
Thyroid Question

Have any of you had your thyroid removed? I've been having such a tough time with it since my DD was born 9 years ago. I just had my second dd in November and it is even more out of whack now. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis about 5 years ago. I have my TSH and T4 checked every 6 weeks and there is always a pretty dramatic swing in my levels. My endocrinologist has been very against me having it removed do to my age (27) and me wanting more kids.

I am getting a second opinion next Friday and they are having me do a thyroid ultrasound this Thursday to check for nodules before my appointment. I plan to ask this new doctor his opinion on getting it removed. It is painful, makes it hard to swallow, made me unable to breastfeed, and causes horrible headaches. I guess my question here is, are there any questions you would suggest asking? Any side effects? Medication regimen you've had to follow? And probably most importantly for me, were you able to have children after having it removed? TIA!


Re: Thyroid Question

  • I had mine removed 6 years ago because of thyroid cancer.  I also had a neck dissection for the same reason in 2012.  

    I had no problems from the original removal at all, the neck dissection though has ruined my voice.  I have had 3 vocal cord surgeries since the neck dissection.  My case was different though, I had a cluster of cancerous tumors around my vocal cords that the removal of them paralyzed the right side of my larynx.  Vocal problems can happen with a normal thyroidectomy.

     You will need to be on the medication for the rest of your life, but its just one small pill everyday and doesn't have any side effects. I get my levels tested about every 6 months.  

    It didn't effect my fertility at all.  

    Let me know if you have any other questions!  If it's painful and making it hard the swallow I personally would get it removed for sure. 
    2 Beautiful Boys 11.7.03 & 4.23.13
  • That is very helpful thank you both! I am just nervous I guess because my doctor has made such a big deal about me not getting it out until I'm older. Right now I take 3 pills a day to total 350 mg per day. Which apparently is a VERY high dose for someone 5'1 120lbs.

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  • And I'm sorry to hear about your vocal cord troubles :( that has to be tough!
  • I would go talk to an ENT and get their opinion on the surgery, I'm assuming you're already seeing an Endo?  If not, I would make sure to see an Endo and an ENT so they can work together on your case.  

    2 Beautiful Boys 11.7.03 & 4.23.13
  • That is great information. Thank you! I have been seeing a endo for 9 years and my levels have never evened out. My doses have changed almost every time I get my labs checked which is every 6 weeks. My TSH in April was 26 and when I just had them redrawn TSH was >.01. My T4 was .55 in April and 2.18 now. My endo has no explanation for such a major swing with no medication change which is why I am seeing someone else. I will contact an ENT as well. Thanks!
  • Sundae13 said:
    I had mine "killed" with radioactive iodine three years ago.  I chose that over the surgery, but had to be away from my kids for a week +.  I have Graves disease.  

    It didn't affect my fertility, but I did have to bump my levothyroxine while pregnant.  Like, the instant the stick turned positive my endocrinologist had me take more meds.  
    This is 100 percent me. Graves, Radioactive Iodine, no fertility effects and change of meds. 



  • Thanks @lisajay09 I hope so too! I've had two ultrasounds and one nuclear medicine thyroid scan. I was taking Levoxyl but they recalled it about a year ago and I was switched to Synthroid. It ended up being $150 per month which I didn't have extra to spend and then only end up using half of one month because they would switch my dose after 6 weeks. So I have been taking generic. I do take my meds every morning when I wake up at 5am, do my workout, and then eat breakfast around 7am. So there is plenty of time for it to absorb. Hopefully I'll get somewhere next Friday!
  • I also had Graves and the iodine treatment. I am now hypo and on levothyroxine. I never had any fertility problems, but I didn't have the treatment until after kids.

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