while pushing her walker but not on her own.  My pedi said about half of babies are walking at their 1 year visit so I agree with others that it seems a little too early to worry at this point.
  • It's not a 12 month milestone. Like pp said, unless there are other things going on, your pedi sounds overly conservative.
  • My ODS didn't start walking until 13.5 months and my younger DS isn't walking yet. He was born 5-5. He crawls super fast, stands, and pushes his walking toys so our pedi didn't seem concerned other than the fact he wouldn't sit still during his appt. ;) I walked at 9 months and DH walked at 18 I'm sure he'll fall somewhere in the middle like ODS.
    TTC January 2010
    BFP #1 10-11-10 ectopic discovered 10-22-10, 10-23-10 methotrexate & emergency surgery, lost right tube BFP #2 12-1-10 Found to be tissue dropped from salingectomy or missed heterotopic pregnancy from BFP #1 BFP #3 1-30-11 DS arrived on due date 10-10-11 BFP #4 Surprise 9-3-12 EDD 5-9-13 DS2 arrived 5-5-13 BFP #5 5-14-14 Emergency D&C 6-16-14 9 weeks
  • missk0411 said:

    It's pretty obvious to us that A is not going to be the world's best athlete, but it's also clear that she does things when she wants. 

    Not necessarily!  My first didn't take her first tentative steps until 16 months, and couldn't actually walk across a room until 18 months.  My daycare began telling me to find another center, since they weren't equipped to handle kids with "special needs".  That was back in 1998.  She'll be 16 next month, was captain of her JV volleyball team in high school, played varsity soccer as a sophomore, and runs about 4 miles a day.  You just never know!  OP, try not to worry too much.  I agree with getting things checked out (we did) but just because your LO "may" seem behind others at this young age, doesn't mean it will last that way for a lifetime.  GL!

    **DD1 - 7/9/98**

    **DS - 11/9/00**

    **DD2 - 4/30/13**

  • Thanks for all the support ladies. I'll update you next wed after we go!
  • My Godson didnt start walking until 14 months. He skipped crawling all together and barely ever stood prior to taking his first steps. Hope all goes well at the appt :-)

  • I have a friend whose daughter didn't walk until 20 months. She's 9 now and perfectly fine.
  • DS is not standing or walking independently. He is pulling to stand, cruising and will take some steps with 2 hands held. I'm not worried. As other pp mentioned, I'd look into your state's EI program if you're concerned. Typically, walking isn't considered delayed until 18 months.

    BFP #2: 08/23/12; EDD: 05/04/13 ~Please stick little one!!! DS born 05/09/13 at 40w5d

    BFP #1: 05/05/12; EDD: 01/01/13; m/c: 05/21/12 ~Forever in our hearts~ 

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  • Mine isnt walking either and will be 14 months next week... he stands alot on his own and cruises around stuff and practically runs behind his toys(walker, car) he will walk with us holding his hands.. he took a couple steps a few weeks ago but has no interest in it anymore..hes more interested in getting into drawers and things and taking everything out over and over haha!  Whenever we try and work on it with him hell usually just drop to his knees and get mad and crawl to us.. he did that bear walking thing for a couple weeks so I thought maybe he was trying to walk but he stopped doing that.  Hopefully hell catch on otherwise I joke hell be bringing his walker to kindergarden with him lol
  • I am with some of the other mamas. It never hurts to have evaluation done. More than likely it will put the worries away. Mine is not walking yet born 5/26/13. She will stand but that's it. She didn't crawl until she well into her 10 almost 11mos. Hope the evaluation turns out well. Keep us updated
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  • DD1 didnt crawl until 11 months and walked at 17 months. She then went on to ride a 2 wheeler at 3 years old. no gross motor delay in that girl!! Good luck, but I think your pedi is totally overreacting.
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